Well I'm going to get the tiger, but my unlocks leaves room for one more t3 unlock. The choices are Blitzkrieg assault which does irrc + a bunch of speed and firing rate + crush - accuracy.
Or German engineering which allows you to buy an extra repair kit but at increased cost (plus 30 mu I think is the highest).
I'll be getting Lightning war t4 so my Tiger will go pretty fast etc. I'm thinking that my tank force will be either a panther, tiger, and pIV or panther, tiger, and a few light vehicles (pumas or flammens).
If I get the extra repair kits, that would essentially double my force (assuming they live to repair) and could be very powerful, the extra munitions won't be an issue considering the few tanks I'll have anyways.
But then there is blitzkrieg, I've never had it but I've seen how devastating it can be when used appropriately, although it seems like a good way to overextend with a vet 3 tank
Suggestions/tips on blitzkrieg?