I lookes through the files WW2/Scar/command.scar, WW2/Scar/groupcallers.scar and WW2/Scar/modifier.scar and the Scar Documentation website.
I could find a function definition called:
--? @shortdesc Applies critical hit to entity/squad/sgroup/egroup
--? @extdesc Critical id is the critical hit to apply
--? @extdesc Damage id is which damage bucket to put the critical in (green, yellow, or red)
--? @extdesc Player id doesn't have to be the owner as the applied entities but need to make sure the player is still alive
--? @args PlayerID playerid, SGroupID/EGroupID/Squad/Entity target, CriticalID criticalid, DamageID damageid
--? @result Void
function Cmd_CriticalHit( player, target, criticalbp, damagebp )
Which applies a critical hit to a egroup or sgroup. This function contains a subfunction called
Command_PlayerEntityCriticalHit and Command_PlayerSquadCriticalHit
and the scar documentation website says its located at
[DLL, from file /Cross/WW2Mod/Simulation/LuaLibs/LuaCommand.cpp]
Is it able to have a deeper look into this file because i want to know
what these sub routines really doing.
Maybe it's possible to write a Remove_CriticalHit function or a overwrite function which converts a
red/yellow damaged engine critical into a green damaged engine ciritical.
A total remove would be unbalanced but a green damaged engine could be a good deal.*Just my thoughts*