He let things come to him, and then he made up his mind ...
one of his characteristics was that he really enjoyed playing the devil's advocate.
Conservatives were convinced that he was a ferocious Nazi,
and ferocious Nazis were convinced he was an unreconstructed conservative.
He was neither! -Nina von Stauffenberg-
RIPDu bist bei mir, wenn auch Dein Leib verging
und immer ist's als ob Dein Arm mich noch umfing.
Dein Auge strahlt mir zu im Wachen und im Traum,
Dein Mund neigt sich zu mir, Dein Flüstern schwingt im Raum:
„Geliebtes Kind! Sei stark! Sei Erbe mir! Wo du auch immer bist - Ich bin bei dir!"
Nina von Staufenberg (KZ-Ravensbrück 1945) The German officer who tried to kill Hitlerhttp://www.dw.de/germany-remembers-the-plot-to-kill-hitler/a-17792469Operation Valkyrie