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Author Topic: StuG spam with H.E.A.T rounds.  (Read 2672 times)
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demoner Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 212

« on: April 20, 2008, 08:17:22 pm »

Heres my question (Since I have never seen this done.)

Is it possible to provide overly sufficient anti tank with StuG spam (6+ of the buggers) with 2 out at every moment using H.E.A.T rounds (and all doctrine abilities leading up to them.)

You're looking at a sufficiently ranged AT gun with the ability to do pretty hefty damage and with the penetration bonus they should be able to hit even pershings.

Does this work as well as I'm imagining it ? Or is there something I'm overlooking. StuGs in VCoH can take on M10s, and in packs of 2s can level M10s with little to no problem. With 10(20%) more range and 25% more damage and 15% penetration you're looking at a pretty cheap weapon.


First one is StuGs basic attacks, second one is Panzer4's basic attacks.

Both do the same damage. StuG reloads at 7 seconds, panzer4 at ~5 seconds. When you factor in the same damage, but the StuG with H.E.A.T rounds you get that the StuG does 89% of the Panzer4's damage over time. BUT. BUT. The StuG does 150% damage to Shermans and 125% damage to M10s. It ALSO has more penetration values against shermans, M10s, and pershings.

So after that tidbit of math look at it. The Pz4 can already hold against shermans pretty well, and the StuG can as well. Since the Sherman is the most common kind of enemy and the StuG does 150% damage to it and will be able to penetrate and hurt the pershings rather well, can you StuG spam and effectively ignore shreks since the StuGs will all but eliminate the most common type of Allied armor from being able to be used.

I realize the Pz4 is an infantry support tank but with the munitions saved from shreks I imagine I can dump it all into LMG42s and make up for the AI power.

For perspective sakes, it takes about 7 seconds for 2 StuGs to kill a sherman. Assuming you start at 0 seconds, and all shots hit.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2008, 08:21:49 pm by demoner » Logged
Wraith547 Offline
15th Panzer Division
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Posts: 593

« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2008, 08:23:23 pm »

Eh, not a big fan.

You are still going to need either:
1. Excellent micro to prevent your stugs from getting flanked *or*
2. Pak38s backing your stugs to prevent circle strafing *or*
3. Man packed AT to prevent your stugs from getting circled.

Also keep in mind that stugs can't hit shit when moving and have a long windup/aim time.

A good allied tanker is going to give you hell, but you can probably pull it off due to the low costs of the stug. 10 stugs>2 pershings.
stumpster Offline
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Posts: 2197

« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2008, 08:34:47 pm »

You're probably better off with a PZIV on the field at all times.  Having two StuGs out constantly doesn't help you much in the anti-infantry side of things (where at least PzIV's are pretty decent) and they take up more population than a PzIV would.

Oh, and an immobilized PzIV can at least do SOMETHING still.  An immobilized StuG couldn't do jack.

Step out of the way. He'll keep going until he hits a wall, that being Akranadas. Let him go unmolested, his journey will take less time.
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