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Author Topic: Allies Suggestions/Balance  (Read 4743 times)
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Scyn Offline
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« on: May 21, 2009, 08:04:14 am »

The purpose of this thread is for community input about the allied factions. Please only make Suggestions and Balance related issues. Please only post Once, if you have something additional to add, Modify your original post. This thread will be reviewed at a later date, please do not criticize other peoples' suggestions in this thread. This is Not a discussion thread, this is about brainstorming and improvements to be made that we may have missed.

God is a genetically induced obsession that we interpret in such a way as to maintain our obedience.
Malevolence Offline
Posts: 1871

« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2009, 09:32:57 am »

Make strategic level arty for Americans with a huge spread, long incoming time, and somewhat reduced damage with a bigger area of effect rather than a precision-strike style offmap for tactical use - I believe this will encourage decision making about artillery rather than "lolboom" tac strikes that rape a squad or two or force instant retreat as well as give the American faction another interesting facet that differentiates them from the other factions making them unique and more playable.

Give Americans a better or at least alternate way to repair other than repair engies, every other faction has at least one way to upgrade repair speed (repair bunker vs pios, adv repair/berge vs pgrens, adv repair sappers vs regular sappers).

Make the 2 inch mortar less crappy (range is okay, just buff damage by 5 or something, it's so bad not only at killing things, but also at hitting them without having fire returned on it - make it do one or the other, at least).

57mm hold fire if possible/applicable. I would've liked to see the cloakable 57mm idea given to Americans as was originally discussed, but for some reason they were given to the British and that confuses me.

Make the Churchill Mk. IV suck less in some way (cromwell gun?)

Continue attempting to fix the Croc's main gun to fire in sync with the flamer at a target.

Consider the principles behind factional emplacements for British (for instance: why is bofors for everyone but mortar pit is not? What about the 17 lber? Why is the MG emplacement for everybody even though there's now a weapon team that does the same job? Vickers team replaces commando vickers team, but vickers team doesn't replace mg emplacement? It's all somewhat muddled in terms of reasoning to me).

Mortar teams should consider changing the ratio of manpower to munitions (not only for Americans and British, 500 manpower mortar but less than 100 munitions? Seems a bit off kilter to me).


I agree that we need to look at the Stuart and Cromwell as well as all British tanks. They were designed and balanced for use in a game where overrepair exists and be roughly balanced therein, we need to know that now that overrepair doesn't exist in EiRR that we need to rebalance the tanks.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 01:43:18 pm by Malevolence » Logged

Akranadas' Greatest Hits, Volume 1:

Quote from: Akranadas
Vet has nothing to do with unit preformance.

Quote from: Akranadas
We are serious about enforcing this, and I am sure you all want to be able to have your balance thought considered by the development team with some biased, sensationalist coming into your thread and ruining it.
deadbolt Offline
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« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2009, 10:24:40 am »

Fix commandos demo charges kthxbye

Like Jesus, Keeps died for us

He made a funny thread for bear, and got banned.

Now bear makes his own funny thread. It's unsurprisingly not funny.

Keeps died for our funny threads.
Ununoctium Offline
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« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2009, 12:12:56 pm »

Reduce sticky bomb throwing time.
make stickies unlimited uses.
Current;y the problem is that a reversing vehicle will use up a use so if it goes back and forth it can use up your uses without ever using a sticky bomb

Quote from: shockcoil
Quote from: CrazyWR
My tigers get penetrated by everything.  Its really really frustrating.
Your tiger is a whore
gamesguy2 Offline
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« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2009, 01:01:30 pm »

FOO -Remove it from the LT and add it to the captain.
.  FOO is too good on the LT.  The lieutenant is already very useful and powerful. 

Cromwell - Increase moving accuracy to .75.  All other medium tanks has .75 moving accuracy modifier.  Cromwell has the worst armor which justifies its low price.

Stuart - Increase moving accuracy to .75, increase accuracy vs infantry to .75.   Its currently pretty useless.  It needs to be more accurate against infantry and on the move, or it needs dodge bonuses same as puma/M8.

Bren Carrier - Needs a vision upgrade.  Say 30 munitions for +15 vision, change stealth detection radius to 13.

2in Mortar - Increase Damage, Increase barrage range to match ground attack range,   Pretty self-explanatory.

Churchill - Needs a better gun, replace with new cromwell gun with better accuracy.

57mm - Selective Fire.  Toggle switch that allows you to switch between free fire and fire only on vehicles.

Newbie Advantages - Increase the effects. There is too big an gap between a high pp company and a low pp company.   Newbie advantages need buffed.  Maybe implement some kind of reinforcement call in similar to offmap combat group for newbie advantage.    So you can get a couple of extra riflemen and a sherman if the gap in PP is too great.

Offmaps vs Onmaps - Increase onmap artillery gun/weapon resistance to offmap artillery, but not the crew. Similar to how the flak 88 gun itself is extremely resistant to artillery.  Static onmap artillery such as howitzers and nebels should be easy to decrew with counter-arty, but difficult to destroy.  Do not increase their resistance to normal weapons.  A couple of shrek hits should still destroy a howitzer. 

Price Adjustments

  • Quad- 300 manpower, 60 munitions, 50 fuel. Price should be more inline with other light vehicles now
  • Recoiless Rifles– Reduce cost to 150 munitions, skirts make them too weak
  • M8 – Reduce skirt cost to 50 munitions.

Population Adjustments

  • Quad- 7 pop(+1)
  • Sherman Croc – 10 pop(-2)


  • Priest - Remove from reinforcements.
  • Cromwell Command Tank - Remove from reinforcements.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 04:08:41 pm by gamesguy2 » Logged
Mysthalin Offline
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« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2009, 01:52:52 pm »

CCT removed from reinforcements. Lieut can stay.

Churchill gun replaced with one that actualy hits things. Lessen the cost.

AVRE base recharge time set to roughly 60-75 seconds rather than what it is now.

Stuart made to not suck this horribly. Lessen the damage it takes from shreks (modifier 0.85 or so), change canister round from 85 to 100 mun and make it on a cooldown of 4 minutes, instead of single use.

Quad :
Popcap 5 > 7.
Availability 4 > 2/3(maybe 3 to match pumas and ACs?).

Crocodile :
Availability 1 > 2(it's a suicide unit, come on, let us have 2 of the nasty buggers!).

2 inch mortar.
Range and damage increase both by 25 percent.

Stickies changed to unlimited use - noone's gonna use a single squad all game(more than 4 times) anyways, and they at least can't be bugged out that way.

Pershing penetration vs skirted P4s tuned - 3-6 bounces in a row is something not right.

CW mobile wickers MG suppresion fire ability potency halved. Instapin behind heavy cover on a grenadier squad is not acceptable.

PIAT commandos given fallshirmjaeger ambush cloak.

Cromwell should stay as is due to low cost.

Tetrarch revert damage per shot from 65 to 75, HP set definately to 300(I've got a hunch relic changed it to 250), acceleration and speed may have been tampered with as well, could use a confirmation on those two. Should be set to 2.301 values, though. It's a very micro intensive unit, and nerfing the damage from 75 to 65 increases the ammount of time you need to micro it by an average of 15 seconds for every tank(much longer on a hetzer, though).

Riflemen and Tommie availability unlimited.

Airborne availability increased to at the very least 8 per AB company. Preferably 8 in a reinforcements package, and unlimited for airborne doctrines. Their use as a rather high-cost shock troop, and not as a high-cost AT troop should be encouraged.

Strategic arty off-map implemented (huge area of affect, large number of highly randomised shells that do poor damage to units in light cover, negligible in heavy cover, none in buildings, extreme if in no cover or in negative cover(poor damage to retreaters).

No unit should cost PPs to put on the field, just to unlock(pershing, calliope), only a PP sink if the unit is getting spammed.

Ranger availability changed to 6 for infantry company(from 4).

Recon Tomies availability 4 (from 2).

M10 wind-up removed/lessened to match other armored vehicles, replaced with an equal time of reload.

Demo charges placeable everywhere commando style. If that's not going to happen, at least give engineers and sappers the ability to plant them in houses, bridges and decrewed support weapons. Making them work in general would be fun.

57 mm gains AP rounds by default on a cooldown of 200 seconds, not a 2 use 50 mun ability. Cost increased to pak price to compensate.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2009, 08:05:19 am by Mysthalin » Logged

DuckOfDoom Offline
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« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2009, 02:26:26 pm »


Cromwell needs an accuracy buff (more specifically anti infantry accuracy), it tends to hit way less then the equivalent tanks.

Stuarts need either a dodge buff or an accuracy buff, preferably both. As they are, stuarts are completely useless since every at weapon can hit them roughly 100% of the time..

Recon tommies need to be able to snipe weapon teams and at gun crews, as well as garrisoned units. Its pretty stupid that they lost that ability (was it RELICs fault?).

Allied infantry squads are taking way too much damage from flametrowers. Could this be an inheritance from vCoh?

2inch mortar needs a damage buff

Make Casuality Clearing station to be more in line with the triage.


Quad needs a pop increase from 5 to 7 or 8. Quad burst time needs to be shortened by 1 second.

just off the top of my head..

« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 07:39:01 pm by DuckOfDoom » Logged
SaintPauli Offline
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« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2009, 04:41:23 pm »

Emplacements – Make these OMG style.

New British units - Remove these. Sorry I just don’t like them. They only provide what you could already achieve by choosing the commando doctrine or buying a reinforcement package.

Curchill Avre – Needs faster reload time.

Halftracks – Give halftrack the ability to preload other units. 

Bren carrier - Give Bren carrier the ability to preload other units. 

Exploding vehicles - Increase number of casualties on transported units.   

Repair – Remove the repair ability on all allied units. Give the Americans a repair building and give sappers the option of purchasing the repair ability. Repair speed needs to be inverted. Small front line repairs should be faster. It should take very long to repair res/yellow tanks.   

Offmap artillery – Offmap artillery creates a big imbalance between new and experience companies. One of the problems is that offmap artillery makes onmap artillery useless. This means that new companies won’t have any artillery until they unlock offmaps. This normally requires 15-20 games because you also “need” to unlock other units and resource bonuses to compete. At the same time the experienced players can field both offmap and onmap artillery against new companies without the fear of loosening them. In a high level game the offmaps renders onmap artillery useless for both sides. So once again. I urge you to remove offmaps from the game.   
Command units – Should preferably be removed from the game since they make pricing of other units difficult (a firefly with a v2 command tank fires almost twice as fast). As a minimum these should at least be removed from the reinforcements pakages. If you choose to keep these units and offmaps then move FOO to the captain.

Price adjustment:

•   American mines - 15 Mun (1 use)
•   Bazookas - Available to rangers and riflemen – Price increase 
•   M8 Mines - Price increase   
•   M8 Skirts – Make it cost fuel instead.
•   Smoke ability – Available for purchase on all tanks.
•   Piats - Price increase   
•   Littlejohn Adapter - Price reduction   
•   Casualty Clearing Station - Price increase   
•   Stuart Light Tank – Price reduction
•   Quad .50 – Price reduction

Population adjustments:

•   Quad .50 – 7 pop (+2)
•   57mm 5 pop (+1)
•   Calliope - 14 pop (+4)
•   Howitzer - 10 pop (+1)
•   Pershing 16 pop (-1)
•   Stuart Light Tank - 7 pop (-1)
•   Bren MMG carrier 6 pop (+2)
•   3in Mortar emplacement 6 pop (+2)
•   Priest Self Propelled Artillery 12 pop (+1)
•   17 pndr Anti Tank gun 5 pop (+1)
•   Cromwell 11 (-1)
•   Curchill MMIV 10 pop (-2)
•   Curchill Avre 10 pop (+2)
•   Cromwell Command tank 5 pop (+2)

Following units should be taken out of the reinforcement packages:

•   Howitzer
•   Priest Self Propelled Artillery
•   Sherman Firefly
•   Cromwell Command tank
•   Lieutenant
•   Captain

spinn72 Offline
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« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2009, 05:14:28 pm »

- Priest should get a 2nd Creeping Barrage at Vet3, not Vet2 (Creeping Barrage is OP and Vet2 is too easy to get to even without it)
- Increase Moving Accuracy of Stuart Light Tank
- Slightly increase accuracy of cromwell.  I understand it is meant to be the worst heavy tank on the field, but at least it shouldn't be by much.
- Increase Flank Speed cost of cromwell to 35 Munitions from 30.  Right now running over infantry for unlimited uses and surviving can make it too good.
- Put FOO on Captain, Not Leutenant.  Consequently Increase Captain Cost by 30MP/10 Muni. 
- Also Give Captain a Bren Gun at Vet1/Vet2 (button not needed however).
- Give Bren Carrier More detection, maybe +10

- Give Royal Artillery Some Off Maps!!  25 pounder barrage???  maybe an Overwatch like Shot (1 shot of an overwatch barrage, with high splash radius, fire, and medium damage to infantry, but low damage to everything else)

- Increase Quad Halftrack Pop Limit and Slightly Increase Munitions Cost
- Remove CCT from Royal Engineer Reinforcements, Replace with 17 pounder AT gun.

I've only really played brits and so i can suggest those things really
« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 05:17:24 pm by spinn72 » Logged
31stPzGren Offline
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« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2009, 07:29:02 pm »

Allied Rifleman - Gain ability to build barbed wire/sand bags/tank traps with Infantry doctrine, as previously mentioned. Increase availability of them as a result of infantry doctrine as well.

Fire Up - Revert cooldown or Half cooldown Period.

Sniper - Consider reducing price marginally and increase availability to 2/1. This is currently what I find, to be the most efficient counter to all the amount of vet that axis have and their support weapon spam. This will cause axis players to have to field units for "recrewing", indirectly taking away the over all firepower.

Jeep - Increase availability from 4 to 6, reduce MP cost to 100. Required for patrolling & scouting. No one is going to pay 1 PP for a stupid jeep which can die to a single pak shot.

HMG - Reduce AP round cost to encourage usage. Currently it would appear that the axis MG42 is a great infantry suppressing unit while the allied HMG can't seem to get its job right. Reduce the cost of AP rounds so that people will see this weapon as a generic all-around 'soft counter' and make it viable. Consider making the set up time 0.5 sec faster to encourage combined arms usage on the allies.

Rangers - Reduce munition cost to 60 or 70. The bazookas are useful... but not that fantastic. Increasing ranger usage on the field will allow for better face up against axis vehicles (particularly PE and such). A ranger + AT Gun combination nowadays are very viable for a starting call in. It would be good to encourage it. Increase ranger availability as well perhaps to 6 instead of 4.

Airborne - Gain ability to build barbed wire/sand bags with doctrine ability. Increase AB availability significantly for AB doctrines. AB Infantry are a great way to change the pace of games and should not be limited. I availability of up to 8 or even 10. RRs are not a problem because of its high cost as well as the abundance of axis specialised anti inf units. Without insane buffs to infantry health & damage (i.e. raid assault), AB requires a lot of skill to use and may even become a liability.

Triage - Reduce Muni cost for triage to encourage smart tactical use of allied units. Axis can always opt to use snipers to insta-kill units to prevent them from healing. Other deadly anti-inf counters such as ostwind (which usually insta kill each shot), armoured car, puma etc will still counter it.

M8 - Reduce skirts cost to 50 muni. You can consider changing skirts cost to 35 fuel as well.

For the British

Stuart - Reduce MP cost, Fuel cost & Popcap, or boost its fighting capabilities.

Recon Section - Increase availability to 4 from 2.
wildsolus Offline
Posts: 807

« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2009, 08:36:57 pm »

Price adjustment:

•   American mines - 15 Mun (1 use)
•   Bazookas - Available to rangers and riflemen – Price increase 
•   M8 Mines - Price increase   
•   M8 Skirts – Make it cost fuel instead.
•   Smoke ability – Available for purchase on all tanks.
•   Piats - Price increase   
•   Littlejohn Adapter - Price reduction   
•   Casualty Clearing Station - Price increase   
•   Stuart Light Tank – Price reduction
•   Quad .50 – Price reduction

americans get 2 mines because they have 3 pop instead of the wehr 2 iirc which is why the pio only has 1 mine.

bazookas available to rifles would be interesting but might make axis light armor extremely rare (depending on the price anyway).

and from a few posts so far, people are looking for a price reduction but higher pop on quads... i run with two in my company right now and agree it may be a little over priced but it is the perfect infantry killing machine if you time it correctly.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 08:39:01 pm by wildsolus » Logged

Smokaz Offline
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« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2009, 09:26:07 pm »


Jeep availability increased from 4 to 6 for all doctrines
Sniper availability increased from 1 to 2 for all doctrines
Rifle availability increased from 12 to 14 for all doctrines

Quad availability increased from 4 to 6 for armor doctrine
Sherman availability increased from 4 to 6 for armor doctrine
Calliope availabiliy increased to 1 for armor doctrine
Pershing availability increased to 1 for armor doctrine


Cost of american 60mm mortar decreased to 300/40
Cost of american riflemen reduced to 185 MP

CCT stays in reinforcement packages, bonuses tuned towards american tanks.

Ranger offensive veterancy bonuses slightly reduced
Airborne offensive veterancy bonuses slightly reduced
Riflemen defensive veterancy bonuses strongly increased
Engineer defensive veterancy bonuses moderately increased
« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 09:30:12 pm by Smokaz » Logged

SlippedHerTheBigOne: big penis puma
SlippedHerTheBigOne: and i have no repairkits
SlippedHerTheBigOne: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
DietrichKemmler Offline
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« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2009, 10:58:23 pm »

The only major thing I see/feel a need for is a decrease to Stuart cost.
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2009, 02:40:02 am »


- delay between smoke and until they come should be increased that it is possible to save your units when you pay attention (that fit for all offmaps from all factions)


- 8pp (no frontline unit does its damage from far away, sherman armor/speed very difficult to kill) - 14 pop

105 Howie

- 9 pop -> 11pop
- way to cheap -> 250fuel 490MP


- 11pop ->13 pop
- 4-5pp

- one of the most effective units (need 3 shots to make most axis infantry retreating, 2 shots for support weapons) 200mun->250mun 500MP->550MP 7pop->8pop (No available increase)


- 2pp (Heavy tanks are frontline units that can get killed "easily")
- 17->16 pop
- 680mp


- mun costs 100-110
- tune exp requierements for vet (can't be that i got a vet3 rangersquad after 2 games)


- pop should match with puma (currently 8pop)
- maybe more changes


- mines are way to cheap ->50 mun
- skirts should cost fuel not munitions (50 fuel 100MP e.g.)


- Bar supression fire is on cooldown when they come onto field
- Stickies one Use and decrease costs 80mun->65mun


- AP rounds still there after recrewing (probably not possible)
- availability 4->5
- accuracy against other AT guns (including marder while locked down) decreased


- .50cal price needs to go up (with the burst bug) 70mun
- upgun 100mun -> 80 mun


- Bren -> 110mun button is on cooldown when they come onto field
- recon tommi available increase to 4 and tommi available decrease to 10

- gets FOO


- remove FOO


- 550 MP  430 Fuel
- decrease pop by 1


- mun costs for flankspeed ->50


- fuel 50->40
- tank commander upgrade 45-35mun
- MP295 -> 250MP

2 inch Mortar

- range increase to almost us mortar range
- price adjustment (to be not far from us mortar)

british 6pounder

- decrease accuracy against other AT guns (including marder while locked down)
- fix the cloak..right now it is that it fires 3 cloaked shots than uncloak and cloak again while keep shooting -> uncloak after first shoot

... to be continued ...
« Last Edit: May 22, 2009, 04:30:30 am by BigDick » Logged
Tymathee Offline
Posts: 9741

« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2009, 04:08:51 am »

i think you could make stuarts free and they'd still suck, quite possibly the worst unit in the game.

"I want proof!"
"I have proof!"
"Whatever, I'm still right"

Dafuq man, don't ask for proof if you'll refuse it if it's not in your favor, logic fallacy for the bloody win.
EIRRMod Offline
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« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2009, 07:05:41 am »

Thread pruned as per thread theme.

1 post per person
Not a discussion (Except to explain your own point)

Quote from: brn4meplz
Shit I'm pretty sure you could offer the guy a cup of coffee and he'd try to kill you with the mug if you forgot sugar.
Quote from: tank130
That's like offering Beer to fuck the fat chick. It will work for a while, but it's not gonna last. Not only that, but there is zero motivation for the Fat chick to loose weight.
Quote from: tank130
Why don't you collect up your love beads and potpourri and find something constructive to do.
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