If you were Slav and first time read english, german or other west roman language it would be unreadeable for you don't read is as english word the latin alphabet was accustomed to spoken polish language so some words looks like unreadeable, let's say
John you will write this in polish as Dżon or Drzon (you spell the same) it works both ways but it's harder for you to write polish in english cuz you are missing letters.
Well polish is complicated but beautiful language for me.
Czech are more crazy they have words without vowels which you won't see even in polish lol.
Every language with another alphabet than latin is hard. For example in russian alphabet letters are mixed (p in latin=r in russian;x=h) so the biggest problem is to break routine. I heard from my polish teacher that chineese woman said polish is hard than chineese (Damn I can't even see bigger differecne between their symbols as pronounce. There are 10 thousands symbols as I know, but you need only to learn 4 thousands)