I really think you guys are a little over the top with the amount of PP needed to fully work your company out.
I mean if you wanted to go straight for all doctrine unlocks, you would have to spend 650 PP, thats 65 games, mind you they have to be equal levels, what probably won't work as people rank up after that amount of games and theres more people that are lower rank than you are.
If you wanted to have advantages unlocked, that would be another 275 PP, that's about 30 games.
So all in all you would have to play about 100 games, not spending PP on Veterancy (what will still happen, probably by accident).
And again, if you are that high ranked you will have troubles finding equal or even better enemies, or always the same.
I'd say, reduce the T3 amount of PP from 100 to 75 and the T4 amount from 200 PP to 100 PP.
And the T3 Advantage to 75 from 100 PP.
I know it's not that much of a difference, but still.
There's so many casual gamer out there, that will probably get bored after so many games.
Just a thought.
Btw: Update your posts in the other forums (gr.org, relicnews), so people start playing now when they still have a chance to catch up