This thread is pure hilarity.
The best part is, the irony isn't only above Anthony's head.

Anthony, making threads like this makes it painfully obvious that you have never played anything but blitzkrieg this war, and that you are only making balance posts based off of tactics that you have lost to.
Just cause you lost to it does not make it unbalanced.
Yes, we know T17s are hard to deal with. There are some balance issues here, but people would take you much much more seriously if you actually played armor a bit.
At this moment, imo, complaints about light armor spam are now pretty much limited to those few who either are ignorant and refuse to adapt to the metagame, or are simply outplayed, and choose to hide behind accusations that a particular unit/strat/tactic/EIRRMOD's bananna/(insert something else silly here) is OP because they are just refuseing to accept their lack of skill leads to their loss.
Cause you know, it can never be "me" that has the problem, its always the other guy with the OP unit.
For Killer, or Draken, this above statement is in no way directed towards anyone. I just feel as if people would accept this premise we would have far less biased balanced issues.