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Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
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Topic: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans? (Read 11375 times)
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Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #20 on:
December 09, 2009, 03:48:42 pm »
Quote from: Smokaz on December 09, 2009, 02:23:48 pm
I also think you get frustrated by airborne actually having problems with vehicles, groundfire. The 57mm is much more reliable in hitting stuff like armored cars, which you probably know.
If FE forces a AB player to use both 57mms (airdropper or not) to support his RR's instead of just RR's thats just good for the game. You wouldnt fight pumas en masse with 2 RR squads either.
OK, i retract and refine my statement. Fortress Europe is overpowered vs. Airborne compaines.
Ill tell you exactly what happens here...
You hit overdrive, phase through the defending RRs, circle the 57, then proceed to rape the airborne.
I did have a replay of exactly this, but that was like 2 days ago, and ive played games since then. All the other videos ive tried to record doesnt show this specific scenario, just my airborne getting raped.
THIS is my problem with FE, and that's the Armored Cars and to a lesser extent the ISTs.
Ive got a problem that a non doctrinal light vehicle with a little range and damage boost makes Airborne
That a 270mp 50 fuel AC can utterly destroy swaths of 280mp 180muni Airborne squads and mabey only take a few hits.
+15 range means that AC's medium range is 35m (RR range), at this distance, 20mm AC gun has a 0.75 range modifier.
There is
acc. modifier for having airborne armor. It's 0.75 for everything else, but IST and AC is 1 aka no acc. modifer.
This is significant because moving doesnt improve airborne survivability vs. ACs, while getting hit 75% of the time from the AC's main gun.
out-of-the-box FE AC does 34.5 dmg per shot.
Airborne health is 90 per man/420 per squad.
3 hits from a FE AC kills an paratrooper + change, that's not including the 15% co-ax boost, or calcuating dmg that the ariborne already has. 1 burst quite readily kills 2 paratroopers.
2 ACs can kill a single Airborne squad in 3 bursts. That is
. With Overdive and extra range, Airborne cant get away without serious damage to the squad.
It's like reintroducing OF release armored cars again. It's Broken.
shuts down airborne companies.
It's T17 vs. Shrecks and a Pak, the T17 is gonna win most the time in a static enviorment.
FE armored cars are even worse than this because of phase armor, and Overdrive which gets the ACs out of the area before proper counters can be brought into place.
It counters airborne to a gross degree, and no doctrinal ability should be able to shut down an entire doctrine.
Dont give me that "keep a 57 with you" shit. I know how to play, and you know it's just
easy to take that combo out.
Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 03:59:26 pm by Groundfire
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The Inquisitor
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Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #21 on:
December 09, 2009, 03:54:49 pm »
They'll tell you to keep a rifle instead of an RR squad next to your 57 lol.
You already got an answer to the OP btw.
Quote from: brn4meplz on April 18, 2013, 01:23:05 am
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Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #22 on:
December 09, 2009, 04:06:13 pm »
Im not getting into "Theory of Heroes" anymore than I have to.
It's all situational. GL stickying an armored car, that's a joke.
Stay at med. range, outside of sticky range, considering there is no acc. difference between. med and short range for the 20mm AC gun.
Edit- annnd no, I didnt get an answer to the OP. If I had, id be looking at the doctrinal rework sheet right now.
Tbh, I dont know why we dont have all those posted up somewhere for everyone to see.
The Inquisitor
Posts: 6904
Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #23 on:
December 09, 2009, 04:07:32 pm »
Yep, it does exactly what you want, it stays away from the rifle letting the 57 rape it, it's not theory crafting, just a simple combination of units that turn into hard-counters.
Because they're not meant to be public, if you have a chance to look at them it's just luck.
Quote from: Groundfire on December 09, 2009, 12:53:22 pm
So im trying to resist the urge to write up a nasty post on why Fortress Europe is so god damn overpowered, and if someone has a copy of the new Luftwaffe Doctrine rework sheet so i can see the new rendition of FE, that would save the fourms another "QQ balance this shit" thread, and alot of my time.
I would be absolved to keep my mouth shut if I knew that it was going to be changed.
You did get an answer, it's going to be changed.
Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 04:09:04 pm by Killer344
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Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #24 on:
December 09, 2009, 04:11:43 pm »
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Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #25 on:
December 09, 2009, 04:27:20 pm »
Quote from: bbsmith on December 09, 2009, 01:29:53 pm
Quote from: EliteGren on December 09, 2009, 01:17:40 pm
There is exactly 1 player in this mod actively using this T4.
Either way all range buffs that "change" units will be removed with the rework.
And how did you come to that conclusion?
Some units still keept their range increase in the vet rework, but only units that dont "change" how you use them like the american sniper for example. Or the IST which only gets 35 range now, so it cant kite handheld AT anymore like it is possible right now at vet 3.
Also, the pic Akranadas posted somewhere did show range increases.
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i prefer to no u
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Don't knock it til uve tried it bitchface, this isn't anything like salads version. Besides u said a semois conversion would never work, now look that's the most played map, ohgodwhy.jpg r u map lead
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Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #26 on:
December 09, 2009, 04:40:09 pm »
Another amazing counter to them is...get this....an M10...or even a Skirted M8, or M18, or Sherman. All of those are available to AB, cost little Manpower, only a tiny amount of MU, and use Fuel which don't use for anything else but Jeeps.
There are a lot of counters to units in this mod, whether people want to use them is a different matter.
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Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #27 on:
December 09, 2009, 04:47:02 pm »
All im saying, is play against it. The damage is done in a matter of seconds. God help your paratroopers if your caught in red cover...
Airborne are statistically at a disadvantage vs. a unit that gets a significant buff against them. It's not like Airborne vs. pumas. That's tolerable.
God how I wish Raid assault helped me in this department to the same degree as FE does, but what good is 35% extra acc. when the shots go straight through the damn vehicle.
An airborne co. is supposed to use Airborne. Only way around that is to use riflemen... and i mean comon, rly?
The best those vehicles will do is scare them away.
Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 04:57:27 pm by Groundfire
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Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #28 on:
December 09, 2009, 05:06:35 pm »
Scaring them away works for me, it means they aren't shooting me.
AB Rifles can get stickies too =)
Sure if all you play is Tanteville or similar its going to suck, but thats the way the map is built. It hugely favors vehicle heavy long range builds.
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Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #29 on:
December 09, 2009, 05:08:42 pm »
AC only gets 15% range, not +15 range at vet 3. Thats the flakvierling.
I'm gonna have to go with "RRs are BS hit'n run perfection weapons" against anything else than a select few units, or much higher population counters (IST + g43 squad against a single airborne is 14 pop).
Groundfire is a good player but this complaint is retarded. Airborne companies get the arguably best handheld AT on a very survivable squad, they do not get "I dont need to use combined AT" card.
If your main AT in a company is nothing but airborne, you are walking a thin line of fail. Even Cam knows this, and mixes in hellcats (which are much better than rrs) against pumas and AC's. 57mms two-shot armored cars and can be recrewed. Bazookas are available through supply drops. Stickies keep them safe or at distance, in the worst case scenario. And if you still are mentally unprepared to use anything other than Airborne as your AT, there's the noobish airborne elite that breaks the airborne counter system and make them ridicolous. It is much better than raid in many instances.
AC's do not shut down the airborne doctrine, it shuts down airborne squads without ABE. Its more a weakness lof the current doctrines that nothing buffs the offensive power of pumas, or they'd be just as evil against AB (with raid).
Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 05:25:55 pm by Smokaz
SlippedHerTheBigOne: big penis puma
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Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #30 on:
December 09, 2009, 06:24:49 pm »
Quote from: Smokaz on December 09, 2009, 02:34:52 pm
RRs also are largely uneffected by smoke (ask Fallen, his soul was reborn into the light of the airborne spam when I told him) because of their scatter, meaning all you have to do be safe from anything axis have other than grenades, mortars and flames is to mortar smoke wherever you are doing your hit'n run.
Good tactics or too complicated? Take a pick.
QFT. When I found out about RR's having perfect accuracy through mortar smoke, I had renewed conviction to play AB. I no longer have to worry about getting hit by anything.
To start off let me give a quick summary of part of my company. I only have 2 things that actually do any type of AT damage, and that is AB and 1 m10. I run 7 AB squads with ABE, and with many games of practice I have learned to use them effectively. The +18% range is the best thing about ABE because it lets me pretty much pick at tanks until they die. Idc if they have armored cars or vehicles or whatever. My AB plus whatever AT my teammates can muster up are enough to kill the AC's. 7 AB squads with ABE, that's a lot, especially when 5 of them are vet 3. They aren't invincible, though, which is why the rest of my company is all about protecting my AB and giving them the most opportunities to rape. Even though I have so many resources invested in AB I still have enough other units to consistently produce the top score on my team.
At first the vet 3 flakvierling was a problem. I didn't know how to counter it. The rumors are true: it eats you up even if you just get to the edge of its range. That's what smoke is for though. Smoke allows for you to get within range (which isn't even that far with ABE) and fire off a volley, usually getting the flakvierling by the second volley. Then, you can send in the rest of the infantry or just back off with the AB and wait for the next smoke barrage.
It sounds stupid I know. I thought it was stupid too when I heard Smokaz first talk about it. Even Mudkipz told me Smokaz had no idea what he was talking about. But he does actually. Smoke is fricking epic. Mortar smoke is now an integral part of both my AB and Inf companies. Now it annoys me when my teammates have like 1 mortar in their entire companies.
While we're on the topic of mortar smoke, just keep in mind that only the AB players will be benefiting from the smoke. Any nearby ATGs, tanks, or infantry will have pretty much 0 accuracy when shooting into the smoke, so if you're trying to ambush a tank with ATGs then it's best to send your AB to the flank and try to smoke the flank for a few volleys. Last thing about mortar smoke: it's faster to smoke and nade an MG than to try to mortar it out. This actually applies to everything, not just MGs.
Summary: combine your pro AB micro with some mortar smoke.
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Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #31 on:
December 09, 2009, 06:28:57 pm »
The faithful have spoken, believe in the mortar smoke you heretics.
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Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #32 on:
December 09, 2009, 06:48:57 pm »
oh sure, let me tell the armored cars to hold on and sit out of range for 30 seconds while I redirect my mortar and then the smoke hits in front of the AB. Oh, and make sure to tell the AC's not to go around the smoke, thats cheating.
Quote from: Ununoctium on September 03, 2009, 07:45:25 am
1. New tactics? it's like JAWS, first one in the water dies
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Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #33 on:
December 09, 2009, 07:02:16 pm »
If the AC's want to charge my AB while my AB are sitting in cover then so be it. I'll just let them shoot at me while my AB and the rest of my teammates' AT shoot the AC's.
Mortar smoke is best used offensively. I wouldn't think of using it defensively because then my teammates' weapons would have sucky accuracy and my AB would be the only units actually getting hits off.
EIR Veteran
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Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #34 on:
December 09, 2009, 07:42:24 pm »
So your AB never get caught out of cover? Have you played vs Smokaz's company? How do you handle flanking vehicles?
Posts: 807
Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #35 on:
December 09, 2009, 07:55:05 pm »
by pressing T
lol x2
Posts: 9741
Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #36 on:
December 09, 2009, 08:18:54 pm »
Quote from: Smokaz on December 09, 2009, 06:28:57 pm
The faithful have spoken, believe in the mortar smoke you heretics.
his name isn't smokaz for nothing
Quote from: nikomas on October 04, 2012, 09:26:33 pm
"I want proof!"
"I have proof!"
"Whatever, I'm still right"
Dafuq man, don't ask for proof if you'll refuse it if it's not in your favor, logic fallacy for the bloody win.
EIRR community manager
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Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #37 on:
December 10, 2009, 09:42:59 am »
smoke is not a proper defensive weapon when the armored cars dictate where the fight is going to happen and for how long it will last.
smoke is offensive. it will work against verlings, not against armored cars, who will just avoid you untill the smoke dissipates.
Idk, maybe it's just me, but play smokaz like 5-6 times in 2 days, in a row, you'll get an expediated idea of what it's like to have your mainline infantry beaten so badly. On average, even if we won those games, I took some 130 odd casulties playing against that co.
this is absolutely not normal for me. Go ahead and try it. the first game you lose all your airborne you go "oh shit, that's just bad luck", and by the 5th game you'll see FE ACs are as broken as zeal grens.
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Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #38 on:
December 10, 2009, 09:51:20 am »
Well I remember my Crete company and it ATLEAST got 150+ infantry kills per game, I bet I could remake that and
a FE company at AI duty.
Last Edit: December 10, 2009, 09:54:49 am by EliteGren
Posts: 1871
Re: Luftwaffe doctrine rework plans?
Reply #39 on:
December 10, 2009, 10:42:18 am »
Quote from: NightRain on December 09, 2009, 02:05:29 pm
Imma get Fortress Europe right away, thanks for telling me how OP it is. Cya on the battlefield!
A++ would buy again.
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