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Author Topic: The Biggest Issue  (Read 22527 times)
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Smokaz Offline
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« Reply #40 on: November 25, 2010, 08:43:58 pm »

I bet EIRRMOD and Bob cackled manically when they plotted the downfall of hitler, ampm!

SlippedHerTheBigOne: big penis puma
SlippedHerTheBigOne: and i have no repairkits
SlippedHerTheBigOne: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
shockcoil Offline
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« Reply #41 on: November 25, 2010, 08:59:37 pm »

I'm pretty sure we still have a (soft) cap system in place...

Also, elitegren needs to stop smurfing lol
Indeed. Shame on elitegren

Smokaz Offline
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« Reply #42 on: November 25, 2010, 09:35:28 pm »

That guy has to go. I have a screenshot of elite griefing canhasfirstgame17 and justhomefromworkwantaeasygameguy2008 so hard.
Artekas Offline
Posts: 784

« Reply #43 on: November 25, 2010, 09:38:13 pm »

If I weren't so lazy I'd make an account named canhasfirstgame17.
shockcoil Offline
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« Reply #44 on: November 25, 2010, 09:40:55 pm »

He is actually a plague on this mod. Elitegren's reign of smurfing terror must be stopped! In fact what this should thread should be saying is - elitegren is the biggest issue in this mod.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2010, 09:47:00 pm by shockcoil » Logged
Heartmann Offline
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« Reply #45 on: November 25, 2010, 10:13:19 pm »

Look Spam is shit, but its also choice, which is one of main things that make EiR, well EiR, If you have been greifed, dont play with this person again, i don't, i avoid all spam players. Very simple! I avoided, who was it Lio and Jodo? who did that dumb ass officer spam, and it was no big issue! Take away the game from people who chose to do this, ITS VERY SIMPLE! Sure they can redo there names and get one game, but then you know one name and can move on, VERY VERY SIMPLE.

Trolls will troll and that is what this is about, ITS FUN when u get pissed so don't give them what they want, just pull your sipper down piss in there morning coffee and walk off with your ass hanging out.

In the basement getting drunk.
It's not really creepy until I show up.............

- I've heard of being an animal in bed but...

- The phallic principle of the Navy Wink
tank130 Offline
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« Reply #46 on: November 25, 2010, 10:52:20 pm »

What I find interesting:

The people who appose the cap are the most notorious for spamming. The people who think something should be done to stop it, do not spam.

Geez, while Wind was banned I forgot that he is, in fact, totally insufferable
I'm not going to lie Tig, 9/10 times you open your mouth, I'm overwhelmed with the urge to put my foot in it.
CrazyWR Offline
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« Reply #47 on: November 25, 2010, 10:58:44 pm »

Tank, I have to ask you something.  Do you want to play against the same type of company every game, with very small tweaks here and there, or would you rather fight new and interesting variants each game?  I think spam is a type of expression which keeps things interesting and new and fresh whereas capping everything would lead to largely repetitive gameplay. 

1. New tactics? it's like JAWS, first one in the water dies

RCA-land where shells fall like raindrops and the Captain is an invincible god
Artekas Offline
Posts: 784

« Reply #48 on: November 25, 2010, 11:09:22 pm »

I like your nice ad hominem, tank. Making personal attacks against the opponents in the argument while not actually doing anything to counter the points they make. Am I notorious for spamming? If so, what have you seen me spam?
8thRifleRegiment Offline
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« Reply #49 on: November 25, 2010, 11:13:28 pm »

Crazy its not such of a....new style... i dont think a new style is fun when you have one person with 5 snipers.... yea a sniper blob. and who are the people complainaing? the people notorious for spamming everything. Point proven

I will never forget the rage we enduced together

Ohh Good, AmPm can pay in Doubloons.
Artekas Offline
Posts: 784

« Reply #50 on: November 25, 2010, 11:20:13 pm »


Caps for emphasis and to drill the point in, not anger.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2010, 12:23:43 am by Artekas » Logged
Jodomar Offline
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« Reply #51 on: November 25, 2010, 11:20:21 pm »

When i face gay things i make my company even gayer then theirs, or just counter company it. I make interesting company builds that are fun to play. You just have to think outside the box or constantly try new things, thats what i do. Sometimes I fail hard other times I rape. For the most part I don't play with balanced companies, I choose a theme and stick with that.
Spartan_Marine88 Offline
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« Reply #52 on: November 26, 2010, 12:43:48 am »

When i face gay things i make my company even gayer then theirs, or just counter company it. I make interesting company builds that are fun to play. You just have to think outside the box or constantly try new things, thats what i do. Sometimes I fail hard other times I rape. For the most part I don't play with balanced companies, I choose a theme and stick with that.

TBH this is the first time i have seen you build one.

Yes that's me, the special snowflake.
AmPM Offline
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« Reply #53 on: November 26, 2010, 12:44:39 am »

Game is so terribly balanced right now =)

Some doctrines just do not have the proper counters to things.

spinn72 Offline
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« Reply #54 on: November 26, 2010, 01:01:40 am »

Am I the only one who finds it enjoyable to play against these companies?

One of the funniest games I had playing EIRR was vs Connery and friends where all they did was field rifles and m10's, and they went to cap every territory on a large map where us axis couldn't get around to destroy all their inf in time.. It was gold!

Jodomar, I remember when you first got your t4 heavy support in the last patch too, and you fielded lots of mg's, so much fun to play against!

This type of company planning makes EIRR what it is -- a unique experience where you  get the ability to choose whatever you want to bring to the field to get the job done. If everyone became identical, it wouldn't be that enjoyable as you'd know exactly what to expect.

I understand what you guys are trying to say but you really need to take a step back and just relax a little more!
Demon767 Offline
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« Reply #55 on: November 26, 2010, 01:13:24 am »

I think spin is right. if it became the same bland shit over and over again it wouldnt be fun. We all know certian spam is shit.. such as back in the day 10vet3 Airborne RR's long range high damage.. when we cant beat such thing and certian people catch on and COPY thats when it becomes problems.. because when people start whining on the furoms about certian spam.. it circulates the community like a disease and some others jump on the band wagon to try the same style. theres the big issue.. not spam. we need variety. we need certain levels of spam.

What i dont like is when someone knowingly spams a company of 3 types of units.. and when they lose because you made a counter company against them than chucks a hissy fit BECAUSE you built a counter company.. thats wrong n shows the true colours of said person tryn to grief community members

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Mysthalin Offline
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« Reply #56 on: November 26, 2010, 06:00:13 am »

I too enjoy playing against "spammy" builds. It pushes you to the limit of your capabilities and invigorates your imagination. Can't beat something? Think of a way to, instead of whining about it. The good old days of me and 31st fighting Dave, Mukip, Smokaz, Elitegren.. Well, Smokaz was always rather predictable, but he still played different to everyone else. It's what makes the game fun : the challenge.

Unkn0wn Offline
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« Reply #57 on: November 26, 2010, 06:01:22 am »

I personally enjoy fighting riflespam, even as PE. It's terribly fun to kill that many riflemans lol.
But some gimmicks are pretty annoying yeah.

As long as they're not overpowering, I don't think we need to change anything in terms of game mechanics.
smurfORnot Offline
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« Reply #58 on: November 26, 2010, 06:04:07 am »

not everyone is good as u :p
nugnugx Offline
Posts: 4051

« Reply #59 on: November 26, 2010, 06:04:41 am »

there always has been spam and will be,,,, it's part of coh.

Limiting spam is like limiting part of coh gameplay.

Remember if someone spams 1 type of units , he is vulnerable to other types of unit. It doesn't mean he is automaticly OP.

If you will not bring tank vs rifle spam but constantly use inf also , it's your fault that you couldn't bring unit that counters the spam.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2010, 06:08:34 am by nugnugx » Logged

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