iht = infantry in garrison so they get those buffs from being garrisoned, so dont need infantry in a houes near them
i wonder when there will be some kind of balance license like a driver license to make sure no bullshit will be posted
try it yourself dude get an iht with a squad in it and place a infantry squad next to it => no buff applied
that easy to check even with a new company
put an inf squad into a building and place an inf squad next to it => buff applied
stop talking bullshit all the day like marder gets mobile lockdown and stacking on normal lockdown
i wonder why no halfway competent deletes posts with wrong stuff in it in balance subsections?
I wonder what happens when you stack the inf buffs too when you go mech support T4 and supply raid t2.
First you put your inf in a haltfrack. (-20% cooldown/-20% reload)
Then you put another squad inside a building next to them (+20% accuracy im sure ive seen it work even when they are in a HT)
oh put a p4 ist in lockdown next to that building and wait until enemy charges you (no other units needed) =>profit
and i don't understand what people talking all the time about mun HT
it always gave cooldown and reload buffs
the only thing this T4 change is -15% reload in that muni ht aura
using a mun ht as support is like using a CCT one buffs infantry reload/cooldown the other one tanks/vehicles without any doctrine
if people don't use ccts and mun ht's to support their units its their fault