Its a long read, but funnier than a dwarf falling over a small terrier.
There is either real powerful karma going, OR God is just bored.
Now I am a very sort of quiet and calm kinda guy, at least when it comes to my temper, but when it comes to food getting wasted or destroyed I'm a trailer park alcoholic on roids!
And since I do love cooking and baking bread, I do it often enough so that my creations tend at least to be acceptable, so again not that much that gets me flared up.
SO WHAT DOES GOD or said KARMA dump on me?
It starts off with me baking, and I get the dough ready and everything then put it in the baking machine. Now first clue that things where going to go tits up was that after i'd gone to bed and fallen asleep, and I for some reason (never worried about it before) wake up and get worried that the dough will rise to much and go over the sides of the baking machine and on the coils which leads to a fire hazard!
BUT I'm often careful and make sure not to make the dough to big.
BUT this time I had apparently made some kind of mistake, since when I get to the
kitchen my worries where justified by the sight of the dough trying to climb out of the baking machine by consequence of it not being his size (or so i think was the reason)
This creates a number of problems first off I have to take all the #¤)/%#¤& dough out of the machine (very sticky) 2nd I have to clean the machine coils and ofc this creats and even bigger mess, and by this time I get really pissed off since I just woke up and its almost 3 am.
So that has to be it, right? Oh please god let that be it? HAHA NO!!!!
Ofc i forgotten to turn the FUCKING!!! Machine off so it suddenly decides to start the baking process where it heats the coils upp (And they are COVERED in dough) this leads to LOADS of smoke! YIPPIE! And I know that if the fucking alarm goes the god dammed fire department have to come and turn it off since its a student complex GREAT! So angry and stressed pull out plugg and rush to window!
Where balance it on the ledge so that the smoke will escape quicker! Good idea right?
NO since God/Karma thinks that would be to easy now the wind from outside is causing the burnt smoke to blow right in my face....
SO annoyed and tired and angry i get a towel to start wafting the smoke out, and start to think that pwew at least nothing else can go wrong...
Now I don't think I ever have felt such a killing intent before, but when I turned around and saw that the bowl I had put the dough in had fallen off the sink and onto the floor..... the anger.....
SO gotta clean, walk over and hear *schrrrup*
Oh fuck... the fucking machine fell out the window...... weeeeee *SMAK* on the pavement below thank god it was 3 am......
Now its and interesting thing seeing someone in this situation, and I really wish I had seen myself, cause the look of surrender I must have had in my eyes right than....
I cant stop giggling!
Anyway moral of story either don't get on Alvars vad side OR just try laughing with god. Either way, this is not a night ill forget

Damn you all!