Please ask all your Worldbuilder questions in this thread.
Be sure to look into the FAQ, tutorials & previous posts before posting a question.
FAQQ:The Worldbuilder gives me the following error: "Pipline Project" not created for Mod "Europe in Ruins"!!A: Use Invasion of Normandy "mod" for maps.
Q:I can't see my map ingame, why not?A: It's likely because you need to save it to the MP folder before exporting it. In C:\THQ\Company of Heroes\WW2\Data\Scenarios create a folder called MP. Save your map there, or copy ALL files pertaining to it and export. You will need to add "-dev" to the target line of your CoH.exe shortcut. (When using .sgb files)
Q: How do I use worldbuilder?A: Look in the tutorials sticky

Q: What size should I make my map?A: The sizes of the relic maps are found
here. For EiR, you generally want larger maps. So for a 6p map you may want a 512x512 playable area (equivalent to the size of the vCoH 8p maps) Some EiR maps are even bigger (French Countryside is 628x628). For the out of bounds (OOB) area, you generally want at least 256m of OOB on each side, so take your playable area and add 512. Check it out and then remake as necessary to fit the stuff you need.
Q: Crap! I made my map too big/small. Is there a way to change the size?A: No. However, what you can do is make a stamp of the whole map (use bound box) and check all the boxes. Now drag to cover the entire map. Now make a new map of the size you want and then place the stamp. Two things to note, first, bound box stamps can only be rotated in 90 degree increments. Second, the height may be wonky when you paste your map stamp.
The way to fix that is to go back to your original map, find the center of the stamp and look at the height of the terrain. Now go to the new map and the center of where you are going to place the stamp. Set the height at that point equal to the height in the original map at that position. Then place the stamp, it should now have the correct height. More info on this can be found on the relicwiki.
Q: How do I lay a road?A: Use the spline tool(looks like a road). Click on a texture, and right click a path. Hit enter.
Q: How do i get this damn spline to be on top!!!?A: Pageup
Q: My spline fades at the end/I want my spline to fade at a certain position, how do I do this/fix this?A: Use the Colorize option when you select the spline (using the spline tool). Select the bar at the end/click somewhere along the spline gradient and edit the OPACITY bar (decreasing it makes the spline less visible/transparent).
Q: How do i add those cool looking details like clothes, posters, and grass spots that i seem to be missing?A: Click the splat tool, says SPLT. Click a texture. Right click and hit optimum size. use opacity to adjust the transparency.
Q: How do I add default music to my map? (Recommended!)A:Open the scenario properties folder and add:
in the music field.