IHTs never required moving repairs to be as effective as they are - not even repairs at all. The original person to use IHTs to any effect was mukip (double StG44s unloading behind enemy ATGs and the like, the IHT was only a transport platform, rather than anything else) followed shortly by David who advocated single StG44 groups to be used entirely while remaining inside the IHT. I merely joined up in the spam with David, adding the use of repair kits since I didn't feel it was a large investment and it let me maintain IHTs in the off-case they survive the attack. But fundamentally the repair was not a necessary part of the IHT to be effective. Having Hetzers to take the shots was.
Tig: What you're saying on the chances of ridiculous consequences is technicall correct... if CoH is using fully random distributions. If it's using a Pseudo-Random Distribution for calculations (something we can't really test for) then it literally can not happen in CoH, while silly things like 10 misses in a row still can.
Oooh, the wonders of stats.
Bah been a bit too busy to reply this to but a couple pts. Having units such as Hetzers that have a decent chance of bouncing ATGs isn't necessarily possible for all the PE docs, plus moving repairs is already on TH anyway, unless you want to be using a Panther horribly inefficiently that way. Secondly mines seem to be bit more prevalent in the meta nowadays. A engine dmged IHT is useless to the average player nowadays and really becomes a waste of fuel and mp without the repairs. Even a single repair can rarely maintain an IHTs field effectiveness for the average player, and it can be argued for most PE LVs.