Indeed im not shitting on him at all, hes the only person to have done anything close to what we've been asked to do.
And with a decent amount of discussion we could achieve something from it.
this is how it was thought! Its a suggestion! It should be discussed, streamlined at some points rethought and then in the end we have result. (the best example are the numbers, they need to be checked by a balance team)
I am on few things really proud and would love to keep them untouched. (like my real terror doc)
The problem is:
Good try ick but alot of this reads as a slapped together mishap.
Things like that arent really constructive. We can discuss about almost everything, but tell me
A) where to find it
B) how it shifts in your opinion the usage or gameplay of that unit
C) and wait for my response plz
Again i am not claiming to have the perfect design (except for my baby), its a discussion basis, which i really like. Its there to be constructivly criticised and shaped. (especially the numbers)