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Author Topic: Patch R045  (Read 13047 times)
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TheVolskinator Offline
Administrator / Lead Developer
Posts: 3012

« on: December 29, 2019, 07:26:32 pm »

1 - Repairs
   Repair duration halved, but each upgrade now grants 2x uses of repairs. Individual repair uses function as follows:
      Scout: 4.07 HP/s for 15 s (61.05 HP), 33.0% of total HP pool.
         Note: Jeeps have 185 HP; Bikes will get a "full" heal as they have 125 HP.
      Light: 2.56 HP/s for 45 s (115.2 HP), 32.9% of total HP pool.
         Note: Most LVs have 350 HP. BRENs (245 HP) and MMGs (300 HP) are repped for 33% of total HP pool.
      Repairmen: 5 HP/s for 60 s (300 HP).
         Note: For US Armor only (pending a doctrine rework). 120 s recharge on the repair-enabling timer.
      Medium: 3.5 HP/s for 60 s (120 HP), 33.0% of total HP pool.
         Note: Most medium tanks have 636 HP. Additionally, TDs and SPGs (incl. StuGs) will be getting Medium repair kits which, with both uses, will more or less fully repair them.
      Heavy: 3.67 HP/s for 90 s (330.3 HP), 33.0% of total HP pool. For US and CW as well as Panthers.
         Note: This is directed at the Pershing (990 HP); Churchill Crocs (900 HP) will be repped for 36.7‬% of their total HP, Jumbos and Panthers (742 HP) for 44.5%, and AVREs and normal Churchills (700 HP) for an insane 46.7‬% of their total HP.
      Heavy: 3.29 HP/s for 105 s (345.45‬ HP), 33.0% of total HP pool. For Tigers and Jagdpanthers.
         Note: This is directed at the Tiger (1,046 HP), the Jagdpanther (900 HP) will be repped for 38.4% of its total HP.
      Superheavy: 5.49 HP/s for 120 s (658.8 HP), 32.9% of total HP pool.
         Note: KT has 2,000 HP.

   Repair cost has also been adjusted, and is universally constant: 25% of the vehicle's base MP and FU cost, though FU is converted to MU on a 1:1 basis (so repairs cost MP and MU).

1 - GMC
   Armor type changed from Greyhound armor to Halftrack armor.
   Gun reverted to pre-change indirect weapon.

2 - Super Pershing
   Pop increased from 18 to 19.

1 - Allied Grit
   Rec. supp. bonus decreased from 0.1 to 0.25.

2 - Ballistic Caps
   Sticky Bomb stun removed.
   Now replaced Sticky Bombs with Sticky Satchels:
      Base satchel charge weapon; 2x base dmg., no engine dmg. criticals, sticks to targets.
      0.5 dmg. vs. ATGs.

3 - Broken Arrow
   Damage per rocket increased from 10 to 20. This is further doubled vs. vehicles via target tables (as it was in all previous iterations).

4 - Fightin' Spirit
   Bonus per man lost changed from 0.9 rec. acc. to 0.95 rec. dmg.
   Cost on Rangers increased from 15 MP to 20 MP.
   Cover bonus and per-man-lost bonus now apply to Rangers.
   Sarge removed.

5 - M1919 LMG (AB)
   Is now unlocked for purchase on AB and AB Rifles with the selection of Spare Munitions, for 80 MU.

6 - M1 Airborne ATG
   Cost decreased from 380 MP, 140 MU to 190 MP, 70 MU.
   Gun modified:
      Damage decreased from 150 to 75.
   This is a test regarding future ATG pricing and effectiveness.

7 - M5 ATG
   Has been reworked; is now an M1 57 mm w. +0.3 pen. vs. all tanks/vehicles, but a 1 s longe reload.
   Based off of the old 3-inch ATG which was identical to the above except for not having a longer reload and dealing 187.5 dmg. per shot (vs. 150 on the 57).

8 - Pour it on 'Em
   Rate of fire bonus decreased from 1.5 to 1.25.

9 - Replacements
   Cost increased from 60 MP to 120 MP.

10 - Riflemen (Regimental Combat Team)
   Due to the removal of Sarge, vetwhoring potential has been drastically reduced; vet XP requirements have been reverted to their pre-rework values (match other Riflemen).

11 - Smoke Grenades
   Now have a fuse timer identical to that of normal grenades.
   Have been priced out on Riflemen.

12 - Staccato Roar
   Suppression removed from the MGs.

13 - T17
   Cooldown reduced from 0.8 s to 0.5 s.
   Pop cost reduced from 9 to 8.

14 - Willy Peter
   Croc RoF decreased from 60 RPM to 30 RPM. Now acts as a utility/sidegrade.

1 - 105-mm Offmap Barrage
   Moved from UI 7 to UI 8; previously covered up Replacements.

2 - Assault Riflemen
   Concealing Smoke now cloaks the entire squad (previously only cloaked the leader).

3 - Base of Fire
   Now functions on Jeeps (was missing updated ebps).

4 - Slowmines (Armor Coy unlock on Riflemen)
   Moved from UI 10 to UI 7; no longer cover up Sticky Bombs when purchased.

5 - Strafing Run (ABT)
   Now both appears and functions.

1 - Tommies
   Cost decreased from 250 MP to 230 MP.

1 - Advanced Snap Shooting (CDO)
   Acc. bonus decreased from 1.75 to 1.5

2 - Bedford Polsten (BDE)
   Now grants 200 health when purchased.
   Polsten has been reworked: is now a Puma gun w. 3x the RoF, 1/6th the base dmg., and 33% of the wound/kill crit rate.

3 - Churchill IV
   Pop increased from 10 to 12.

4 - Commandos
   Surveil Target visibility requirement set to usage_and_display (removes the grayed out ability from the ability menu if requirements are not met).

5 - Night Drop
   Spawn cloak duration decreased from 15 s to 7.5 s.

6 - Polsten
   Can_burst changed from False to True.
   Cooldown increased from 0.15 s-0.1 s (max-min) to 1 s-0.5 s.
   Rate of fire set to 7 (420 RPM).
   Reload frequency decreased from 29 to 1.

7 - Scout Sniper Team
   Armor type changed from Soldier armor to Sniper armor.
   HP/man reduced from 75 to 55.
   +10 m range buff is now attached to the Boys AT rifle upgrade.
   High Velocity upgrade has been priced out.

8 - Tetrarch
   Now able to purchase a Littlejohn Adapter as an upgrade.
   Littlejohn up-gun modified:
      Dmg. mod. vs. ATG armor decreased from 1 to 0.5
   Health reduced from 400 to 350.

9 - The Paras
   STEN HP bonus removed.

10 - Upgun Tetrarch
   Has been priced out.

1 - Autumn Song
   Assault Crates now correctly grant 2x STENs when the slot items are picked up off the ground.

   Repair upgrade now available in the launcher.

3 - Bomber Command
   Base and strafing version of the B-25 offmap now function properly (were previously swapped, giving the base version with the selection of the Supplied and Supported).

4 - Commandos
   Sabotage ability now appears and functions.

5 - Commando Officer
   In-game upgrades that granted uses of Partisans and Weapon Crates removed.

6 - Stuart Rhino/ATGMC
   Former has been replaced by the latter--incorrect unit ID linked in SQL.

1 - Blaue Grenadiere
   May now retreat.
   2x le M.G.42 swapped for 2x le M.G.34.

2 - Grenadiere
   Cost decreased from 240 MP to 220 MP.

3 - KCH
   Cost decreased from 270 MP, 110 MU to 270 MP, 90 MU.

1 - le M.G.26
   Number given by the upgrade reduced from 4 to 2.

1 - JP4
   Extra repair from Blitzkrieg priced out.

2 - KCH Zeal (Defensive)
   Now functions.

3 - Panzerfaust
   Extra use from Joint Ops now functions. For real for real.

Panzer Elite

1 - Geschutzwagen
   Base acc. increased from 0.8/0.7/0.55 to 0.9/0.8/0.65 at S/M/L ranges.

magnetic at nades and at nades get the ballistic caps stun
1 - Command Elements
   Changed from UI 9 to UI 8; no longer covers up Lockdown.

2 - Incendiary Rounds (IST)
   Now appear and function.

3 - Mobile Platforms
   Now functions and is purchaseable on the IHT.

Map Changes
Updated versions of Forest and Abbeville added.
The following maps have been removed from the module file, and will later be removed from the server for download. Players that already have them will keep them due to how the server update system functions.

- 4p_countryside
- 4p_gold sector
- 4p_hinderdam
- 4p_marshland
- 4p_operation_deadstick
- 4p_RN175
- 4p_the_causeway
- 4p_the_dike
- 4pneuville
- 6p adaore
- 6p_airfield_assault
- 6p_alencon
- 6p_bocage
- 6p_deserted_village
- 6p_graveyard
- 6p_ruins
- 6p_montherme_forest
- 6p_stcomedumont
- 6p_suburban_dawn
- 6p_the_scheldt
- 6p_vieux_port
- 8p_bredrin
- 8p_goodwood
- 8p_roadtoandfromcarentan
- 8p_sainte_mere_eglise
- 8p_bredrin
- 8p_goodwood
- 8p_roadtoandfromcarentan
- 8p_sainte_mere_eglise
« Last Edit: December 29, 2019, 09:21:16 pm by TheVolskinator » Logged

Quote from: tank130
I want to ensure we have a 100% decision on the process before we do the wipe.
If not, then I wipe, then someone gets something they shouldn't, then it gets abused, then the shit hits the fan and then I ban shab.

Getting EiR:R Released on Steam

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Niko-Greatest-Generation Offline
EIR Regular
Posts: 7

« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2019, 01:40:17 am »

« Last Edit: December 31, 2019, 01:46:48 pm by Niko-Greatest-Generation » Logged
skaffa Offline
Honoured Member
Posts: 3130

The very best player of one of the four factions.

« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2019, 05:52:25 am »

Whats the reasoning behind removing 4p neuville?

Its always been in the top 3 most played 2v2 maps ever since its implementation in 2010. Often reaching most played 2v2 map over periods of time. How can such stats lead to removal? Its been popular for 10 years! Even at this very moment its 3rd most played 2v2.

So ye, I ask again, what are the reasons for its removal?

Ps. The removal of st come du mont and deserted village is also questionable.

Quote from: deadbolt
bad luck skaffa>  creates best and most played eir maps
                      >  hated for creating best and most played eir maps

Quote from: Tachibana
47k new all time record?

Quote from: deadbolt
Don't knock it til uve tried it bitchface, this isn't anything like salads version. Besides u said a semois conversion would never work, now look that's the most played map, ohgodwhy.jpg r u map lead
Niko-Greatest-Generation Offline
EIR Regular
Posts: 7

« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2019, 11:45:39 am »

Whats the reasoning behind removing 4p neuville?

Its always been in the top 3 most played 2v2 maps ever since its implementation in 2010. Often reaching most played 2v2 map over periods of time. How can such stats lead to removal? Its been popular for 10 years! Even at this very moment its 3rd most played 2v2.

So ye, I ask again, what are the reasons for its removal?

Ps. The removal of st come du mont and deserted village is also questionable.

Yeah man, definitely ask FabRug, he’s the Map Lead now.
Unkn0wn Offline
No longer retired
Posts: 18378

« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2019, 07:12:44 am »

I want players to explore some other maps that are out there rather than resorting to same map in 2v2 as in 3v3 and 4v4. I didn't touch 4v4s because we dont have enough other good map choices there for the moment. i'll probably readd 4p neuville at some point, but it would be nice if the map was slightly different rather than just a stamped smaller version of the 6p map.

St Come du Mont really isnt a very good map. It has potential but it needs work. Deserted village needs some work too but i agree its a fairly solid map so it will probably be back.
skaffa Offline
Honoured Member
Posts: 3130

The very best player of one of the four factions.

« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2019, 09:27:08 am »

I want players to explore some other maps that are out there rather than resorting to same map in 2v2 as in 3v3 and 4v4.

'other maps'
So your goal is to make people play other maps that are out there.
I assume you mean by that to make people play maps which dont get played much now (unless you just want them to play the other 2 most played maps more, 1 of which is your map nuenen)
Only removing 1 of the top 3 most played 2v2s wil not achieve that goal.
If thats really your goal then you need to remove all 3 of the most played 2v2s (nuenen, church and neuville).
Only THEN people will look at the lesser played maps to play on and 'explore' them.
Just removing one (4pneuville) while keeping your own map (nuenen) in doesnt make any sense.
Seems a bit bullshit reason to me tbh.

There is nothing to 'explore'.
The current 2v2 list consist of ancient old maps that have been around for years and years.
The last time a 2v2 was added was 1 year ago in january 2019.
You added no new 2v2 map with this patch which people should 'explore'.
Noone is gonna magically 'explore' Road to Carentan (in since pretty much existence of EIR) because you removed 4pneuville.

'resorting to the same map'
No. Its only visually same.
It doesnt play the same as the 3v3. It plays out differently in 2v2. No1 really hunkers down in the city in 3v3 neuville but in 2v2 they do as its a much stronger position there.
That the map looks similar doesnt matter. All that matters when it comes to maps in EIR is if the map is good, plays well and is popular amongst the community.
3v3 list doesnt have many good options so if people cant find a good map both teams want, neuville is resorted to mostly.
However 2v2 list is different and has plenty of good alternative 2v2 maps to choose from.
If you dont want neuville then suggest a diff one ingame and I assure you people will not have any issue with it.
Outright deleting a good map (I assume we can call it a good map looking at its trackrecord) because it looks visually the same doesnt make sense at all.

'I want'
You shouldnt base your decisions on what YOU want but rather on what the playerbase wants and your goal should be to create a map list with good maps the community likes to play.
In the 10 years of its existence there has never been any widespread complaints by this playerbase about 4pneuville and that it should be removed.
In fact 4pneuville stats suggest the opposite. The playerbase likes to play it, and have over a long period of time. That by itself should be a clear cut reason not to fiddle with it.

TheVolskinator Offline
Administrator / Lead Developer
Posts: 3012

« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2019, 11:52:59 am »

Wait a minute. You got rid of Goodwood? Lame.
tank130 Offline
Sugar Daddy
Posts: 8889

« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2020, 12:33:59 pm »

Neuville gone........bwahahahahahah
Best New Year of my long life right there!!!

But seriously, I agree with unknown. Its time to give other maps some action.

@skaffa - don't make a thing out of unknown's map. It comes across as a little childish to be honest.

Geez, while Wind was banned I forgot that he is, in fact, totally insufferable
I'm not going to lie Tig, 9/10 times you open your mouth, I'm overwhelmed with the urge to put my foot in it.
Shabtajus Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 2563

The very best player of one of the four factions.

« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2020, 06:14:09 am »

u should come for  a game or two tank

I feel like if Smokaz and Shab met up it would be a 50/50 tossup to see which one of them robbed the other first.
Tries to convince people he's a good guy,says things like this. Scumbag Shab.
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