To be honest I found the game a little dull at times because of the large amounts of wire and tank traps blocking off flanks.
Took a full fucking hour too and it came down to who had the most units left in the end.

Overall a great back & forth game indeed though.
I don't really like the new capture system though.. often smithy just put some forces behind the wire, still in the sector, disabling us from capturing and when we moved out, he just put troops there again to recap. (No offense to smithy

) I'm guessing there'll be an increasing trend in strategies like this. I just don't like the dynamic of one single unit preventing you from recapturing a sector, and when they CAP CAP CAP, then put a single unit in the sector, this can be really annoying.
Also, the AB dropping behind our lines and just "CAP CAP CAPPING" was imho a good example of MCP's ugly side, we lost quite some pop to that and the AB just kept outrunning us for some time. This is a prime example of how you can 'outcap' your opponent and give yourself an advantage, not obtained through actually fighting. (And we can't go put a single unit in every frontline sector to prevent this from happening either)