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Author Topic: What's everyone's age?  (Read 98163 times)
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HansVonLuk Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 220

« Reply #320 on: June 02, 2009, 02:05:42 pm »

13-DeathRose                -German in America
13-Snipes                     -you can't hide, Minehold!
13-Désir de nuits            -West Virginia, America
14-Mr. Hat                    -Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
14-TwingeCrag              -Alaska (not Eskimo)
15-Overfreeze               -Victoria, Australia
15-Falcon333                -Belgium, Diest // Chinese guy
15-Dragon93                 -Scotland (Not Scottish though)
15-Stranger491             -California/america.
15-TorJado                   -Quebec, Canada
15-BradAnderson           -Scotland perth
15-Niftyeye                  -East Anglia, UK
15-Spartan117              -Heltonville, indiana (USA)
16-ThetaCommander      -United States, California
16-BoDyBaG2224           -Orlando, Florida, USA
16-Bonte                     -Hammond, Wisconsin, somewheres
16-DerangedFerret         -Memphis,TN, US
16-ReapersWarrior         -Northern New Jersey, USA
16-Skunker                   -Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
16-Bunniekiller               -Olympia, Washington, USA
16-Teroh                      -San Francisco, California
16-Mysthalin                - Mažeikiai, Lithuania. Land of three B's - Beer, Basketball and Boobz.
16-Warbirds                  -Easton, Pennsylvania
16-Draken15                 -Warsaw, Poland
16-Ununoctium              -Toronto, Ontario, Canada
16-ShockCoil                 -Hong Kong, China
16-ihminen                    -Finland
16-Whiskey44               -Michigan, america's high-five
16-Arsonist123              -California,USA   Fail?[/b]
17-cowman82nd            - New Jersey, US... socialists >: [
17-Twelve                    -Kansas City, Missouri
17-Days of War             -Longview, Washington
17-Cozmo                     -England / Bristol
17-Ryeassassin             -Cleveland, Ohio, USA/Zurich, Switzerland
17-Willshire                   -Florida, USA
17-Flack716                 -Oppland, Norway.
17-Mooglar                   -Los Angeles , California, USA , Chinese
17-Supahpingi               -Bergum,Friesland,netherlands
17-Andri                       -Iceland ( Westman Islands (Vestmannaryjar))
18-Two                        -Dunfermline, Scotland, from england though
18-Killer344                  -Argentina, Buenos Aires     
18-Kotyonok                 -South Florida, United States
18-Leafedge                 -Suburbs of Richmond, Virginia
18-Stuart                     -Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
18 - DBSights               -Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
18-Dr.Nick                    -Charleston, South Carolina, USA
18-Unkn0wn                 -Belgium, Bruges
18-Smithy                    -Just outside London, England
18-NightRain                -Finland
18-Flashpoint Gold        -Usa, Oklahoma
19-Dnicee                    -Sweden
19-Prydain                   -Walsgrave, Coventry, Mercia, UK
19-Warlord51               -Canada, Manitoba
19-Lolto                      -United States / California
19-UnLiMiTeD               -NRW, Germany
19-VariantThirteen        -Sydney, Australia
19-Mr.Gunny                -Wisconsin, US
20-Thtb                      -Germany / Baverya
20-Baine                     - Deutschland
20-Genghis                  -Edinburgh, Scotland
21-SoloWingPixy88        -Dublin, Ireland
21-Duck or die
21-Ciwawa                   -Italy
21-jackmccrack            -Oregon, USA
21-CommanderNewbie    -Connecticut, USA
21-Duvka                     -Sweden / Valhalla / Malmö
21-Akranadas               -Queensland, Australia
21-SaltLick                 -Bryan/College Station, Texas
21-Silverstone             -Kristiansand, Norway
21-wildsolus                -Connecticut, USA
22-$ TEXAS $             -Arlington/Texas (USA)
22-RikiRude                 -New Jersey, US
22-Escforreality          -Éire, Contae Dhún na nGall
23-Sach                     -Bristol, UK
23-Relentless707         -near leeds
23-Apex                     -Berlin, Deutschland
23-Kolath                   -USA/Washington, DC (Technically Northern VA suburb)
23-GamerAndy            -USA/San Francisco, CA (actually about 20 minutes north)
23-VictorTarget          -Detroit, Michigan/USA
24-Misten                  -Singapore
24-Waffen 17th.SS     -United States, New York City. Original Capital of the USA.
24-ImmanioEiR            -Norway
24-UnderpoweredAll     -Australia, Adelaide
24-Saint                    -Ireland/Limerick/Stab city
25-Crono                   -South Dakota, US aka The World Police
26-sfmadmax              -Boston, MA US
27-Tymathee              -California, US
27-CommandingOfficer  -California, US
28-DasNOOB               -Seattle, US
28-Vondrakin              -Melbourne, Australia
28-Nevyen                 -Brisbane, Australia
28-Draygon                -Denver, CO (USA)
28-Spendius              -French living in Brussels
30-Centurion              -Ottawa, On (Canada)
31-Salan                   -Vancouver, BC, Canada
31-LuciferNZ              -New Zealand
32-MADRABprojectskillz  - Kansas City American living in Japan
32-Burkdawg1            -Vancouver, Washington, USA
32-Migi                     -Phoenix, Arizona  USA
32-SaintPauli             - Denmark
34-Rocksitter             -Tacoma, Washington
37-Scrapking             -New Jersey
37-Plaperriere            -Connecticut, USA (highest taxed state in the country)
38-Fluffyalien            -New Zealand, but from Scotland
40-Tank130               -Kelowna, BC (Canada)
[/qi guess you copied the wrong post because you missed me out, and i was the last post before you made yours.
crimsonrabbit Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 380

« Reply #321 on: June 02, 2009, 02:28:25 pm »

13-DeathRose                -German in America
13-Désir de nuits            -West Virginia, America
13-Snipes                     -you can't hide, Minehold!
14-Mr. Hat                    -Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
14-TwingeCrag              -Alaska (not Eskimo)
15-BradAnderson           -Scotland perth
15-Dragon93                 -Scotland (Not Scottish though)
15-Falcon333                -Belgium, Diest // Chinese guy
15-Niftyeye                  -East Anglia, UK
15-Overfreeze               -Victoria, Australia
15-Spartan117              -Heltonville, indiana (USA)
15-Stranger491             -California/america.
15-TorJado                   -Quebec, Canada
16-Arsonist123              -California,USA   Fail?[/b]
16-BoDyBaG2224           -Orlando, Florida, USA
16-Bonte                     -Hammond, Wisconsin, somewheres
16-Bunniekiller               -Olympia, Washington, USA
16-DerangedFerret         -Memphis,TN, US
16-Draken15                 -Warsaw, Poland
16-ihminen                    -Finland
16-Mysthalin                - Mažeikiai, Lithuania. Land of three B's - Beer, Basketball and Boobz.
16-ReapersWarrior         -Northern New Jersey, USA
16-ShockCoil                 -Hong Kong, China
16-Skunker                   -Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
16-Teroh                      -San Francisco, California
16-ThetaCommander      -United States, California
16-Ununoctium              -Toronto, Ontario, Canada
16-Warbirds                  -Easton, Pennsylvania
16-Whiskey44               -Michigan, america's high-five
17-Andri                       -Iceland ( Westman Islands (Vestmannaryjar))
17-cowman82nd            - New Jersey, US... socialists >: [
17-Cozmo                     -England / Bristol
17-Days of War             -Longview, Washington
17-Flack716                 -Oppland, Norway.
17-Mooglar                   -Los Angeles , California, USA , Chinese
17-Ryeassassin             -Cleveland, Ohio, USA/Zurich, Switzerland
17-Supahpingi               -Bergum,Friesland,netherlands
17-Twelve                    -Kansas City, Missouri
17-Willshire                   -Florida, USA
18 - DBSights               -Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
18- crimsonrabbit          -Georgia, USA
18-Dr.Nick                    -Charleston, South Carolina, USA
18-Flashpoint Gold        -Usa, Oklahoma
18-Killer344                  -Argentina, Buenos Aires     
18-Kotyonok                 -South Florida, United States
18-Leafedge                 -Suburbs of Richmond, Virginia
18-NightRain                -Finland
18-S1lv3rWolf               -Porto, Portugal
18-Smithy                    -Just outside London, England
18-Stuart                     -Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
18-Two                        -Dunfermline, Scotland, from england though
18-Unkn0wn                 -Belgium, Bruges
19-Dnicee                    -Sweden
19-Lolto                      -United States / California
19-Mr.Gunny                -Wisconsin, US
19-Prydain                   -Walsgrave, Coventry, Mercia, UK
19-UnLiMiTeD               -NRW, Germany
19-VariantThirteen        -Sydney, Australia
19-Warlord51               -Canada, Manitoba
20-Baine                     - Deutschland
20-Genghis                  -Edinburgh, Scotland
20-Thtb                      -Germany / Baverya
21-Akranadas               -Queensland, Australia
21-Ciwawa                   -Italy
21-CommanderNewbie    -Connecticut, USA
21-Duck or die
21-Duvka                     -Sweden / Valhalla / Malmö
21-jackmccrack            -Oregon, USA
21-SaltLick                 -Bryan/College Station, Texas
21-Silverstone             -Kristiansand, Norway
21-SoloWingPixy88        -Dublin, Ireland
21-wildsolus                -Connecticut, USA
22-$ TEXAS $             -Arlington/Texas (USA)
22-Escforreality          -Éire, Contae Dhún na nGall
22-RikiRude                 -New Jersey, US
23-Apex                     -Berlin, Deutschland
23-GamerAndy            -USA/San Francisco, CA (actually about 20 minutes north)
23-Kolath                   -USA/Washington, DC (Technically Northern VA suburb)
23-Relentless707         -near leeds
23-Sach                     -Bristol, UK
23-VictorTarget          -Detroit, Michigan/USA
24-ImmanioEiR            -Norway
24-Misten                  -Singapore
24-Saint                    -Ireland/Limerick/Stab city
24-UnderpoweredAll     -Australia, Adelaide
24-Waffen 17th.SS     -United States, New York City. Original Capital of the USA.
25-Crono                   -South Dakota, US aka The World Police
26-sfmadmax              -Boston, MA US
27-CommandingOfficer  -California, US
27-Tymathee              -California, US
28-DasNOOB               -Seattle, US
28-Draygon                -Denver, CO (USA)
28-Nevyen                 -Brisbane, Australia
28-Spendius              -French living in Brussels
28-Vondrakin              -Melbourne, Australia
30-Centurion              -Ottawa, On (Canada)
31-LuciferNZ              -New Zealand
31-Salan                   -Vancouver, BC, Canada
32-Burkdawg1            -Vancouver, Washington, USA
32-MADRABprojectskillz  - Kansas City American living in Japan
32-Migi                     -Phoenix, Arizona  USA
32-SaintPauli             - Denmark
34-Rocksitter             -Tacoma, Washington
37-Plaperriere            -Connecticut, USA (highest taxed state in the country)
37-Scrapking             -New Jersey
38-Fluffyalien            -New Zealand, but from Scotland
40-Tank130               -Kelowna, BC (Canada)

I defy all laws of scienceee.

This is Bunny.
Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination
Armfelt Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 453

« Reply #322 on: June 02, 2009, 03:02:04 pm »

13-DeathRose                -German in America
13-Désir de nuits            -West Virginia, America
13-Snipes                     -you can't hide, Minehold!
14-Mr. Hat                    -Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
14-TwingeCrag              -Alaska (not Eskimo)
15-BradAnderson           -Scotland perth
15-Dragon93                 -Scotland (Not Scottish though)
15-Falcon333                -Belgium, Diest // Chinese guy
15-Niftyeye                  -East Anglia, UK
15-Overfreeze               -Victoria, Australia
15-Spartan117              -Heltonville, indiana (USA)
15-Stranger491             -California/america.
15-TorJado                   -Quebec, Canada
16-Arsonist123              -California,USA   Fail?[/b]
16-BoDyBaG2224           -Orlando, Florida, USA
16-Bonte                     -Hammond, Wisconsin, somewheres
16-Bunniekiller               -Olympia, Washington, USA
16-DerangedFerret         -Memphis,TN, US
16-Draken15                 -Warsaw, Poland
16-ihminen                    -Finland
16-Mysthalin                - Mažeikiai, Lithuania. Land of three B's - Beer, Basketball and Boobz.
16-ReapersWarrior         -Northern New Jersey, USA
16-ShockCoil                 -Hong Kong, China
16-Skunker                   -Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
16-Teroh                      -San Francisco, California
16-ThetaCommander      -United States, California
16-Ununoctium              -Toronto, Ontario, Canada
16-Warbirds                  -Easton, Pennsylvania
16-Whiskey44               -Michigan, america's high-five
17-Andri                       -Iceland ( Westman Islands (Vestmannaryjar))
17-cowman82nd            - New Jersey, US... socialists >: [
17-Cozmo                     -England / Bristol
17-Days of War             -Longview, Washington
17-Flack716                 -Oppland, Norway.
17-Mooglar                   -Los Angeles , California, USA , Chinese
17-Ryeassassin             -Cleveland, Ohio, USA/Zurich, Switzerland
17-Supahpingi               -Bergum,Friesland,netherlands
17-Twelve                    -Kansas City, Missouri
17-Willshire                   -Florida, USA
18 - DBSights               -Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
18- crimsonrabbit          -Georgia, USA
18-Dr.Nick                    -Charleston, South Carolina, USA
18-Flashpoint Gold        -Usa, Oklahoma
18-Killer344                  -Argentina, Buenos Aires     
18-Kotyonok                 -South Florida, United States
18-Leafedge                 -Suburbs of Richmond, Virginia
18-NightRain                -Finland
18-S1lv3rWolf               -Porto, Portugal
18-Smithy                    -Just outside London, England
18-Stuart                     -Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
18-Two                        -Dunfermline, Scotland, from england though
18-Unkn0wn                 -Belgium, Bruges
19-Dnicee                    -Sweden
19-Lolto                      -United States / California
19-Mr.Gunny                -Wisconsin, US
19-Prydain                   -Walsgrave, Coventry, Mercia, UK
19-UnLiMiTeD               -NRW, Germany
19-VariantThirteen        -Sydney, Australia
19-Warlord51               -Canada, Manitoba
20-Baine                     - Deutschland
20-Genghis                  -Edinburgh, Scotland
20-Thtb                      -Germany / Baverya
21-Akranadas               -Queensland, Australia
21-Armfelt                   -Sweden / Skellefteå & Visby
21-Ciwawa                   -Italy
21-CommanderNewbie    -Connecticut, USA
21-Duck or die
21-Duvka                     -Sweden / Valhalla / Malmö
21-jackmccrack            -Oregon, USA
21-SaltLick                 -Bryan/College Station, Texas
21-Silverstone             -Kristiansand, Norway
21-SoloWingPixy88        -Dublin, Ireland
21-wildsolus                -Connecticut, USA
22-$ TEXAS $             -Arlington/Texas (USA)
22-Escforreality          -Éire, Contae Dhún na nGall
22-RikiRude                 -New Jersey, US
23-Apex                     -Berlin, Deutschland
23-GamerAndy            -USA/San Francisco, CA (actually about 20 minutes north)
23-Kolath                   -USA/Washington, DC (Technically Northern VA suburb)
23-Relentless707         -near leeds
23-Sach                     -Bristol, UK
23-VictorTarget          -Detroit, Michigan/USA
24-ImmanioEiR            -Norway
24-Misten                  -Singapore
24-Saint                    -Ireland/Limerick/Stab city
24-UnderpoweredAll     -Australia, Adelaide
24-Waffen 17th.SS     -United States, New York City. Original Capital of the USA.
25-Crono                   -South Dakota, US aka The World Police
26-sfmadmax              -Boston, MA US
27-CommandingOfficer  -California, US
27-Tymathee              -California, US
28-DasNOOB               -Seattle, US
28-Draygon                -Denver, CO (USA)
28-Nevyen                 -Brisbane, Australia
28-Spendius              -French living in Brussels
28-Vondrakin              -Melbourne, Australia
30-Centurion              -Ottawa, On (Canada)
31-LuciferNZ              -New Zealand
31-Salan                   -Vancouver, BC, Canada
32-Burkdawg1            -Vancouver, Washington, USA
32-MADRABprojectskillz  - Kansas City American living in Japan
32-Migi                     -Phoenix, Arizona  USA
32-SaintPauli             - Denmark
34-Rocksitter             -Tacoma, Washington
37-Plaperriere            -Connecticut, USA (highest taxed state in the country)
37-Scrapking             -New Jersey
38-Fluffyalien            -New Zealand, but from Scotland
40-Tank130               -Kelowna, BC (Canada)

"Well opinions are like assholes, everybody has one."
Malevolence Offline
Posts: 1871

« Reply #323 on: June 02, 2009, 03:12:45 pm »

Lol Pauli is old  Cheesy

Akranadas' Greatest Hits, Volume 1:

Quote from: Akranadas
Vet has nothing to do with unit preformance.

Quote from: Akranadas
We are serious about enforcing this, and I am sure you all want to be able to have your balance thought considered by the development team with some biased, sensationalist coming into your thread and ruining it.
Freek Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 218

« Reply #324 on: June 02, 2009, 03:27:09 pm »

13-DeathRose                -German in America
13-Désir de nuits            -West Virginia, America
13-Snipes                     -you can't hide, Minehold!
14-Mr. Hat                    -Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
14-TwingeCrag              -Alaska (not Eskimo)
15-BradAnderson           -Scotland perth
15-Dragon93                 -Scotland (Not Scottish though)
15-Falcon333                -Belgium, Diest // Chinese guy
15-Niftyeye                  -East Anglia, UK
15-Overfreeze               -Victoria, Australia
15-Spartan117              -Heltonville, indiana (USA)
15-Stranger491             -California/america.
15-TorJado                   -Quebec, Canada
16-Arsonist123              -California,USA   Fail?[/b]
16-BoDyBaG2224           -Orlando, Florida, USA
16-Bonte                     -Hammond, Wisconsin, somewheres
16-Bunniekiller               -Olympia, Washington, USA
16-DerangedFerret         -Memphis,TN, US
16-Draken15                 -Warsaw, Poland
16-ihminen                    -Finland
16-Mysthalin                - Mažeikiai, Lithuania. Land of three B's - Beer, Basketball and Boobz.
16-ReapersWarrior         -Northern New Jersey, USA
16-ShockCoil                 -Hong Kong, China
16-Skunker                   -Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
16-Teroh                      -San Francisco, California
16-ThetaCommander      -United States, California
16-Ununoctium              -Toronto, Ontario, Canada
16-Warbirds                  -Easton, Pennsylvania
16-Whiskey44               -Michigan, america's high-five
17-Andri                       -Iceland ( Westman Islands (Vestmannaryjar))
17-cowman82nd            - New Jersey, US... socialists >: [
17-Cozmo                     -England / Bristol
17-Days of War             -Longview, Washington
17-Flack716                 -Oppland, Norway.
17-Mooglar                   -Los Angeles , California, USA , Chinese
17-Ryeassassin             -Cleveland, Ohio, USA/Zurich, Switzerland
17-Supahpingi               -Bergum,Friesland,netherlands
17-Twelve                    -Kansas City, Missouri
17-Willshire                   -Florida, USA
18 - DBSights               -Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
18- crimsonrabbit          -Georgia, USA
18-Dr.Nick                    -Charleston, South Carolina, USA
18-Flashpoint Gold        -Usa, Oklahoma
18-Fre3k                       -Antarctica
18-Killer344                  -Argentina, Buenos Aires     
18-Kotyonok                 -South Florida, United States
18-Leafedge                 -Suburbs of Richmond, Virginia
18-NightRain                -Finland
18-S1lv3rWolf               -Porto, Portugal
18-Smithy                    -Just outside London, England
18-Stuart                     -Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
18-Two                        -Dunfermline, Scotland, from england though
18-Unkn0wn                 -Belgium, Bruges
19-Dnicee                    -Sweden
19-Lolto                      -United States / California
19-Mr.Gunny                -Wisconsin, US
19-Prydain                   -Walsgrave, Coventry, Mercia, UK
19-UnLiMiTeD               -NRW, Germany
19-VariantThirteen        -Sydney, Australia
19-Warlord51               -Canada, Manitoba
20-Baine                     - Deutschland
20-Genghis                  -Edinburgh, Scotland
20-Thtb                      -Germany / Baverya
21-Akranadas               -Queensland, Australia
21-Armfelt                   -Sweden / Skellefteå & Visby
21-Ciwawa                   -Italy
21-CommanderNewbie    -Connecticut, USA
21-Duck or die
21-Duvka                     -Sweden / Valhalla / Malmö
21-jackmccrack            -Oregon, USA
21-SaltLick                 -Bryan/College Station, Texas
21-Silverstone             -Kristiansand, Norway
21-SoloWingPixy88        -Dublin, Ireland
21-wildsolus                -Connecticut, USA
22-$ TEXAS $             -Arlington/Texas (USA)
22-Escforreality          -Éire, Contae Dhún na nGall
22-RikiRude                 -New Jersey, US
23-Apex                     -Berlin, Deutschland
23-GamerAndy            -USA/San Francisco, CA (actually about 20 minutes north)
23-Kolath                   -USA/Washington, DC (Technically Northern VA suburb)
23-Relentless707         -near leeds
23-Sach                     -Bristol, UK
23-VictorTarget          -Detroit, Michigan/USA
24-ImmanioEiR            -Norway
24-Misten                  -Singapore
24-Saint                    -Ireland/Limerick/Stab city
24-UnderpoweredAll     -Australia, Adelaide
24-Waffen 17th.SS     -United States, New York City. Original Capital of the USA.
25-Crono                   -South Dakota, US aka The World Police
26-sfmadmax              -Boston, MA US
27-CommandingOfficer  -California, US
27-Tymathee              -California, US
28-DasNOOB               -Seattle, US
28-Draygon                -Denver, CO (USA)
28-Nevyen                 -Brisbane, Australia
28-Spendius              -French living in Brussels
28-Vondrakin              -Melbourne, Australia
30-Centurion              -Ottawa, On (Canada)
31-LuciferNZ              -New Zealand
31-Salan                   -Vancouver, BC, Canada
32-Burkdawg1            -Vancouver, Washington, USA
32-MADRABprojectskillz  - Kansas City American living in Japan
32-Migi                     -Phoenix, Arizona  USA
32-SaintPauli             - Denmark
34-Rocksitter             -Tacoma, Washington
37-Plaperriere            -Connecticut, USA (highest taxed state in the country)
37-Scrapking             -New Jersey
38-Fluffyalien            -New Zealand, but from Scotland
40-Tank130               -Kelowna, BC (Canada)
Freek Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 218

« Reply #325 on: June 02, 2009, 03:27:53 pm »

This topic is hereby renamed - "lets see who can cause a buffer overflow in the server first topic"
Armfelt Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 453

« Reply #326 on: June 02, 2009, 03:50:37 pm »

Kind of cool that there is so many people from the Nordic countries.  Cool Seems like we got a good taste for RTS.  Wink
Groundfire Offline
EIRR community manager
EIR Veteran
Posts: 8511

« Reply #327 on: June 02, 2009, 04:10:50 pm »

groundfire, 21, indiana US

You fail.

What's up your butt?
« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 04:13:02 pm by Groundfire » Logged

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EliteGren Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 6106

« Reply #328 on: June 02, 2009, 04:13:54 pm »

Groundfire should go back and read the hundreds and hundreds of pages and then ask himself why he failed.

i prefer to no u
Don't knock it til uve tried it bitchface, this isn't anything like salads version. Besides u said a semois conversion would never work, now look that's the most played map, ohgodwhy.jpg r u map lead
Groundfire Offline
EIRR community manager
EIR Veteran
Posts: 8511

« Reply #329 on: June 02, 2009, 04:23:50 pm »

So, someone else resurects a year old list of players and their ages, to which I did not see I was apart of.

I put down my name for shits and giggles, and baine goes leet speak german nerd on me.

naw it's cool, you guys are so bright.  Roll Eyes

dont really care that everyone else is copying the list over and putting their info in it either.
Malevolence Offline
Posts: 1871

« Reply #330 on: June 02, 2009, 05:59:35 pm »

So now the question is, has the list been updated.
jackmccrack Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 2484

« Reply #331 on: June 02, 2009, 07:28:07 pm »

It should be updated with every new post.

Let's talk about PIATs in a car.
gamesguy2 Offline
Honoured Member
Posts: 2238

« Reply #332 on: June 02, 2009, 09:18:17 pm »

21 - San Diego, California(socal ftw).
« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 09:23:50 pm by gamesguy2 » Logged
RikiRude Offline
Posts: 4376

« Reply #333 on: June 02, 2009, 10:21:35 pm »

im actually 23 now and living going to be living in Syracuse ny now.

Quote from: Killer344
Killer344: "Repent: sory no joke i just had savage diorea"
... or a fat ass cock sucking churchill being stupid
Nijo Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 625

« Reply #334 on: June 03, 2009, 12:18:08 am »

22  - germany, Colonge
jackmccrack Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 2484

« Reply #335 on: June 03, 2009, 12:57:06 am »

Guys, copy and paste the list if you want to be on it.
Guderian Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 817

« Reply #336 on: June 03, 2009, 01:05:59 am »

13-DeathRose                -German in America
13-Désir de nuits            -West Virginia, America
13-Snipes                     -you can't hide, Minehold!
14-Mr. Hat                    -Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
14-TwingeCrag              -Alaska (not Eskimo)
15-BradAnderson           -Scotland perth
15-Dragon93                 -Scotland (Not Scottish though)
15-Falcon333                -Belgium, Diest // Chinese guy
15-Niftyeye                  -East Anglia, UK
15-Overfreeze               -Victoria, Australia
15-Spartan117              -Heltonville, indiana (USA)
15-Stranger491             -California/america.
15-TorJado                   -Quebec, Canada
16-Arsonist123              -California,USA   Fail?[/b]
16-BoDyBaG2224           -Orlando, Florida, USA
16-Bonte                     -Hammond, Wisconsin, somewheres
16-Bunniekiller               -Olympia, Washington, USA
16-DerangedFerret         -Memphis,TN, US
16-Draken15                 -Warsaw, Poland
16-ihminen                    -Finland
16-Mysthalin                - Mažeikiai, Lithuania. Land of three B's - Beer, Basketball and Boobz.
16-ReapersWarrior         -Northern New Jersey, USA
16-ShockCoil                 -Hong Kong, China
16-Skunker                   -Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
16-Teroh                      -San Francisco, California
16-ThetaCommander      -United States, California
16-Ununoctium              -Toronto, Ontario, Canada
16-Warbirds                  -Easton, Pennsylvania
16-Whiskey44               -Michigan, america's high-five
17-Andri                       -Iceland ( Westman Islands (Vestmannaryjar))
17-cowman82nd            - New Jersey, US... socialists >: [
17-Cozmo                     -England / Bristol
17-Days of War             -Longview, Washington
17-Flack716                 -Oppland, Norway.
17-Mooglar                   -Los Angeles , California, USA , Chinese
17-Ryeassassin             -Cleveland, Ohio, USA/Zurich, Switzerland
17-Supahpingi               -Bergum,Friesland,netherlands
17-Twelve                    -Kansas City, Missouri
17-Willshire                   -Florida, USA
18 - DBSights               -Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
18- crimsonrabbit          -Georgia, USA
18-Dr.Nick                    -Charleston, South Carolina, USA
18-Flashpoint Gold        -Usa, Oklahoma
18-Fre3k                       -Antarctica
18-Killer344                  -Argentina, Buenos Aires     
18-Kotyonok                 -South Florida, United States
18-Leafedge                 -Suburbs of Richmond, Virginia
18-NightRain                -Finland
18-S1lv3rWolf               -Porto, Portugal
18-Smithy                    -Just outside London, England
18-Stuart                     -Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
18-Two                        -Dunfermline, Scotland, from england though
18-Unkn0wn                 -Belgium, Bruges
19-Dnicee                    -Sweden
19-Lolto                      -United States / California
19-Mr.Gunny                -Wisconsin, US
19-Prydain                   -Walsgrave, Coventry, Mercia, UK
19-UnLiMiTeD               -NRW, Germany
19-VariantThirteen        -Sydney, Australia
19-Warlord51               -Canada, Manitoba
20-Baine                     - Deutschland
20-Genghis                  -Edinburgh, Scotland
20-Thtb                      -Germany / Baverya
21-Akranadas               -Queensland, Australia
21-Armfelt                   -Sweden / Skellefteå & Visby
21-Ciwawa                   -Italy
21-CommanderNewbie    -Connecticut, USA
21-Duck or die
21-Duvka                     -Sweden / Valhalla / Malmö
21-jackmccrack            -Oregon, USA
21-SaltLick                 -Bryan/College Station, Texas
21-Silverstone             -Kristiansand, Norway
21-SoloWingPixy88        -Dublin, Ireland
21-wildsolus                -Connecticut, USA
22-$ TEXAS $             -Arlington/Texas (USA)
22-Escforreality          -Éire, Contae Dhún na nGall
22-RikiRude                 -New Jersey, US
23-Apex                     -Berlin, Deutschland
23-GamerAndy            -USA/San Francisco, CA (actually about 20 minutes north)
23-Kolath                   -USA/Washington, DC (Technically Northern VA suburb)
23-Relentless707         -near leeds
23-Sach                     -Bristol, UK
23-VictorTarget          -Detroit, Michigan/USA
24-ImmanioEiR            -Norway
24-Misten                  -Singapore
24-Saint                    -Ireland/Limerick/Stab city
24-UnderpoweredAll     -Australia, Adelaide
24-Waffen 17th.SS     -United States, New York City. Original Capital of the USA.
25-Crono                   -South Dakota, US aka The World Police
26-sfmadmax              -Boston, MA US
27-CommandingOfficer  -California, US
27-Tymathee              -California, US
28-DasNOOB               -Seattle, US
28-Draygon                -Denver, CO (USA)
28-Nevyen                 -Brisbane, Australia
28-Spendius              -French living in Brussels
28-Vondrakin              -Melbourne, Australia
30-Centurion              -Ottawa, On (Canada)
31-LuciferNZ              -New Zealand
31-Salan                   -Vancouver, BC, Canada
32-Burkdawg1            -Vancouver, Washington, USA
32-MADRABprojectskillz  - Kansas City American living in Japan
32-Migi                     -Phoenix, Arizona  USA
32-SaintPauli             - Denmark
34-Rocksitter             -Tacoma, Washington
37-Plaperriere            -Connecticut, USA (highest taxed state in the country)
37-Scrapking             -New Jersey
38-Fluffyalien            -New Zealand, but from Scotland
40-Tank130               -Kelowna, BC (Canada)
 ? -Userstupidname    -Sweden, Outskirts of Gothemburg

Eir customer support staff.
LeoPhone Offline
Honoured Member
Posts: 0

« Reply #337 on: June 17, 2009, 01:46:06 pm »

guderian, you replied on this topic like a million times, but you didnt show us your age and location  Tongue
Baine Offline
Steven Spielberg
Posts: 3713

« Reply #338 on: June 17, 2009, 01:49:48 pm »

guderian, you replied on this topic like a million times, but you didnt show us your age and location  Tongue

 61 -Userstupidname    -Sweden, Outskirts of Gothemburg

LeoPhone Offline
Honoured Member
Posts: 0

« Reply #339 on: June 17, 2009, 01:51:22 pm »

he has 2 names??  Huh
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