In other news: Our 93rd Infantry (Akranadas), 114th Armour (TodlichPanther) and 414th Airborne (DMCraft1) divisions have been defeated in an attempt to overcome the 115th Terror (system0), 858th Defensive (IWontRapeYou) and 373rd Terror (IMight) divisions in a fierce engagement. Our advance is all but broken. Only a few divisions remain to continue the push. There are rumors everywhere that the Axis are already preparing their counter-attack and that our advance will end.
Wrong, The game messed up, desynced when the allies were clearly winning; and I haven't even finished the game so how the hell does the system know that we lost if all players haven't confirmed.
Is it just who finishes first; if so then thats annoying,
I finished the game, clearly said I win in the splash screen.
Battle number 2081
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