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WWII ONLINE 2 month trial
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Topic: WWII ONLINE 2 month trial (Read 12676 times)
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Posts: 1871
Re: WWII ONLINE 2 month trial
Reply #20 on:
February 12, 2009, 02:30:00 pm »
Graphics are pretty meh, but the gameplay is top notch for anyone who's a fan of realism. Played it for like six months about three years ago.
. The LARGEST Battles are usually 16 v 16 or 20 v 20. You'll never get anywhere near 50 v 50. The level of immersion is not really there
ii. The map is too huge. It becomes a common tactic for the enemy to launch 5 fake offensives, with only 1 real attack where as the defender has to spread their troops evenly across all 5 battles just incase some random paratrooper or infiltrators sneak in and cap the town instantly.
iii. There are people with double accounts who would log on and report to the enemy where your mobile spawn is, where all your defences are position, troop strength etc.
iv. These people also drive out the tanks, the high calibre anti tank guns and dump them in rivers, suicide them etc to make their faction win.
v. Players can just bum rush with vehicles/tanks to win. Imagine in a 16 v 16 battle (which is pretty decent), half the players are using tanks/vehicles/anti tank gun.... one would think that you have a HIGHER ratio of infantry to special weaponry.
i. I've seen enormous battles before - it's not common to actually note where the enemy positions are, because if you can do that they are generally destroyed shortly thereafter.
ii. It takes over 20 minutes to cap a town once all of the automated defenses are destroyed, and that's assuming there's an order from high command to allow the town to be taken in the first place. If you're losing towns to lone guys, you're doing it wrong.
iii. You aren't allowed to spawn as the other side for an hour, and I've never had a problem with double agents who just tell people where your stuff is.
iv. Never seen it.
v. You do, but not necessarily at every battle. There's 500 riflemen to maybe 50 tanks available at any time from a city - but only so many players to man them. Once the tanks run out, the riflemen to tank ratio starts to go up, obviously :p
I guess that 2 month trial is over? Plus, you have to give them your card information and pay a dollar to play the trial...
I've never heard of anyone actually paying the dollar to verify their card :p
Last Edit: February 12, 2009, 02:32:30 pm by Malevolence
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Re: WWII ONLINE 2 month trial
Reply #21 on:
February 12, 2009, 02:56:25 pm »
I am intrigued and wish to learn more.
I've actually seen this before but the payments discourage me (I.e. I have no card and don't want to ask my mom.)
Flashpoint Gold
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Posts: 196
Re: WWII ONLINE 2 month trial
Reply #22 on:
February 12, 2009, 02:57:15 pm »
I've never heard of anyone actually paying the dollar to verify their card :p
I'm iffy about the giving them my card information, definently if I can't cancel in time if I don't like it much. Maybe they should actully make it like a real trial instead of a trap?
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Posts: 1871
Re: WWII ONLINE 2 month trial
Reply #23 on:
February 12, 2009, 03:01:01 pm »
Well, that's your own concern. I'm not cornered rat studios, so I can't make design calls for them, now can I? :p
Flashpoint Gold
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Re: WWII ONLINE 2 month trial
Reply #24 on:
February 12, 2009, 03:08:20 pm »
They are also a worse cash cow than Microsoft. $129.99 for 12 months? Thats the worst pricing I've seen for anything.
Xbox Live for 12 months = $59.99(the same price as a normal game)
Posts: 1871
Re: WWII ONLINE 2 month trial
Reply #25 on:
February 12, 2009, 04:11:38 pm »
It's an MMO.
That's like saying "180 dollars for a year of world of warcraft?! What are they thinking!" Except this is a better deal than that.
Flashpoint Gold
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Posts: 196
Re: WWII ONLINE 2 month trial
Reply #26 on:
February 13, 2009, 09:34:51 am »
I've accepted WoW's evil ways because that game was made by Satan to steal your soul, why not steal your money aswell? I still don't play it.
Salan and Satan are very close to being the same... If you try to write Salan and your pen slightly slips then he because Satan!
The pricing on some of these games is horrible... If they could lower the price to like 75% of what it is now, they world get alot more subscribers and in the long run make more money. Granted, this is speculating if it is properly advertised and interesting enough for people to play in longevity.
That estimated $32.50 difference seems to be a big difference in whether I buy it or not. Your probably like, "Wtf? Its only 30 dollars!" Thats business. When someone sees $97.50 they think wow thats kinda a high price, but when they see $129.99 they are like, "Holy shit!" This is why gas stations have that extra .9 cents, it makes it look cheaper than it actually is.
Guild Wars ftw.
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Re: WWII ONLINE 2 month trial
Reply #27 on:
February 13, 2009, 10:19:01 am »
WWII Online has been in development for at least 10 years now. It will remain in development, because the game is always being expanded. The cost for continued development of the game is supported through the subscription system, which is similar to many other MMOs. The monthly subscriptions pay not only for the server maintenance and operation, but also the continued active development and release of new content. It's how they keep the game going; with stand-alone games, you pay for what you get out of the box and further content is sold through expansion packs. Some MMOs do both, if the bill fits the content. WWIIOnline doesn't even sell as a boxed set anymore, they provide the game as a free download. To state that such a cost is unneccessary shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the kind of support that this game recieves. Specifically Flashpoint Gold, I'm going to wager that you have no freaking idea as to what you're talking about.
Unfortunately, the 2 month trial offer is over; it ended after the new year. Anyone who is interested in playing or trying things out, hop in to the MMO channel on the OMG vent. That's where everyone else plays it, and I'm usually on most nights willing to do that.
Last Edit: February 13, 2009, 11:08:36 am by CommanderNewbie
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Flashpoint Gold
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Posts: 196
Re: WWII ONLINE 2 month trial
Reply #28 on:
February 13, 2009, 01:46:04 pm »
Depends on if they are using some of the money to support it or not. I already stated about WoW and I understand their pricing because they do support it all the friggin time even though its got crappy gameplay until you get to max.
I have no idea what I'm talking about with WWIIO, but people on the forums would. Wouldn't you think that people who play it have a little bit of an understanding for it? And wouldn't you think that I would be a little more intelligent than you appearantly think by checking to see if that money is worth paying? Considering all they are doing now is messing around with availibility of units and touching terrain every now and then. That is the outcry from the forums, that they are paying all this money and getting barely anything in return for it except for example, "You can't have 20 tanks anymore only 18." Wow... thats some support. Relic does way more than that and they don't charge a dime except to get it initially. And look at this mod, its basically a whole new game. How much were we charged? Zip. Because we have the coolest and best devs ever.
How many people play WWIIO now? I bet they could charge half or a third of what they charge now and still make plenty to run the servers and tweak crap. But of course, I don't know what I'm talking about so how much money does it cost them to do all of that weak crap?
Posts: 1871
Re: WWII ONLINE 2 month trial
Reply #29 on:
February 13, 2009, 01:55:53 pm »
Over the last year I know for a fact they've introduced at least two new kinds of vehicles, a new ship, two or three new airplanes, two new infantry-based weapons, loads of tweaks, lots of terrain touch-ups, and I believe at least one graphic overhaul.
During my time playing they introduced entirely new terrain to almost the entire game world, two new planes, a new tank, and a ton of minor tweaks and fixes for things like sound, scale, et c.
That hardly seems like little support to me.
Flashpoint Gold
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Posts: 196
Re: WWII ONLINE 2 month trial
Reply #30 on:
February 13, 2009, 11:19:07 pm »
Then wtf are the peeps on the forums talking about...?
EIR Regular
Posts: 27
Re: WWII ONLINE 2 month trial
Reply #31 on:
February 13, 2009, 11:34:21 pm »
I dunno, maybe they're the normal whining people who whine a lot in any game ever.
Or maybe support has been less recently, I dunno.
Flashpoint Gold
EIR Veteran
Posts: 196
Re: WWII ONLINE 2 month trial
Reply #32 on:
February 17, 2009, 03:05:04 pm »
Le sigh....
I didn't get a chance to play last Friday or Saturday so I will have to wait and see if I will be able to this Friday.
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