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Author Topic: EiR and OMG in Ducks point of view  (Read 7463 times)
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Duckordie Offline
Community Mapper
Posts: 1687

« on: January 25, 2009, 10:49:14 am »

This is taken place is Company of Heroes chat,
This is made becuse help some players with time, and having some fun.
And FUN is what both EiR (call what you whant if it quacks like a duck, its shits like a duck, its a duck) and OMGmod lack in, where did all the fun and “be happy” go?

This is for fun, Be Happy, like Me Smiley
TO be more fair, this is gona be posted on OMG too, when I get home.
By the way
Youtube: Angry video game nerd

>>Relic joined
>>Media joined
>>Public joined
Relic: Hellow, yay Company of heroes is done
Media: w00t! Greate game *Gives game of year*
Relic: Sweet, now fuck this
>>Relic has dissconected
Public: Hey! WFT
Public: Game is unbalanced and sux!
Public: How do you do maps?
Public: Someone?
Public: There, I made a program so we can open and edit maps, called Corsix
>>Buggo joined
>>Media has disconnected
Buggo: Hey cheers public for Corsix
>>Relic joined
Relic: Wops
Relic: ok, patch is out.
Public: Cheers, but the game crashes and relic "online" goes "offline" all the time
Relic: *Sight*
Relic: There fixed
Public: No its not
Relic: STFU!
>>EiR has joined
EiR: Hey we have this mod out, its realy cool
EiR: www.europeinruins.com
EiR: Go and play, its like... Diablo, Age of empires and ehhh... World of warcraft
Public: Sweet! Cool game play style
Relic: Sweet. Hey lets take EiR and make it ours! But we dont give them anything
Relic: We are making a new game! Called Company of heroes... Online
Public: More like offline Lamo
Relic: Stfu
* Relic has disconnected
EiR: WTF? did they steal our game?
EiR: Buggo?
>>Buggo has disconnected
Public: Yeah.. Looks so
EiR: Bastards
>>Moddb has joined
>>Unk0wn has joined
Moddb: Hey EiR
EiR: Yeah?
Moddb: I cant a grip of the game, its relay complex. We never got a game, but fuck this mod rocks!
Moddb: I give this mod editors choice! Fuck yeah!
EiR: W00t
Unk0wn: W00t
Public: W00t
>>Moddb has disconnected
EiR: Hey we need maps
Unk0wn: Yeah, I made 2 new maps, cheek them out, Abbevill and RtC
EiR: Sweet
>>Apex has joined the channel
Apex: Finlay got here, KT is slow man, man we need to buff it
EiR: Ok, buffed
Apex: No man, I need like two KT
EiR: Ehhh?
Unk0wn: Lol no way man, lets make a balace team to sorter this out
EiR: Ok, Done
>>Balance team joined
Balance team: Myeah lets change things
Balance team: There we go
EiR: Man, I cant keep up with this mod, my wife need new souse
>> Players joined
Public: Who the hell is Players?
Players: We ho play EiR?
Public: But that we do too?
Players: yeah, but we play only EiR due its like a diff game
Public: ****
Unk0wn: Hey EiR, look at this pic, we have 6 KT at the fild at once... Its op
Apex: No man, man its like balanced
>>Akranadas Joined
>>Draken joined
>>Salan joined
Akranadas: God day gentlemen, I am awfully sorry for I am late, I was busy playing Dawn of war
Akranadas: That game is way better than EiR and CoH... But i hang around here any way just to use some Voodoo magic
Draken: Hellow Erkanades
Duck_or_die: Hey Arkanades
Unk0wn: Hellow Akranades
Akranadas: It's Akranadas! AK RA NADES
Unk0wn: You mean AK RA NAD AS?
Akranadas: ... Yeah yeah
Apex: Fuck man, My King tiger died, stupid bullshit, I did not get any backup
Draken: Dude, its was 2vs2 and your team mate drooped
Apex: KT is under priced man
Draken: W00t vet 3 Zombie Grens!!
Apex: Man Volks are better
>>Lai has Joined
Lai: Whaty abouyz they KTy,
Lai: Neeby Balynzy
Unk0wn: What Lay?
Lai: No its Lai-y
Unk0wn: Lamo sissy girl
Balance team: Allies need a buff
Balance Team: There we go, Airborne now got 20 Uses of Airplanes of doom
EiR: I cant stand this! I need more shoes!
>>Balance Team has been kicked
>>Balance Team disconnected
Unk0wn: wtf, I played a game where allies did not need to deploy units, they use use off maps
Public: I still dont understand this game, Why do my name need to be the same?
Players: Unk0wn you sux, airborne is balanced
Apex: Man, Cmon man
Unk0wn: lol? There is no Tactic in off map
Salan: I made this new movie how to play this game
>>Relic joined
Relic: Yes, we own so much opposition fronts is out!
Public: Greate, can you add mod suport now?
Relic: No, we dont give a shit
Public: But the game is like half done?
Relic: So?
Relic: By the way, we hate the community, there for we killed Buggo!
Public: Wtf? Why?
Relic: lol
>>Relic disconnected
EiR: I cant stand this!!
Public: Yay! Now we can play EiR, thnx Salan
>> GamerAndy joined
Public: W00t, famous GamerAndy?!?
GamerAndy: Hello
Salan: I made a game shout cast
Players: Cool!!
Unk0wn: Cool!!!
Public: What ever...
>>Tarjado Joined
Tarjado: Unk000wn, get on vet!
Tarjado: Unk0wn, Cap territory! CAP TERRTORIE!!
Players: lol, *Recorded*
>>TLS joined
TLS: Hey, I know we been playing 3 maps for 2 years now, so lets make a community war
TLS: That way, we can play all the shitty maps instead!
Unk0wn: rofl, yeah that will be fun
>>EiR Disconnected
>>Tarjado Disconnected
Akranadas: Yes!! Now I 0wn the website!!
Akranadas: He he, mod power
Unk0wn: Wtf? Why him he dose not eaven paly CoH
Players: Fuck, I cant stand this pice of shit urban map. TLS sux
Players: And why the fuck cant Axis get tanks?
TLS: well, EiR is gone so we cant Balance
Apex: Yes!! Axis won TLS, Axis won the war man, Finaly
Unk0wn: What a pice of shit
Salan: I dont give a shit, I got a real life
>>Salan disconnected
>>Apex disconnected
Puplic: wtf? EiR dead?
Public: Fuck
>> Public disconnected
>> Players disconnected
Unk0wn: Hey lets talk on TLS forums
GamerAndy: I agree 
Players: Wtf? How do i find TLS forums?
>>Players Disconnected
>>GamerAndy Disconnected
>>OMGmod joined
OMGmod: Ok lets make a mod, that was just like EiR just add the stuff they missed
>>Players Joined
Players: yay! we join you!
>>Public joined
Public: Hey! FL posted EiR code so eavry one can use it!
OMGmod: Sweet, but we still make a new code, thats gonna look like EiR code.
Unk0wn: Errr?
>>Dr_Nick Joined
OMGmod: Yeah, Allso we have... 800 doctrines... And... And.. New units
Unk0wn: Why not make it over 9000 while you add it
Dr_Nick: He he, I got 9000 Posts (666 I am so Evil)
Players: What? Over 9000!?!?
Dr_Nick: Fuck its over 9000 now, its 9001
Unk0wn: What 9000?! http://se.youtube.com/watch?v=vq5csKvXCT4&feature=related
OMGmod: ...
Public: When can we play?
OMGmod: ehhh, soon
>>EiRR Joined
OMGmod: Who the fuck is EIRR?
EIRR: Sorry cant tell, by the way EiR is back
>>Duckofdoom Joined
>>Duckie Joined
>>DrDuck Joined
>>Duckbird Joined
Unk0wn: lol so many ducks
Duck_or_die: WTF!!
Duckofdoom: hey, duckordie you stole my name change plase
Duck_or_die: WTF?!!? cooksucker
Unk0wn: LOl
Duckie: Any one speak French?
Unk0wn: No? well I speak 9 Languages but not French
Duckie: Whot? I need to play, I got Dawn of work, will it do?
OMGmod: lol Yes. In EiR 2.0
Players: Ha ha!!
Players: Whait? Where is 2.0?
EiRR: I dont fucking know, This is like... A new game... mod... What ever
Players: noobs Duckofdoom is duck or die
Duck_or_die: IS freaking not!!!
OMGmod: WTF? EiR is back?
OMGmod: Greate, but we still make this mod
OMGmod: There, you can play all 4 factions now! Join Cheesy
EiRR: Wtf? You stole our mod
OMGmod: No, we made a mirror lookalike mod, that is bigger and better
Unk0wn: But not working lol
OMGmoD: Stfu
Public: Yay, OMG rox
Public: Wtf? two mods that work the same? Wtf?
EiRR: wtf? Exlusiv maps?
OMGmod: Yeah, maps for our mod only
EiRR: wtf? But you play our maps?
OMGmod: Yeah? You died for 6months?
EiRR: No its was only 1 month
EiRR: But it was for the better god
>>Moddb joined
Moddb: w00t! Girl fight!
OMGmod: EiR is cheating, he poked in my eay
EiRR: lol so?
OMG: Yay Luncher is out
EiRR: yay EiRR is out
Public: *Sight*
Players: *Sight*
>>Apex Joined
Apex: Man Eastern front rox
Apex: Man, why cant you have KT?
DrakeN: Man, Lets make Stickies 20mun and 4 Uses
Puplic: We fucked now...
>>Prydain has Joined
Prydain: I hate you, you waste your life!!
Prydain: This chat box is waste of Time
Prydain: Any one whana do 4vs4 on French count side?
OMGmod: lol, that map sux
Unk0wn: ha ha
Unk0wn: I make a new map
Public: Sweet, what is it called?
Unk0wn: Abbe Winter
Players: Jesus... Here we go again
Players: Why not make 1 big mod?
EiRR: NO!! (loz we have the players and working vet system)
OMGmod: NO!! (loz we have the god maps)
EiRR: Lol we got 50% of  the players
OMGmod: Noob, that mean we got the othere 50%
EiRR: Fuck
EiRR: I hate you
OMGmod: I hate you!
OMGmod: We love you
EiRR: Me 2 <3
Moddb: We got a fight!!!
OMGmod: No we dont
Moddb: We got a FIGHT!!
OMGmod: No we DON'T
EiRR: I dont give a shit, leave us alone
>>Public 2 joined
Public: Who the fuck are you?
Players: lol, 2 public?
Public2: ¤/ﺽﺽﻁﻘﻯ(()
Platers: What?
>>Relic joined
Relic: Sorry OMGmod and EIRR, But we got copyright on CoH Online
Public: ¤/"#%€!
Relic: We have taken down both your sites, EiR and OMGmod due law and order
Relic: China own you both, all your base belongs to us
DrakeN: Noo!! I want my veted 3 noob stomped grens
Eir: WTF?
OMGmod: !!!
Apex: Man, Eastern Front man, Panthers are so good man
Relic: Stfu Company of heroes 2 is out Any way
Unk0wn: W00t!!
Akranadas: I don't give a shit, I play Dawn of war 2
Relic: .!.
***you have been disconnected***
Duck_or_die: WTF?
Duck_or_die: /rejoin
>> Server no longer exists
Duck_or_die: So much for staying quiet
Duck_or_die: What a fucking waste of time and life
« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 06:24:30 pm by Duckordie » Logged

^<-- Duck ™ and ©

 We need more axis players!:
Duckordie Offline
Community Mapper
Posts: 1687

« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2009, 10:57:10 am »

I am in a hurry to catch a train, I make it better when I get home
EscforrealityTLS Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 593

« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2009, 11:31:55 am »

I consider you saying "I'm in a hurry" after writing this, to be a lie. Ha ha funny though.

Pwanawan baby!
Killer344 Offline
The Inquisitor
Posts: 6904

« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2009, 12:08:45 pm »


If I get shot and it's a gay medic fixing me up, he's not gonna be fondling my balls while he does it. You can't patch a chest wound and suck a cock at the same time.
martin_the_monkey1 Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 52

« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2009, 12:12:42 pm »

one of the best post iv ever read in EIR
Draken Offline
Chess master
EIR Veteran
Posts: 1850

« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2009, 12:16:22 pm »

U forgot about epic bitching after salan balance changes :p.
MistenTH Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 199

« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2009, 12:17:18 pm »

LoL. 2 ducks up!
Duckordie Offline
Community Mapper
Posts: 1687

« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2009, 12:48:17 pm »

Sorry, I was one of those ho went WTF? EiR is dead?
Oooh cool Ins mod is out *ignores eir for ˝ year*
when i came back... I did not understand what have happend
First player love Salan, then they hate him, then they love him.
So i made it that he was buzzy with his life (he got a kid you know)
RikiRude Offline
Posts: 4376

« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2009, 01:22:46 pm »

should of mentioned something about shoutcasts and dr nicks over 9,000 hacking tricks. i dont know why but i find the funniest part when there was name confusion with the ducks.

Quote from: Killer344
Killer344: "Repent: sory no joke i just had savage diorea"
... or a fat ass cock sucking churchill being stupid
PrydainAxis Offline
EIR Regular
Posts: 6

« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2009, 01:43:02 pm »

>>Prydain Joined
Prydain: Why do you waste your life writing chatbox inspired stories?
Prydain: Get a life
>>Prydain has jizzed in his pants
>>Prydain has disconnected
Duckordie Offline
Community Mapper
Posts: 1687

« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2009, 02:55:20 pm »

There we go Updated due request
This is not done, lets make a full time line. also gonna add some Dates
More fun stuff that we did miss?
Prydain Don't worry, your on the list also Smiley
salan Offline
Synergies TL2 mod!
Posts: 6290

« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2009, 03:08:54 pm »

U forgot about epic bitching after salan balance changes :p.

ha, ... epic win for everyone!

funny post, a bit wrong on the dates of how long eir was down after my reign, but that is how it is expressed nonetheless eh Wink

stumpster Offline
Honoured Member
Posts: 2197

« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2009, 03:22:13 pm »

Winrar.  I love how Apex doesn't pay attention to anything going on and just talks about his KT 24/7.

Step out of the way. He'll keep going until he hits a wall, that being Akranadas. Let him go unmolested, his journey will take less time.
unem Offline
EIR Regular
Posts: 31

« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2009, 03:26:50 pm »

EiRR: Fuck
EiRR: I hate you
OMGmod: We love you
salan Offline
Synergies TL2 mod!
Posts: 6290

« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2009, 03:38:08 pm »

ya unem, thats not even slightly realistic, we only hate stumpster.  after all he killed eir, twice, no?
Prydain Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 287

« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2009, 03:43:01 pm »

There we go Updated due request
This is not done, lets make a full time line. also gonna add some Dates
More fun stuff that we did miss?
Prydain Don't worry, your on the list also Smiley
You obviously have not seen Battle Chat late after a Friday or Saturday night. I will give you this months Type-Song if you would like MIA - Mango Pickle Down River.

The Germans in Greek
Are sadly to seek;
Not five in five score,
But ninety-five more;
All, save only Hermann,
And Hermann's a German.
Dragon93 Offline
17th Airborne Division - Thunder From Heaven
EIR Veteran
Posts: 234

« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2009, 03:49:34 pm »

Apex: Man Eastern front rox

Quoted for pure goodness.

Duckordie Offline
Community Mapper
Posts: 1687

« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2009, 03:58:00 pm »

Done some more changes, Salan, I was away for ˝ year, Fill me in and we make some fun with it
Sach Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 1211

« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2009, 06:10:14 pm »

I remember nothing from Salan's reign except I woke up and my ass was bleeding Sad

wow,don;t know where that came from.

Sach Wins! Cheesy

Would people please stop killing my AVREs. Not cool.
salan Offline
Synergies TL2 mod!
Posts: 6290

« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2009, 06:11:22 pm »

... your in trouble mr, come to the office please!
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