Thanks for reporting.
Lan play should work fine and thats probably not the reason why you got sync errors...
It might be caused by the unit upgrades.
Are you absolutely sure it was caused by the airborne units and when approximately did the error occur ? On enabling the ability? When in the air? When on the ground?
First of all, good to hear that the lan wasn't the problem.
Secondly, the airborne were still recovering from their drop when the sync error occured on both occasions (ie, they had just dropped, and i could not yet issue them orders.)
Also look into my documents/my games/Company of Heroes/logfiles and look for the "Scarlog" of that date and hour plz. Would help fldash alot in tracking down the error.
And/Or your warninglog of that date/hour & game.
There were only two SCAR logs, so I assume they are the correct ones. they correspond to the correct date and time.
There are ALOT of warning logs from the same date. I have no idea which ones will actually be usefull to you, and I don't know if uploading all of them is the right way to go. Let me know if it is.
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