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Author Topic: A couple of points (Brits)  (Read 14895 times)
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salan Offline
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« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2009, 05:14:54 pm »

Ok wtf. Why do I need to wait for a Crocodile before I can attack? Why do I need a US player? And why do I need a tank to attack, not that it works with AT-Halftracks running around?

Give me a reasonable answer and I will stop 'bitching'. I am sure you understand that I have been in the community a long time and I just hate imbalance ruining EiR.

because your wrong, you don't need a crocodile, in fact only one of their factions have it.  You don't NEED a us player, you simply need to not buy all the emplacements and expect a forward movement in any super duper safe fast manner.  You do not need a TANK... rifle grenades come with smoke rounds and insane accuracy/ dmg to anything garrisoned in a house.  Clears out mgs super easy and fast.   

They are needed to play different, and your opinion of it being imbalanced is based off of what? guessing? a game or two?

that said, we watch for any actual imbalances.  But we also watch for players who are not understanding the faction and attempting to play it in a manner that doesn't work, and then complain about it.  The PE and BRiTS are advanced factions compared to teh Americans and Wehr in almost all situations.

the reinforcement unlocks will somewhat balance both factions lackings as well.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2009, 05:16:47 pm by salan » Logged

Smokaz Offline
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« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2009, 05:16:29 pm »

One thing that is a fairly obvious design flaw, is the fact that the commando and engineers doctrine dont have non-doctrinal artillery. Like it or not, artillery is one of the ways the brits break up axis entrenchment. The artillery doctrine should improve "regular" artillery, not be the sole provider of one. It is fairly difficult to mount any kind of attack with emplacements when the wehr mortar decrews your mortar in 2 shots. This is fairly imbalanced. Brits need non-doctrinal artillery badly to succed in the EiRR environment where defenders like to dig in really good with possibly overlapping scout car healing zones, multiple mgs, cloaked paks and 88's flakvierlings and god knows what other things.

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salan Offline
Synergies TL2 mod!
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« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2009, 05:17:27 pm »

actually smokaz we are looking at the 25pounder and maybe implementing it the same way we have the stuka...  has been noted.
Schultz Offline
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« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2009, 05:28:25 pm »

From personal experience the only way i could advance as a brit player was to not use emplacement at all when attacking.
What i had was like 2 17pounder and one mg, and maybe boffors which i didnt bring in unless i was in a position to control the important keys of the map, to lock down territory.
So how can you advance ? With tanks and infantry blobs.
Brit infantry is uber when you combine.
But the fact remains, theres no use for support weps. Especially the mortar is kinda useless. You can't attack by waiting to build up, and if you end up penetrating the axis defences you didnt need the mortar in the first place.
In that way i think playing Brits is actually making someone to be even more mobile than the pe, which if its the case, why dont have some mobile support weps anyway.
I'm afraid theres no other way really.
What can you do, strategically move your emplacements as close to frontline ?
A clever opponent would see and try to destroy them. What about risk and time ?
« Last Edit: February 13, 2009, 05:50:33 pm by Schultz » Logged
Spitfire92 Offline
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« Reply #24 on: February 13, 2009, 05:46:45 pm »

What about Commando Weapon Teams i.e. Commando Mortar/MG teams.
Akranadas Offline
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« Reply #25 on: February 13, 2009, 05:48:23 pm »

Two Offline
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« Reply #26 on: February 13, 2009, 05:49:43 pm »

To advance with a brit blob you need mobile AT, theres the FF, which means your blob is 2 squads :/ Im failing to see how the devs can do it. I have 1 mortar pit in my company, when i get my priest i wont have any trouble, but until then taking out a single MG is a pain in the ass that requires alot more work then it should, because riflenades are not that accurate.

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Schultz Offline
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« Reply #27 on: February 13, 2009, 06:00:16 pm »

You can use a tank to kill the mg or flank them, but against competent players, you run the risk on having one enemy mg and sniper crippling your stuff. Again you cant really stay static. And i know it sounds weird cause its the brits :p
But i really hate to read about brits needing more arti to break defences.
Why does it always has to be more arti ?
Mysthalin Offline
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« Reply #28 on: February 13, 2009, 06:20:55 pm »

You can use a tank to kill the mg or flank them, but against competent players, you run the risk on having one enemy mg and sniper crippling your stuff. Again you cant really stay static. And i know it sounds weird cause its the brits :p
But i really hate to read about brits needing more arti to break defences.
Why does it always has to be more arti ?
So, you're telling us to use like a US clone that has no support weapons...
That's what the devs are telling us, as well, in a nutshell.
good going.

Two Offline
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« Reply #29 on: February 13, 2009, 06:46:43 pm »

You can use a tank to kill the mg or flank them, but against competent players, you run the risk on having one enemy mg and sniper crippling your stuff. Again you cant really stay static. And i know it sounds weird cause its the brits :p
But i really hate to read about brits needing more arti to break defences.
Why does it always has to be more arti ?

Unless you want to add some new units to the game its got to be arty, mg's always tend to be covered by paks/shreks so tanks fail.
Mukip Offline
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« Reply #30 on: February 13, 2009, 07:26:44 pm »

Commandos are so expensive you don't want to buy them any upgrades.  Where is the munitions going to come from?  Seems like I'm missing out on a lot of fun with them because they are so expensive.

They need reduced munitions cost if nothing else, perhaps give them smoke grenades for free instead.  When Axis players want a few squads of KCH etc they don't have to make sacrifices the way Brits do. 
DasNoob Offline
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« Reply #31 on: February 13, 2009, 07:27:23 pm »

Give me a reasonable answer and I will stop 'bitching'.

Your bitching causes us to not want to give you a "reasonable answer."

L2P brits is my advise.

Quote from: fldash on Today at 06:22:34 PM

You have DasNoob who uses the mod as COHTV
Khorney Offline
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« Reply #32 on: February 13, 2009, 08:03:38 pm »


smokes should be default - it's basically just a flashy (less useful) fireup, the camo effect is so short it's negligible
OhSlowpoke Offline
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« Reply #33 on: February 13, 2009, 08:31:52 pm »

Not trying to be rude or anything, but when most players who complain about the faction are the players who ae playing it- it tends to lead itself to a pattern. It seems like nobody really wants to hear honest and fair opinions- we are trying to help, if in our own way- that being said;

The British and Americans both seem to suffer the same problem- I like to call this '2nd rateness'. Basically, with that said, yes, the americans and brits both have great counters to the germans- but, it gets them nowhere, because the german counters are always a step ahead, a step better. Commandos, Rangers and Airborne pale in comparison to Stormies, Assault Grens and Falshrimjagers(sp). American and British tanks, while peppy, are nowhere near as powerful, or useful when microed as german tanks. American Artillery as well as British artillery suffers from being stationary (other than the priest, which, has a high cost, making it less useful) compared to even nebels, the most basic of arty.

American AT guns are beat by the cloaking triple shot Paks, American RRs and Bazookas are worse than Panzershreks.

I could go on. Now, I do know it's true that the Americans and British CAN beat the Germans. It's true, and yes, I AM a noob. But, at the moment, they suffer from 2nd rate units. I wouldn't quite go overboard and say the Germans are overpowered, but, it just appears they are tons more useful in the hands of skilled players, creating a performance gap- basically- a skilled player playing the americans, fighting an equally skilled player, fighting as the germans, and the german player will win 70% of the gunfights, -meaning, battles will be won.

This is all opinion, you can can say otherwise, as I do not back it up with any cold hard fact- just a general feeling I've had since I started playing since not-so-long ago.
gamesguy Offline
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« Reply #34 on: February 13, 2009, 09:02:20 pm »

Emplacements take way too long to setup.  Mortar pits are worthless because the wehr mortar outranges it and kills it in 1-2 barrages, where as the PE mortar just needs a single incendiary shell.   Not enough range on them either.

Availability on tommies is way too low.  Wehr gets 20 squads of basic infantry, PE gets 10+ assault grens+ tankbusters, Americans have weapon teams, but Brits are stuck with tommies and sappers.  Sappers are not a replacement for basic infantry.  Its pretty hilarious when I see brit players run around with 4+ squads of sappers trying to shoot it out with volks and grens because they ran out of tommies.

Commandos are extremely weak for their cost, and piats are nearly worthless, which is expected given they are equally useless in retail.
sgtDirtbag Offline
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« Reply #35 on: February 13, 2009, 09:07:45 pm »

i think it is all repeating...

when CoH opposing fronts was released, everyone said Brits they suck..they are so slow...their units are so expensive...their doctrines are crap, they are to static

a couple of month later the people learned to play brits and most where crying: Brits? WTF this OP piece of shit we hate them"

maybe you guys should give it some time, and try some different company builds and tactics
Prydain Offline
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« Reply #36 on: February 13, 2009, 09:19:53 pm »

Give me a reasonable answer and I will stop 'bitching'.

Your bitching causes us to not want to give you a "reasonable answer."

L2P brits is my advise.
So you don't have an answer then? Don't prove my point ffs.

I play a lot of 2v2 AT as British, I have not built more than 4 emplacements in around 30 games because they are pretty useless and against high level players you never have time. In EiRR we are expected to build an emplacement in a persistent environment when any counter to anything could be called onto the field at any time.

The Germans in Greek
Are sadly to seek;
Not five in five score,
But ninety-five more;
All, save only Hermann,
And Hermann's a German.
« Reply #37 on: February 13, 2009, 09:27:00 pm »

Why should a mobile mortar ever, ever, EVER outrange a stationary emplacement mortar that has to be built?  Huh

Or be able to kill it in a few hits. It's an emplacement, it should be slightly durable (not godlike like when you try to take it on with infantry in vCoH).

Edit: It's really hard to make certain balance declarations and changes right now though, since we're missing doctrines. Who knows what the Brits have in store (though from what I hear it starts out rough? I haven't gotten into a game yet).

And is the emplacement pop a confirmed bug? In my 25 pop starting company I won't be able to place my 17 pounder until one unit dies? I'd really hate to go into a game and find that out.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2009, 09:30:19 pm by Lionel-Richie » Logged
stumpster Offline
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« Reply #38 on: February 13, 2009, 09:37:40 pm »

I'll look into the emplacement build times/armor, they may have gotten jumbled a bit while changing stats to start incorporating the beta changes.

Step out of the way. He'll keep going until he hits a wall, that being Akranadas. Let him go unmolested, his journey will take less time.
amadeus Offline
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« Reply #39 on: February 13, 2009, 09:46:12 pm »

stey are still awesome..just the glidercrushes-.-
gliders just have to crush a house, and the unit in it is dead!
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