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Author Topic: Europe in Ruins Ruined.  (Read 4100 times)
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BradAnderson Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 1233

« on: March 08, 2009, 11:57:55 am »

By Prydain:

Brits, fun to play for about 30 seconds until you realise hey look my army costs stupid amounts and are pathetically impractical and can not adapt to any situation.

Emplacements suck, trenches suck, Fireflys are way overpriced and 25 pounders can barely hit 1/10 of the map away from it; these are only a few stupid balance decisions.

The Firefly costs 615MP and 390FU, are you fucking tripping? Pak guns negate it, Marders negate it, shreks can freely hit it without any worry due to mortars taking out your support.... so lets make it stupid, useless and way overpriced; THAT will make those Brit players pay for ruining vcoh!
A dual Brit team sucks, A triple Brit team is not even worth playing on, why are we told to get an American team-mate? Is that the Balance team's great idea? The British being a leaching team who are forced to have another faction carry them through the battles?
Emplacements are horrible, they don't remove properly to allow you to rebuild and are negated by mortars, what do the Brits have to counter mortars? Well....em.. lets see: Priest? the 25 pounder? OR a crazy stupid rush of vehicles and infantry tasked with hopelessly trying to kill it while it just packs up and quickly gives you a huge FUCK YOU! Mortars are almost invincible too by the way.
Gliders, why cant i delete them? Yay now I can block more of the map...
No moblie At? PIATs? Yea dream on...
Riflenades are way, way, way overpriced and should be around 75mu.
FOO arty still does not work, I doubt its hard to fix.
CCS is terrible, it heals like once a game for half the price of a triage.
The Bren gun carrier is terribly bad as it loses to a bike and yea why buy it.
Stuart... YAY, please 2 shot me Mr.Shrek, Pak, anything that scratches my armour.
Hello! I'm a Commando Section, I cost the same a 17 Nebels and I am owned by everything!

Also Mortar halftracks are stupid yay now i'm more moblile and have a better mortar than everyone else.
The reason Brits are so goodshit in vcoh is cause they are supposed to beat the opponent early before he can reach his end game but of course in EiR this doesn't happen because you can start with whatever you fucking want.

Availability sucks, lets make the one thing fun about EiR (company variation between the players) non existent...
Veterency is not counting on some units or have you introduced the BS where you lose vet for a loss... fuck off.
Reinforcements- so you were trying to say we don't want the gap between new company and developed Coys to be big. Well you fucking failed at that... now if I was wher I can use a mix of Paks, Mortar Halftracks, Hummels, snipers,Tiger aces, Kts, Stukas, healing scout cars in one huge fucking uber Coy.

The balance is so bad with EIR atm that I almost beat 3 players by myself as wher with no doctrines... yea great fucking balance.

Last but not least the launcher is fucking horrible lag galore and no autokick function, wow, fail.

Give me VEiR any day.

« Last Edit: March 08, 2009, 01:11:44 pm by BradAnderson » Logged
Duckordie Offline
Community Mapper
Posts: 1687

« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2009, 12:45:09 pm »

1. Prydain DUCK YOU
If you don't post feedback on maps, don't think they gona be updated by them self.
And my maps are not ugly, you are duck ugly. Sorry to say but your nasty, If your so good, go make maps your self dick ship fuck.

I played around 7 games on Pe, won 6 of them
Played 10 games as wher won 9 of them
I played 6 games as Allies won 6
I played 9 games as Brits, won 1

Now I did lose, only due I cant play brits, I have seen their strength, but i cant speak for cost balance.
Birts are more dug in and hold and relocate.
Brits rifle grenades are relay awesome.

I say... Availability dose not work, on pe and brits

^<-- Duck and

 We need more axis players!:
Duckordie Offline
Community Mapper
Posts: 1687

« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2009, 12:55:42 pm »

Pryde is a noob, I never made a new map size I allways used old once,

Venue is Rtc Map size
Churche is Rtc Map Sizw
In Der hitz is Crossroads Map Size
Viking grave is Smaler than Swiner docks
Ghost town is same as abbeville

LOL your so owned. This just prof that you are over reacting
You failed at playing brits like I did and you went mad.
I am not a balance player so I cant say why I cant play brits.
Something needs to be done. Dunno what

And aye! Brits got 1 OP unit, the At gun, I love it, if its gets hit.
you can relocate and its back to full health
And Fire fly is not an attack unit, it should  be back and let othere unit be at front

Birts is a new game play style, that maybe need a balace
Igawa Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 113

« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2009, 12:58:15 pm »

Do people do this for fun or something?

If I were a mod I would have locked this thread as soon as I saw it. This topic is designed for one purpose...flaming.

I wish people would stop whining about balance at this point. As soon as doctrines are in the whole game will have to be rebalaced again so there's no damn point.

Just play the fucking game.
Prydain Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 287

« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2009, 12:59:40 pm »

Duck or Die, is that a question or advice?

The Germans in Greek
Are sadly to seek;
Not five in five score,
But ninety-five more;
All, save only Hermann,
And Hermann's a German.
Hydro Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 242

« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2009, 12:59:51 pm »

And aye! Brits got 1 OP unit, the At gun, I love it, if its gets hit.
you can relocate and its back to full health

Not true, more times it reacting to pack after 5 time clicking
BradAnderson Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 1233

« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2009, 01:06:14 pm »

enplacements are broken also they lose full squad health after one shot.
Duckordie Offline
Community Mapper
Posts: 1687

« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2009, 01:08:07 pm »

Duck or Die, is that a question or advice?

I dont give a shit what you your your love boy do
But do not go bad on mapers and say they sux then just stop there
How the fuck do you think we can balance with out feedback?
And it not to  you if its Brad thats made the tropic, my bad.

Your just stupid,
Its like saying, ooooh EiR sux due its not balanced and no one post replays or post feed back.
How fucking smart is that?

When a map is made its 99% not balanced and need to be remade alot.
And dont think we can go out and make Relic maps, thats hard shit.
Also A map takes what Unk0wn? 1 week? Or so to make? If not more?

I KNOW some maps are unbalance, but I cant balance them, the players need to help the mapers.
And Yes I am getting fucking involved is this but you don't go

EiR sux
And duck too
That pisses me off.
Unkn0wn Offline
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Posts: 18379

« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2009, 01:12:43 pm »

Brits are just hard to play, that doesn't mean they're necessarily broken.
Yes there are some balance issues left and right and these will get resolved but I think people like Morka, IP4K, etc have proven that Brits are one of the strongest factions when in the right hands.

Availability sucks, lets make the one thing fun about EiR (company variation between the players) non existent...
I'm sorry but this is just talking crap. Currently most players are sitting on stacks of PPs that they cant spend, which means that if they really wanted they could spam the crap out of anything. The system is actually intended for users to spend PPs on veterancy and availability, doctrines & advantages continuously. Personally the availability system barely effects me, I can build the EXACT same company as I did in the old EIR, there's still plenty of variety. If you want even more variety or if you want to spam something, spend PPs on it. Smokaz has 13 rangers, other people have 7 tetrarchs, etc etc. There is no limit, you just need to get into the new mindset.

Also Mortar halftracks are stupid yay now i'm more moblile and have a better mortar than everyone else.
What's your point? You want EIRR to remove a unit from Opposing Fronts?
Go play PE if you think they're easy mode Smiley.

Veterency is not counting on some units or have you introduced the BS where you lose vet for a loss... fuck off.
Report bugs rather than being a dick about them. You do not lose veterancy when you lose games.

Last but not least the launcher is fucking horrible lag galore and no autokick function, wow, fail.
Again, quit being a dick. This is a BETA, these are all issues that will be resolved and the launcher will eventually be optimised even further. Don't you think that Lucifer deserves a little more credit and patience from this community than the crap you're throwing him?

You may have some valid points but the incredibly arrogant and disrespectful way in which you present them to us is quite unacceptable.

We all know where this is going, you should've known where this was going when you wrote it up.

Thread locked.
DasNoob Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 3430

« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2009, 01:12:50 pm »

This is a flame fest, nothing more.  

Quote from: fldash on Today at 06:22:34 PM

You have DasNoob who uses the mod as COHTV
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