all of them are great options, and actually somewhat planned to one degree or another, just certain things are more important in the grand scheme of things.
Hmm you know what may be a good idea salan, somewhere in maybe the important info, or even in the eirr guide, make a list of eirr priorities or things you guys are trying to accomplish and maybe a number next to it showing how important it is or how close it is to becoming reality. That way as the community posts ideas, you can put these ideas into the priority list so people can:
1. not ask for the same thing time and time again.
2. know that their ideas were indeed heard, but its just not something you guys plan on working on yet.
3. HOPEFULLY people will check the thread when they think they have some awesome idea, see that you guys already had the same idea 6 months ago, just weren't sure how to implement it.
Like right now, I imagine new vet tables are a #1 or 2 in priorities, while getting something like a log out button for accounts is 7 or 8.