Hey Guys,
Just wanted to let you all know what the game plan is going to be with the last 3 doctrines. (Airborne, Terror, RE)
As it turns out, a lot of the old abilities from these doctrines are still left in the code, so until we find something better, we are just going to re-institute the these three doctrines from the last rework. There might be some exception for RE, as we have plans for this particular doctrine, but old AB and terror will be in so we can at least have something to play with.
The new Tank Hunters will continue development as normal, (one tree at a time) and we are going to start setting a deadline for balance patches for at least once a month on the 10th of each month. My guess is that whatever it is we have cooked up, balance wise and doctrine wise, will be released on this date and any other content will be distributed intermittently throughout the rest of the month. These would be art things, old doctrine abilities that just need launcher work and map fixes.
Regarding new Maps: For the time being, I shall be taking over how mapping is done here. I will be releasing beta test map packs for public testing as this is the only viable way to get real feedback on new maps. After a two week period, all the maps shall be brought up for review. We got at least 50 active maps going atm, my goal is to add 5 well rounded and popular maps to the list over the next few months.
As such, I will have an open door policy on this. If you got a new map and everyone is being too lazy to test it, let me know and it will get some play time.
Organizational Stuff: Sometime this week, I shall be composing a set of public documents that outlines EIRR's internal developmental methodology and design philosophy for this set of doctrines. This is for the sake of transparency to the community, but they shall be in a locked sub-fourm, used for reference only.
Thats all I got guys, thanks
[PR Lead] Groundfire