I think this should be the general idea for resource management in the war. Armies should fight over territory in general and 'Supply Stations' in particular. Companies that are not in direct contact with a 'supply base' will not get resources, and will be cut off, doomed to drift away into bodies and tank husks. (Or it could be very violent. Who knows.)
There shouldn't be many 'supply bases' per side, or perhaps a couple of very large ones (many resources), severel more medium sized ones (a fairly large amount of resources) and lots of small ones (not so much res).
Larger supply bases should be located towards the very rear, so this way even if one side is dominating, it won't be such a slippery slope. The winning side may have a small resource bonus (and the other team a small resource penalty) but not so huge as to negate tactics as a winning factor. When one side starts capturing major supply bases (like ports) then the loosing team will finally get a massive resource drop, which is the way a war map strategy should be, IMHO.