Alright, I have some basic experience with both and wanted to try something but I need some advice on a couple of things...
- Skinning I have done before and I can do the photo-shopping, however I cant get things to work properly when going trough corsix and the tutorial didn't help me there, so I'd need some help here. Should be fairly quick and easy.
- Models, While I've made 3d models (1 year 3d modelling course) before for school projects and the like and do have some experience with this, I've never actually made one for a game specifically, so I'd have some questions regarding this as finding a decent tutorial for CoH realted stuff was difficult.
If you can help me with either, can you tell me when you'll be able to be online tomorrow or after that to help me out? Very much appreciated, I'm going to sleep now but post here if you can help me