Hey Tym, This statement proves how big of an ignorant ass you have become.
When you do something positive other then voice an opinion that half of the time makes no sense, then maybe most ppl will care what you think.
Personally i think Leo, and anyone who contributes to the mode deserves respect......
But that will be a cold day in hell i bet. You can read RGDs, and tell people when they fuck up or make a mistake or to piss on people all day long, but you offer no help... Amazing how that works....
I didn't smash on Leo cuz of his mistake, i always joke around with Leo just cuz of who he is. I agreed that the 5 second idea was bad yet I didn't call him a retard or an idiot or anything else like others did i just said it was a bad idea and heck even provided a constructive criticism plus possibly solution so if you actually went back and saw what i said you wouldn't say something as ignorant as this.
my basic point is this, I will treat people the same way whether they are a coder, the head of the mod, a maper or a normal peon like you and me, it makes no difference, if they feel i should treat them any better than than anyone else and that I have a problem them, if you you can't get that, then thats your problem.