Some questions and some comments.
First off, is it one flat repair rate for all vehicles? I mean if you are repairing a bike will it repair at 3HP/s and if you are repairing a panther will it repair at 3HP/s as well?
Right now the rate of repair is pretty high, and although repairing on the front lines is a very bad idea it will waste your opponents time. Example, a IST is brought down to 40% health, he sits there and repairs on the front lines, I scoot up my ATG and start firing, usually it would take about 4-5 shots to finish it off, 1 or 2 shells might bounce, one might not penetrate well. But with repairs you do 15% damage, by the time you reload, they have healed about 5-7% of that damage, the next shot bounces and they just negated that first shot that landed. Now it's taking you 10-15 shots to kill a tank that should of been dead in 1/3 that time.
So the repair rate should be lowered, this is especially crappy since axis have such good front armor.
Another thing, which at this point I don't know how much of a good or bad thing it is, is we can't repair non-vehicles, this includes bunkers, ATGs, emplacements, triages, nebels, and I'm sure there's more.
Now ATGs aren't too big of a problem for allies since they can be healed at a triage or maybe a CCS. And emplacements have that health bug, and 88s are easy to get to vet 1 where they get a healing bonus.
Now on one hand it sucks, but on another it adds a new element to the game, but also puts axis at a disadvantage. So I was thinking of two solutions for this.
Put repair kits on all these things, since they already cost muni to field, maybe make them cost MP to repair?
Another idea is give repair units back their repair, but they can't repair vehicles, they can only repair things without repair kits.
I have a feeling I'm going to make this post and a devs going to say "already working on it" or something similar.