Yeah i forgot to post this few days ago so here you go, i doubt that you could prove theres worse luck than this!
First of all, as we were going to inspect our lil fort up ahead, my fetish pressing ventrilo key set off the goliath between my units..
Well that was depressing. Now the worst..
Uh yeah, i just thought about trying out this Supa l33t Wirblewind as i heard it suppresses infantry like hell, soo i thought i would pay back to those god damn rifle men finaly..
Well about 2-3 mins later my wirble shoots down a recon plane.. Not saying that i was amused that it actualy HIT IT (well i was) but when it blew up, IT CRASHED STRAIGHT INTO NIGHTRAINS VET 3 NEBEL, killing whole crew. Wow.
That day, i made a promise. Nightrain, i will never ever get another wirble in my company. Ever. Neverever.Evernever. Dot.
O ya, i forgot to mention that, somehow, he DID get it rerolled.. Wow.. "Lucky" we eh? Im just so pro. I come to show you a replay and forget to put on the link. Yay