Smokaz, Thanks for coming to your performance review
No problem
So you're the Stacker in charge around here, is that fair to say?
Absolutely, I'm the boss
Okay, so take us through a day in the life of the stacker
Well the first thing I do is...
Talk to Aloha (like a boss)
Approve teammates (like a boss)
Troll a thread (like a boss)
Forget Wind's birthday (like a boss)
Direct balance threads (like a boss)
My own mentor title (like a boss)
Micro spam (like a boss)
Promote Spam (like a boss)
Hit on Leophone (like a boss)
Get accepted (like a boss)
Forget about sadness (like a boss)
Send some PMs (like a boss)
Call EIRRMOD (like a boss)
Cry deeply (like a boss)
Demand a refund (like a boss)
I dont donate (like a boss)
Harrassment lawsuit (like a boss)
No promotion (like a boss)
Smoke Wittmanns weed (like a boss)
Shit on Computers's desk (like a boss)
Buy some pps (like a boss)
Hack a Tiger Ace (like a boss)
Oh fuck man I get Warning.. shit!
Delete the Tiger Ace (like a boss)
Puke on Computers's desk (like a boss)
Log on a smurf (like a boss)
Call some dude a prick (like a boss)
Score some T4's (like a boss)
Crash my Panther (like a boss)
Post a troll pic (like a boss)
Eat some (burnt) pizza (like a boss)
Smurf Dnice's balls off (like a boss)
Black out on Ventrilo (like a boss)
Meet a Fat Freddy (like a boss)
Yell his brains out (like a boss)
Turn into a Airborne Squuad (like a boss)
Throw satchel on Baine (like a boss)
Fire-up into the sun (like a boss)
Now I'm dead (like a boss)
Uh huh. So that's an average day for you then?
No doubt
You smurf dnice's balls off, turn into a airborne squad and fireup into the sun?
Hell yeah
And I think at one point there you said something about hacking a tiger ace?
Actually I'm pretty sure you did
Nah, that ain't me
Okay, well this has been eye opening for me
I'm the boss
Yeah, no I got that. You said it about four-hundred times
I'm the boss
Yeah yeah I got it!
I'm the boss
No I heard you, see ya later