Miss you, Tym.
Yea yea, miss u too
buildings is better coz adding VPs will mean that every map needs to be modified and redownloaded.
Would probably just be a location - depending on how it all pans out, because then you wouldnt need multiple versions of maps (or modified ones)
I think another way to do is is to have an altered atk/def where the defense gets a 30-60 sec headstart but they can't cap anything, the pop stays at 25 to keep things on a smaller scale and the attacker has to cap in sequence.
So this is how it would go. The defenders would have an advantage in cap (percentage of map) at the start, this causes the attackers to "rush" more rather than sit back and try to say like, bombard their way thru lol.
one issue i could see with this is that maps would have to be narrower, with altered sectors so you have it go one by one with limited backcapping capabilities.
a perfect map atm for this type of game mode is RTC.