It worked, I'll fully admit. We did believe that you were giving up or too emotionally wounded by only having 4 shermans left against like 3 50mms.
It's not like it surprised us the fact you were giving up. It was like that natural part of the game when its not 100% in your favor. The automatic comments from you are then
- Backcapping bohoo
- Im not winning bohoo
- I cant counter what you have bohoo
Write with a straight face that you dont go through that routine when a game goes bad lol
i just started doing it recently. Noticing how people always expect me to start with 2 shermans or rage quit which is wildly over stated. So why not try to use that as an advantage. I mean sooner or later someone had to card count my call ins. and now i didnt have 4 shermans i had 6 shermans left at the end of the game.....