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Author Topic: [How To] Check unit stats in EIR  (Read 25837 times)
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LeoPhone Offline
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« on: May 24, 2010, 05:46:16 pm »

Wondering how that firefly shell bounced off a jagdpanther?
Want to know why that atg shot 3 of your KCH in a row?

Company of heroes is amazingly complex if it's about unit stats.

There is only one problem:
CoH-Stats is not getting updated.
The result is that after a bunch of vCoH updates + unit stats changes EiR made CoH-Stats is completely inaccurate.
(A few EiR stats changes can be found here: http://forums.europeinruins.com/index.php?topic=13548.0)

So what to do??? why is that Jagd traveling at 100mph?
No worries! there is Crosix's mod studio!

Step 1:
Download Crosix

Official download:

Some people might have trouble with some missing files so try to use this custom download:

Step 2:
Unzip the downloaded file with a program like 7zip. Extract the entire contents to any location on your hard disk, but remember to have the "Keep directory names intact" or similar option ticked.

Open the directory you extracted the files to in Windows Explorer or a similar program. You will see a folder called DoW_Mod_Studio_Files, a file called Rainman.dll and a file called ModStudio.exe. To launch the program, double click on ModStudio.exe

from the menu that appears you select Load CoH/OF mod
go to where you installed CoH (default: C:\Program Files\THQ\Company of Heroes) and click on EuropeInRuins.module

you now have loaded europe in ruins mod into crosix's.

Step 3:
Finding the correct data

go to files/attrib/attrib. there you see a big list of all the stuff inside EiR.
everything in blue is origonal CoH stuff and has not been changed by EIR.
everything in red has been changed in EIR.

the folders you will be using the most are abilities, ebps/races and weapon.
NOTE: To find the right stats for units in EiR go to ebps/races/(armyname)/_europeinruins.

Veterancy values can be found in /sbps/_europeinruins/races/. Open a unit and click on squad_veterancy_ext. In there look for squad_actions. That is where the modifiers are found. Note though that you can already find the vet buffs in the launcher company screen and the website unit price list.

ebps/races is used to find basic unit info like it's health, speed and crush type.
you can also find all the abilities that certain unit has(like LT aura). but if you want to know the properties of the ability you follow the link you can see at the ability list. so for the LT that is abilities\_europeinruins\cw\lieutenant_force_multiplier.lua

weapon is used to find everything related to unit weapons: from reload of rifles to the reduced accuracy a puma will have when it's moving.

most of it is pretty obvious, I will go to most of the names so you'll know what everything means.



shows all the abilities a unit can use. (throw grenade and throw sticky bomb for rifles)
follow the link you find there to see all the info about the ability.
most of the time you can find the info you are looking for under attrib\attrib\abilities\_europeinruins\(abilityname)\gamedata\ability_bag\action_list\start_target_actions(or start_self_actions).
if you find an action that's used, you click on it and then you can see things like the area of effect and modifiers.
if you want to know the dmg a grenade does, you go to attrib/attrib/weapon/allies/ballistic_weapon/grenade

I think this decides how big the chance is an object catches fire. for example, a wooden barn can catch fire more easily than a concrete bunker.

under hardpoints you can find the weapons this unit uses.

tells you if that unit moves slower/fast trough a type of cover.

shows things like maximum health and the health regeneration.

tells you if different kinds of bullets pass trough the unit or collide with it.
example: basically nothing collides with the puma exept for sticky bombs

tells you if the unit is shot blocking. and how big the box is.
ex: buildings are shot blocking, tanks arent.

shows stuff like acceleration and max speed.

shows the cloak and mine detection radius of the unit.
basic sight of the unit can be found here: sight_ext/sight_package/outer_radius

shows what type the unit actually is. a m8 greyhound for example, is a m8 greyhound type.
but some are different: the m18 tank destroyer's type is the m10 tank destroyer.
infantry dont have their own name, they are simply tp_infantry or tp_infantry_elite, etc.
what this matters has mostly to do with the modifiers every weapon has against all the different units.

There is also a critical type the unit uses. this decides how big the chanse is a unit gets engine damage or whatever.
(will be clear soon)

Here is a link to CoH stats which explains everything too:

shows accuracy of the weapon at short, medium and long range

probably stuff the AI uses, not important for us.

shows how long it takes a unit to aim.
after reload, a unit wont instantly shoot. it 1st has to aim. a weapon where you see this very clear is the panzerschreck, sometimes it just takes forever for the damn thing to shoot.

Everything about the weapon's area of effect. example: Tiger has large area of effect, Panther has tiny area of effect.
shows how much dmg, suppression, etc a gun does inside its area of effect. ex: in the middle of an explosion the dmg is higher than at the edges of it.

tells what the gun can and what it does. ex: can it shoot at airplanes or not?

Can burst - true/false - explains whether a weapon uses burst fire or is a single-shot weapon. MG42s and etc. are burst, whereas rifles and most tank guns are single fire weapons.
Duration - shows the length of the burst. If a unit has a burst duration of 2 seconds, it will fire a 2-second long burst.
Rate of Fire - the amount of bullets fired per second of burst. If the ROF is 15, and the burst duration is 2 seconds, then the weapon will fire 30 rounds in a burst.

the time between shots or bursts in weaponry that uses clips.

shows the extra/reduced dmg the gun does when an opponent is in a different kind of cover.

Shows what criticals can be caused on enemy units at various health levels. Normal weapons have a small chance to cause crits like engine dmg at high hp targets. At red hp there is a chance to do a kill crit to an enemy unit. Without kill crits the weapon will never kill any units. Stickies have a high chance of causing engine damage criticals at green health already, and sniper rifles have a 100% kill crit chance at green health already.

how much health the opponent will lose if the bullet hits.
RR, schreck, and bazooka actually deal 25% more than their listed damage, this is because they have a 1.25% damage modifier in the "small" area of effect. The radius for the "small" distance is listed as 0, but I think this just mean direct hit.

So 1.25 X 75(zook dmg) = 93.75, so it would take 5 penetrating hit to kill a 400 HP ostwind.

PIAT still deals 90 damage afaik

shows the reduced damage if the bullet bounces

the tabs wind up and wind down are important in this tab.
wind up: the amount of time the weapon will take to prepare itself for the shot. Generally a pretty buggy entity due to the fact that the rest of the fire cycle starts immediately after the end of wind-up, even if it's interrupted. (wind-down, cooldown, reload etc.)
wind down: the time the weapon takes to recover from the shot. Adds to cooldown.

tells you what happens if your unit that the weapon is holding is moving. most of the time he will lose accuracy

Offhand is probably a relic from the alpha days of the game where it was used for something. Gamesguy will likely explain better, if he knows.

shows how much penetration the bullet has at short, medium and long range. 1 means it will always penetrate. 0.5 means there is a 50% chance to penetrate.
note that these values mean almost nothing though, you need to multiply them with the penetration multipliers found in target_table

shows how far the weapon can fire, and also the distance of short, medium and long range.

shows the time it takes to reload. frequency basically means how much rounds one magazine holds. but the actual value is +1. so if frequency = 10, the gun will reload after 11 shots/bursts.

When the weapon misses the target It will scatter into a random direction. that direction is based on the values found here.

some weapons take time to setup, like mg42s and mortars.

when units are suppressed they will fire slower etc. this tab shows the exact variables

how much suppression the weapon gives.

shows all the multipliers to every weapon has for all the different unit types. so you can find the stug's gun has 0.9 accuracy vs the greyhound, while accuracy vs the m3 halftrack stays the same.

what 0.9 means is that the accuracy the gun currently has(1 at short&medium range, 0.75 at long) gets multiplied by 0.9.
so that will be 1x0.9=0.9 at short and medium range, and 0.75x0.9=0.675 accuracy at long range.

Tracking gives you the speed at which the gun can turn, as well as the fire cone. The cone angle can be best seen in weapons like the ATG, whereas tracking is most noticeable on tanks(its how fast it's turret can turn).

remember that once you think you calculated all the different values for one simple gun shot, you probably have forgot about 10 other things.

example 1:

for the accuracy a m1 garand has vs volks you must check:
1: the range you are firing from (weapon_bag/accuracy  & weapon_bag/range/mid)
2: the type of cover your opponent is in (weapon_bag/cover_table)
3: if your unit is moving (weapon_bag/moving)
4: the target table vs volks (unit type volks is can be found in ebps/races/axis/_europeinruins/soldiers/volksgrenadiers.rgd/type_ext)
in this case there is no accuracy multiplier vs tp_infantry, and also not moving accuracy multiplier.
so running your volks left and right while rifleman are shooting at them will NOT make your volks go bullet time.

example 2:
How much bullets does a LMG42 shoots per minute?

1: find the weapon (weapon/axis/small_arms/machine_gun/light_machine_gun/mg42_lmg.rgd)
we will simply go down the weapon bag list until we have all the information we need.

2: 1st the lmg has to aim. the time this takes is 0.25s on medium range. on long range it's 0.5s, and at short range 0.025s. in this case we care about the medium range.
at the begin and after every reload this time must be added
3: burst shows how much bullets the lmg shoots for every frequency it has.
the lmg shoots 15 bullets per second per burst, and the duration is 1s min. or 2s max. we will take the average of those two(1.5). 15x1.5=22.5 bullets per burst
4: cooldown is the time that must be added between every burst
for medium range the cooldown has an average of 3.25s. (3s min, 3.5s max)
5: check wind up and wind down.
this weapon has no windup or wind down, so that will make things easier. if it had, the wind up time had to be added to before the gun shoots. wind down would be added when the burst is over.
6: check moving.
the lmg42 cant shoot while moving, so its no point checking this. if it could shoot while moving, the burst and cooldown multiplier would have been important.
7: reload.
average duration of reload is 6.25s. the gun has to reload after an average of 7.5+1=8.5 bursts.
8: if you care about how fast the gun fires when the unit it's holding is suppressed, you must check the suppressed tab. in this example we don't care about that.
9: the target_table tab shows no multipliers that has anything to do with the amount of bullets fired. so we can ignore this tab.
10: and that would be it, now lets add everything together:

1:  aim the lmg: 0.25s
2:  shoot burst: 22.5 bullets (1.5s) (8.5frequenty-1)
3:  cooldown:    3.25s
4:  shoot burst: 22.5 bullets (1.5s) (7.5frequenty-1)
5:  cooldown:    3.25s
6:  shoot burst: 22.5 bullets (1.5s) (6.5frequenty-1)
7:  cooldown:    3.25s
8:  shoot burst: 22.5 bullets (1.5s) (5.5frequenty-1)
9:  cooldown:    3.25s
10: shoot burst: 22.5 bullets (1.5s) (4.5frequenty-1)
11: cooldown:    3.25s
12: shoot burst: 22.5 bullets (1.5s) (3.5frequenty-1)
13: cooldown:    3.25s
14: shoot burst: 22.5 bullets (1.5s) (2.5frequenty-1)
15: cooldown:    3.25s
16: shoot burst: 22.5 bullets (1.5s) (1.5frequenty-1)
17: now because we took the average there is 0.5 seconds left, so i will take half the time of the cooldown and half the burst.
18: cooldown:    1.625
17: shoot burst: 11.25 bullets(0.75s) (0.5frequenty-0.5)
19: frequency has reached 0. it is time to reload. the time it takes is 6.25s

now the loop starts all over again. the time this one loop takes is 43.625 seconds.
there were 191.25 bullets fired.

to calculate the amount of bullets fired per minute, you divide 191.25 by 43.625 and multiply it by 60.
the answer is 263.037 bullets per minute.


now you can answer the question to how that goddamn firefly bullet bounces off the Jagdpanther.

Quote from: ANSWER
1st you find the firefly's gun.
we were wondering about the shot bouncing, so we look for penetration.
short : 1
medium: 0.92
long: 0.85

that's not bad penetration at all! why is the bullet bouncing then?

the answer is in the target_table. the penetration there is changed just for the jagd. thats what we are looking for.
go to cw_17pounder_firefly_gun.rgd/target_table/tp_armour_pe_jagtpanther
there you see the firefly has a 0.8831 pen. modifier vs the jagd.
this must be multiplied by the firefly's basic penetration. since the firefly is most of the time firing at max range we take 0.85x0.8831=0.75.

so the conclusion is that 1 of the 4 bullets a firefly will shoot on a jagd's front armor will bounce. ON AVERAGE.
Basically you were just an unlucky guy. So from now on, stop whining on the forum and check it out Yourself.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2018, 06:02:34 pm by Illegal_Carrot » Logged
Groundfire Offline
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« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2010, 05:59:35 pm »

Great guide leo. More ppl need to learn how to use this anyways.

An educated community stops making stupid balance suggestions.  Grin

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Grundwaffe Offline
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« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2010, 06:36:05 pm »

Btw. how you explained this tutorial made me think about.

Nice tut Smiley even thou im to tired to understand this yet.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 06:42:57 pm by Metro123 » Logged

SublimeHauken - Back from the dead - Since 2007'
Mysthalin Offline
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« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2010, 12:24:24 pm »

Tanks don't receive heavy or light cover modifiers - all they have is vehicle cover which only helps with recieved accuracy.

A few explanations on what Leo doesn't know :

Burst :
Can burst - true/false - explains whether a weapon uses burst fire or is a single-shot weapon. MG42s and etc. are burst, whereas rifles and most tank guns are single fire weapons.
Duration - shows the length of the burst. If a unit has a burst duration of 2 seconds, it will fire a 2-second long burst.
Rate of Fire - the ammount of bullets fired per second of burst. If the ROF is 15, and the burst duration is 2 seconds, then the weapon will fire 30 rounds in a burst.

Cooldown - the time between shots or bursts in weaponry that uses clips.

Critical_tables - explain what criticals can be caused on enemy units at various health levels. Stickies and fausts are pretty much the only ones capable of giving engine damage criticals at green health, and lugers are the only things capable of critical killing an infantry man at green health(referred to as headshots in slang).
Kill criticals are generally only applied at red health, however.

Wind-up - the amount of time the weapon will take to prepare itself for the shot. Generally a pretty buggy entity due to the fact that the rest of the fire cycle starts immediately after the end of wind-up, even if it's interrupted. (wind-down, cooldown, reload etc.)
Wind-down - the time the weapon takes to recover from the shot. Adds to cooldown.

Offhand is probably a relic from the alpha days of the game where it was used for something. Gamesguy will likely explain better, if he knows.

Tracking gives you the speed at which the gun can turn, as well as the fire cone. The cone angle can be best seen in weapons like the ATG, whereas tracking is most noticeable on tanks(it tells the unit how fast it's turret can turn).

LeoPhone Offline
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« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2010, 02:33:04 pm »

thanks mysthalin, info added.

and to all the crosix n00bs: if you dont understand anything ask mysthalin.

he is the STATS KING
Mysthalin Offline
Tired King of Stats
Posts: 9028

« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2010, 02:38:52 pm »

Me or gamesguy, anyway, yeah.
winisez Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 400

« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2010, 11:36:54 am »

I heard gamesguy can warp space and time with the rgd's....he just cbf.
LeoPhone Offline
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« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2010, 07:48:42 am »

Where can i find the dmg modifiers m18 amush shot gives?
go to attrib\attrib\ebps\races\allies\_europeinruins\vehicles\m18_hellcat.rgd\gamedata\camouflage_ext\first_strike_actions\ability_actions\action_01\modifiers

and where can i find the bonus of cw tank commander?
tank commander only increases sight. how much sight can be found in attrib\attrib\upgrade\_europeinruins\cw\items\commonwealth_tank_commander.rgd
« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 12:43:16 pm by LeoPhone » Logged
Malgoroth Offline
Posts: 960

« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2011, 08:43:28 pm »

im a noob... sry
« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 08:46:09 pm by Malgoroth » Logged
TheIcelandicManiac Offline
Resident forum troll. Fucked unkn0wns mom
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« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2011, 11:11:31 am »

hey sorry to desturb but i need some help,
everytime is start the modstudios.exe i get a Error that says that it cant start due to the faqt that it the file MSVCP71.dll is missing.
i have tryed downloading the file 3 times now but no change even tryed start with admin but it seams not to work for me.
please help if you have the time to waste.

Quote from: Grundwaffe
gj icelandic i am proud of u  Smiley
Sometimes its like PQ doesnt carrot all.

Work Harder
LeoPhone Offline
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« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2011, 11:51:39 am »

added custom dl to 1st post. try that.
TheIcelandicManiac Offline
Resident forum troll. Fucked unkn0wns mom
Posts: 6294

« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2011, 12:43:20 pm »

okey it works now.
TheIcelandicManiac Offline
Resident forum troll. Fucked unkn0wns mom
Posts: 6294

« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2011, 12:56:41 pm »

I have been looking trough Corsix for some time now and finnaly Hydroo explained to me that i was looking trought the wrong folder Of this all But now i have started wondering.
Wth Dose the vampire halftrack do?
it has 10+ shorter sight than an inf PE gren squad and its only ability i can notice (exept if you have Luftwaffe doc) Is steal resorces.
So could one of you guys explane to me what the hell the ability dose for i have been looking trough it and i can find anything about it exept The ability section it links to but i cant figure out what it dose there.
Can one of you guys further my education of this weird ass blob of confusion?
EliteGren Offline
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« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2011, 01:04:40 pm »

Infantry awareness and 40 radius detection

i prefer to no u
Don't knock it til uve tried it bitchface, this isn't anything like salads version. Besides u said a semois conversion would never work, now look that's the most played map, ohgodwhy.jpg r u map lead
Hydro Offline
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« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2011, 01:05:49 pm »

I have been looking trough Corsix for some time now and finnaly Hydroo explained to me that i was looking trought the wrong folder Of this all But now i have started wondering.
Wth Dose the vampire halftrack do?
it has 10+ shorter sight than an inf PE gren squad and its only ability i can notice (exept if you have Luftwaffe doc) Is steal resorces.
So could one of you guys explane to me what the hell the ability dose for i have been looking trough it and i can find anything about it exept The ability section it links to but i cant figure out what it dose there.
Can one of you guys further my education of this weird ass blob of confusion?
Steal resources is probably awarness

If you want to know what ability does, you need to look at ability file and it section- action, if you will find proper one (mostly 1st is for main action, like barrage in howitzer etc). In that section is about vampire aura and other things like :range, is it circle, square or sector. Also I'm not sure is it exactly in steal resources or in vampire lockdown (you will find it in sbps probably)
TheIcelandicManiac Offline
Resident forum troll. Fucked unkn0wns mom
Posts: 6294

« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2011, 01:38:20 pm »

Okey thanks.
TheIcelandicManiac Offline
Resident forum troll. Fucked unkn0wns mom
Posts: 6294

« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2012, 05:41:23 pm »

Could you reupload the custom download for me?
the official one seems to be bugged/not working.
LeoPhone Offline
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« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2012, 06:02:31 pm »

I do that with pleasure my great friend icelandic.

TheIcelandicManiac Offline
Resident forum troll. Fucked unkn0wns mom
Posts: 6294

« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2012, 06:04:46 pm »

Thanks leo.
Shabtajus Offline
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The very best player of one of the four factions.

« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2012, 08:28:00 am »

I do that with pleasure my great friend icelandic.

wtf leo is so nice?  Cheesy

I feel like if Smokaz and Shab met up it would be a 50/50 tossup to see which one of them robbed the other first.
Tries to convince people he's a good guy,says things like this. Scumbag Shab.
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