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Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
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Topic: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys) (Read 41120 times)
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Steven Spielberg
Posts: 3713
Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
June 08, 2010, 08:38:03 am »
Hey everyone,
with the influx of the new players it would be good to get some feedback.
1. Where did you hear first about EiR, what were your first impressions?
2. What made you try the mod?
3. How went your first games/first experience with the mod?
4. What's your general view on things so far?
Feel free to add additional comments
Chess master
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Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #1 on:
June 08, 2010, 09:56:02 am »
1. MoDB (not sure 100%), after reading lot of stuff about it I decided to download it.
2. I was searching for realistic mods, it was realistic in macro way.
3. I think I did gren spam on a shitty vanilla vcoh map it was 3v3 can't remeber who won.
4. To much grind, promote newb helping, noobs still don't watch video tuts.
Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 12:06:43 pm by Draken
Posts: 1536
Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #2 on:
June 08, 2010, 10:06:43 am »
1. Where did you hear first about EiR, what were your first impressions?
I was on Filefront looking for some good multiplayer maps to download and play with my friends, then I saw this mod and watched some youtube videos to learn how it worked.
2. What made you try the mod?
The youtube videos explained everything about the game and got me interested in the mod.
3. How went your first games/first experience with the mod?
Intriguing but very sluggish. I lost so many games and had to strive to learn and get better.
4. What's your general view on things so far?
The mod is finally where it should be.
Quote from: Alpha TIG on August 08, 2012, 11:55:14 pm
No tits, but i will bake a cake then eat it in honour of Sir Condor The 3rd
Quote from: Smokaz on August 14, 2012, 04:15:58 pm
fuck the pgren rifle, fucking dogshit weapon
Quote from: TheIcelandicManiac on November 28, 2012, 04:04:22 pm
My beautiful black pussy won
EIR Veteran
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Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #3 on:
June 08, 2010, 10:15:36 am »
1. Where did you hear first about EiR, what were your first impressions?
I came across it in while reading the Relic forums. I was away from playing CoH for over a year and had just came back to it, so i was browsing the forums to check things out and heard about EiR
2. What made you try the mod?
Seemed very interesting and to be honest i was quite bored by playing the same maps/setups/campaigns over and over again.
3. How went your first games/first experience with the mod?
As someone said in this forum in another thread: "annihilation is an understatement"...
Well that's what happened to me in the first games i tried. It still very hard for me but I like the mod and trying hard to get to know it better.
I hope the mod is here to stay and evolve, love it!
4. What's your general view on things so far?
Hard, hard , hard and... VERY HARD! Especially on newcomers. I hope as i log in more and more games will get better. But in any case it's fun and have a very good time playing the mod. Great people here too.
P.S: I have recorded my first ever victory in a 4v4 game a couple of days ago. I might upload it so people see it and get expert opinions/suggestions etc. Was a fun game too !
Propaganda Minister
Posts: 3060
Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #4 on:
June 08, 2010, 11:55:51 am »
1. Where did you hear first about EiR, what were your first impressions?
Tales of Heroes. Finally someone went ahead and tried to materialize persistancy, and what a platform to do it on!
2. What made you try the mod?
The concept
3a How went your first games?
Stomped'em. I remember 1v1-ing Corsix in his first game, which might have been bad for the mod
He was in correspondence with fldash back then.
b First experience with the mod?
All stormtroopers, baby! (they could HT reinforce for 48 MP and retreat to spawn and come back !!!)
Actually first experience was bland, back in spring 2007 you only had preset companies, no persistance, no launcher, no doctrines etc etc
4. What's your general view on things so far?
Strong game
Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 11:58:00 am by Lai
EIR Veteran
Posts: 206
Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #5 on:
June 12, 2010, 07:47:45 am »
1. Where did you hear first about EiR, what were your first impressions?
I saw xFire live videos, and this mod seemed very interesting.
2. What made you try the mod?
I'd like to try something new. And when I saw that we could play CoH AND EiRR distinctly (I've tried Eastern Front before but I didn't like to have the game changed) I decided to download it.
3. How went your first games/first experience with the mod?
Wow,in the first games I was stomped all times ! Now I begin to win some games.
I thought before that I couldn't win any game. But now I enjoy this game a lot (brit blob powaaaaa) !
4. What's your general view on things so far?
This game is a really alternative to the vCoH. When I've time to wait on the battle screen( yes that's for me the only defect of the mod...you need to be VERY patient
) I play it,and when I haven't time I play skirmishes.
I like the persistency of this game, and I wish this game will keep going better and better.
The Brain and Muscle
Posts: 2778
Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #6 on:
June 12, 2010, 01:45:32 pm »
1. Where did you hear first about EiR, what were your first impressions?
Hmmm I don't remember where I heard about EIR. I've always known about its existence but never tried it.
2. What made you try the mod?
Shortly before Reinforcements came out.
3. How went your first games/first experience with the mod?
I spammed games and caught the attention of Lai.
4. What's your general view on things so far?
Whoever is RGD Lead needs to get back to work.
Quote from: aloha622 on March 28, 2010, 07:11:18 pm
prove it and you'll win
Quote from: bbsmith on March 28, 2010, 07:21:29 pm
I win.
Quote from: aloha622 on March 28, 2010, 07:30:53 pm
k u win.
Honoured Member
Posts: 2238
Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #7 on:
June 12, 2010, 01:53:45 pm »
1. Where did you hear first about EiR, what were your first impressions?
From Malevolence.
2. What made you try the mod?
3. How went your first games/first experience with the mod?
Pak spam is overpowered on RTC.
4. What's your general view on things so far?
Starcraft 2 sucks.
Propaganda Minister
Posts: 3060
Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #8 on:
June 12, 2010, 02:27:47 pm »
Quote from: bbsmith on June 12, 2010, 01:45:32 pm
1. Where did you hear first about EiR, what were your first impressions?
Hmmm I don't remember where I heard about EIR. I've always known about its existence but never tried it.
2. What made you try the mod?
Shortly before Reinforcements came out.
3. How went your first games/first experience with the mod?
I spammed games and caught the attention of Lai.
4. What's your general view on things so far?
Whoever is RGD Lead needs to get back to work.
You had 0 wins 19 losses when I found you. Your stats didn't fool me that easily
EIR Veteran
Posts: 1128
Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #9 on:
June 12, 2010, 02:32:19 pm »
1. Where did you hear first about EiR, what were your first impressions?
- I browsed MoDDB filtered Coh, This looks cool and new.
2. What made you try the mod?
- As mentioned, This looks cool and new.
3. How went your first games/first experience with the mod?
- Got stacked multiple times, but it was fun.
4. What's your general view on things so far?
- Balance issues left to deal with & launcher completion or else i think EiR is a really good mod.
SublimeHauken - Back from the dead - Since 2007'
Tired King of Stats
Posts: 9028
Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #10 on:
June 12, 2010, 02:47:10 pm »
1. Where did you hear first about EiR, what were your first impressions?
A video by Salan on youtube. First impression : IT R AWESOME NEED NOW.
2. What made you try the mod?
Salan's epic video.
3. How went your first games/first experience with the mod?
A start consisting of no AT whatsoever gets fairly horribly raped by a tiger.
4. What's your general view on things so far?
Tank Command ftw.
Posts: 4051
Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #11 on:
June 12, 2010, 02:49:37 pm »
I think this thread was aimed at new people
EIR Veteran
Posts: 256
Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #12 on:
June 12, 2010, 02:50:50 pm »
1. Where did you hear first about EiR, what were your first impressions?
Lai and Unknown talking about it in a Vcoh game
2. What made you try the mod?
Lai and Unknown Told me to try it
3. How went your first games/first experience with the mod?
I was was stacking from the start with Lai and unknown
4. What's your general view on things so far?
I like it ?
Tired King of Stats
Posts: 9028
Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #13 on:
June 12, 2010, 02:58:48 pm »
I was BORN new, nugnug.
EIR Regular
Posts: 45
Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #14 on:
June 12, 2010, 03:30:08 pm »
1. Where did you hear first about EiR, what were your first impressions?
From Lionel23
2. What made you try the mod?
Loved vCoh back in the day, the idea of a persistent army with vet options and doctrines really appealed to me.
3. How went your first games/first experience with the mod?
Didnt have an army my first game! Terror/Zeal Axis =/
4. What's your general view on things so far?
Good, like waffles.
EIR Veteran
Posts: 50
Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #15 on:
June 12, 2010, 03:43:59 pm »
1. Saw it on moddb.com
2. I try nearly every mod for CoH on there.
3. I got crushed first game but had fun.
4. Loving my Airborne!
I started about a week ago.
EIR Regular
Posts: 1
Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #16 on:
June 12, 2010, 09:52:20 pm »
Hi everyone,
ModB after looking for zombie mods for company of heroes i got into here and decided to check it out. Looks cool.
EIR Regular
Posts: 5
Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #17 on:
August 28, 2010, 12:56:34 pm »
1. GR.org, first impressions were: nice game mode and keep squad lvl´s over time made it interesting
2. Want to try it out by my self
3. 1 Win 3 losses. Due to the problem to less people playing it i was forced to play against high lvl´s
4. Will play more games and get a better mic for Vent
Resident forum troll. Fucked unkn0wns mom
Posts: 6294
Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #18 on:
January 18, 2011, 06:10:44 am »
1. From Operation market garden
2. Tierd of getting kicked out of everygame i joined becouse it was not a stack.
3. it was fun playing and had fun spamming rangers and playing with that guy that got married.
4. they are good but this mod really has problomes with people compaling about what is op and what is not.
Quote from: Grundwaffe
Quote from: Shabtajus on May 18, 2013, 02:16:45 am
gj icelandic i am proud of u
Quote from: aeroblade56 on June 21, 2013, 11:47:37 am
Sometimes its like PQ doesnt carrot all.
Work Harder
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Posts: 2210
Re: Where did you hear about EuropeInRuins? (To the new guys)
Reply #19 on:
January 18, 2011, 07:28:35 am »
1. Where did you hear first about EiR, what were your first impressions?
Mod DB
2. What made you try the mod?
3. How went your first games/first experience with the mod?
Old terror Doctrine FTW
4. What's your general view on things so far?
Good in general, allthough things are going s little downhill with all the stacks and lack of new blood. It just needs a refreshing.
I will never forget the rage we enduced together
Quote from: brn4meplz on March 08, 2013, 12:46:54 pm
Ohh Good, AmPm can pay in Doubloons.
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