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Topic: Map (Read 11929 times)
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Commander, 2nd Infantry Division
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Re: Map
Reply #20 on:
August 15, 2007, 12:31:47 pm »
Oh, sounds interesting!
So tell me if this is right... Let's say I have company A on the French-German border, I might be able to attack/defend anywhere in a say 100 mile radius of that position (or since our map is going to be sector based, I might be able to attack/defend in my sector and any directly adjacent sector). If I want to attack way up at the Northern German-Belgian border, I would order company A to travel there and it would take X minutes during which my company would be unavailable. After X minutes, company A would become available again, this time in a northern sector and would be able to participate in attack/defense. Is this correct?
What happens in the case of a simultaneous attack? Two sectors attack eachother at the same time? Or would whichever one came first take precedence? What about attacking a sector from which an attack is underway? So like Sector 1 attacks sector 2 but sector 3 attacks sector 1?
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Re: Map
Reply #21 on:
August 15, 2007, 12:57:50 pm »
I believe the devs have stated the name of their system was an 'always on' system.
ie who ever is online defends/attacks where-ever they are needed / ordered/ want to.. depending on the cycle and how far the chain of command has been developed at the time of the game in question.
This means that you can instigate an attack anywhere on teh front and just have to wait for a defender to fill the spot. No set positions on the field where you have to attack from or move through in order to get attacking. Why? Because with connection issues and population amounts it would be silly to lock you into one sector and force you to sit there for hours to watch everyone but you get fights because you got matched up against opponents you either can't connect to , or are in a different time zone and opposing play times.
and so the free movement and attack / defend options ultimately are the best ... you lose your coherent tactical idea of bypassing a really good well developed player as they can just jump to block wherever, but for playability it is essential not to limit a players ability to simply get a game as much as possible.
atleast this is how I understood the explanation I was given.
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Re: Map
Reply #22 on:
August 15, 2007, 01:06:24 pm »
What salan said.
We want players to just log in and be able to play, rather than having to schedule matches which would really form a big hurdle for a mod with a community this "minor". It's a lot less hassle and you get to play whenever you feel like it.
This obviously does mean that we can't exactly have people's companies attached to a certain sector.
By the looks of it in the initial system it's likely that players will just play battles anywhere on the frontline on the warmap and that way decide where the frontline is going. (And later they might be able to choose which frontline sector to fight for etc.)
We have major plans with the warmap as well but first we need the very basics in
Lieutenant General of all Ninja's.
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Re: Map
Reply #23 on:
August 15, 2007, 02:06:43 pm »
your saying about getting mached with people who arn't online, in diff timezone etc, that wouldn't be a problem if the only people you are able to mach up with are the ones online, i think it would be cool if you could decide to tae your division on a campain say up the northern part of france and if their is limited defenders there then you can have some sectors etc.
this would allow for more stratigic map play, some people attack down south so the axis army move that way to defend and some AB divisons attack the north were there is limited or no defence and take a few sectors unchallenged, and then the axis move back up then the AB players have to fight to keep the area.
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Re: Map
Reply #24 on:
August 15, 2007, 02:18:21 pm »
What about everyone having their division in a position on the map and you can only initiate an attack from that position. However any defender can defend against you and any attacker can join you in the attack. (the numbers that can join will depend on other forces in close proximity).
If you get to inititiate say 1 battle a day, you can then get the feel of where your division is and what it is doing. As you can also join other battles anywhere on the map you can get extra games in.
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Re: Map
Reply #25 on:
August 15, 2007, 02:27:55 pm »
That's a darn good idea, will bring that up on the dev forums when we're actually discussing the technical side.
509th Airborne
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Re: Map
Reply #26 on:
August 15, 2007, 02:41:13 pm »
What happens if people choose to exploit the system and don't defend against attacks, they just join attacks elsewhere?
509th Airborne
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Re: Map
Reply #27 on:
August 15, 2007, 02:42:39 pm »
Then they don't get a game and everything is going to be sad?
509th Airborne
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Re: Map
Reply #28 on:
August 15, 2007, 02:49:53 pm »
I was considering that the other side could attack while ignoring your own attack, hence meaning they can never lose ground only take it. Due to the way resources work this would make a very one sided game.
Imagine: Patton: "Lets go, we'll be in Berlin by Christmas!"
Captain: "Sir, Jerry isn't going to defend this sector, we can't attack sir"
Patton: "Huh, what? Those kraut bastards, alright boys, we can't attack because they won't play fair"
Radio guy: "Sir, Jerry just took the sector west of us, it looks like they ignored us and attacked somewhere else!"
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Re: Map
Reply #29 on:
August 15, 2007, 02:52:10 pm »
I suppose that they forfeit the territory, or maybe no new offensives can be initiated until the last attack has been set up in the launcher.
Also now I think about it 1 attack per player per day might be a bit much if people have to join attacks and defend. Maybe it should be 1 every 2 days ( to prevent the need for everyone to play about 8 battles if everyone is here and attacks)
Propaganda Minister
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Re: Map
Reply #30 on:
August 15, 2007, 03:18:12 pm »
There was an idea about having to defend a third of the games.
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Re: Map
Reply #31 on:
August 15, 2007, 03:59:36 pm »
another possibility is making the attacker forced to hold the captured sector for a set # of games or time limit (based upon difference in online players between teams) without TAV reinforcement. This would delay the attacks and provide an excellent reason to attack that company (regain territory), creating a natural attack/defense game balance without any explicit limits. Of course or any of this to work and to prevent attacks and defenders from bypassing each other completely, territory MUST BE VALUABLE.
Lt. BootStrap
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Re: Map
Reply #32 on:
August 17, 2007, 02:06:24 pm »
Like in RISK, adjacency assures that attacks are only available against occupied territories. Given the name of the Mod, Germany holds all of Europe at this point. Initially, all attacks come from the British Isles and each sector captured is turned from RED (german owned) to Blue (american owned).
That way a quick look at the map will show how the war is progressing, assuming the outcome is inevitable.
It also allows different battalions to start off in different coastal countries with the plan being meet up at Germanys main border. Or, in spite of history, the landings never succeed and the Allies are forced to keep trying to get onto the mainland.
On D-Day, the British Isles are Blue and Europe is all RED/Yellow whatever. Let's see if History can actually be repeated. LOL
P.S. AB paratroops can jump over one/two sectors that are adjacent to allow them the element they were so famous for.
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Re: Map
Reply #33 on:
August 17, 2007, 02:15:37 pm »
I would have thought that a war should start somewhere in the middle of western europe assuming the game is balanced, otherwise the allies would almost never get out of normandy
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Re: Map
Reply #34 on:
August 17, 2007, 02:24:38 pm »
After all, the Allies won't have the French resistance, ULTRA, and the fact that every German agent in Britain was either a double agent or dead. It would be much, much harder to plan Operation Fortitude than the previous time. In fact, invading from Britain might be impossible this time since everybody knows exactly what will happen.
Last Edit: August 17, 2007, 02:50:41 pm by acker
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Re: Map
Reply #35 on:
August 17, 2007, 05:02:05 pm »
It'll probably start D-day +10 or whatever, in which Allies have a good portion of territories in France but still need to break out more. We didn't really talk about this yet though but that seems most likely
17th Airborne Division - Thunder From Heaven
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Re: Map
Reply #36 on:
August 18, 2007, 01:46:26 am »
ooooh, ask me, ask me. Seriously, i have some really good stuff for making a map. I have a book thats got stuff about the campaigns from D-Day to attacking Berlin. There are copys of letters, maps, artillery maps etc. All for the allies. I could scan the pictures if you want.
CoH:Eastern Front
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