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Topic: Japan Before & After (Read 20135 times)
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #40 on:
March 17, 2011, 06:10:38 am »
So.... who made money on "shorting" the JPY market?
Its in bad taste, but many traders (and probably the banks) made profits off natural disasters.
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #41 on:
March 17, 2011, 08:29:54 am »
Quote from: Nevyen on March 17, 2011, 02:24:31 am
I just find it funny that those on here who go on about it not affecting them etc.
Take a close look at the financial markets lads, you may not feel it right away but when the cost of recovery is marked at approx 5% of the GDP of japan, and that japan has significant investment in the USA. It will start to hurt.
The true scale of this tragedy is that one of the major economies of the world will probably be put back about 5 -6 years in economic growth, that hurts everyone. This not like when a similar event that happened in Indonesia, their economy is not as interconnected as japan's is.
The entire western world will need to do something and soon to avert another financial flip flop on the back of this. the possible nuclear disaster will have very serious economic consequences, add the libyian issue which has seen oil go above 100usd a barrel and well we will all feel this.
I expect QE 2 or 3 (or whatever the number it is that the US is on) sometime this year. Print another 1/2 trillion dollars to keep the US from crashing then after that, it's only a matter of time before the US dollar becomes a worthless piece of paper.
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #42 on:
March 17, 2011, 08:47:02 am »
Quote from: Groundfire on March 17, 2011, 08:29:54 am
I expect QE 2 or 3 (or whatever the number it is that the US is on) sometime this year. Print another 1/2 trillion dollars to keep the US from crashing then after that, it's only a matter of time before the US dollar becomes a worthless piece of paper.
Soon the USA will reach the legal limit for how much money it can burrow.
The US economy is approaching its own collapse, the only question is when that will happen.
Quote from: Tymathee on March 01, 2012, 03:10:58 pm
Demon posession is real and it's not funny, it's the creepiest thing you will ever experience.
Quote from: Jodomar on October 18, 2012, 09:45:42 am
I would also like to add I watch fox news everyday all day and will continue to watch it while being proud of that fact. I'm sure you enjoy your communist news network just as much.
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #43 on:
March 17, 2011, 08:57:12 am »
Quote from: Sachaztan on March 17, 2011, 08:47:02 am
Soon the USA will reach the legal limit for how much money it can burrow.
The US economy is approaching its own collapse, the only question is when that will happen.
Were not going to hit that limit. (we've already passed it)
Technically, the US congress will never fail to extend our debt celing. The question is when oil suppliers stop accepting payment in US dollars, unlinking the dollar from the only tangible asset it's pegged to.
Misinformation Officer
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #44 on:
March 17, 2011, 11:15:23 am »
Speaking of Libya. I find it funny that the EU insulted Canadian Oil products for being slightly dirtier to make... But the EU still buys $100 Million in Oil from Libya each day. Dirt washes easier then blood
He thinks Tactics is a breath mint
Quote from: Unkn0wn on July 31, 2012, 03:50:15 am
Wow I think that was the nicest thing brn ever posted!
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the pussy of a prostitute is not tight enough for destroy a condom
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #45 on:
March 17, 2011, 12:00:33 pm »
Quote from: Nevyen on March 17, 2011, 02:24:31 am
I just find it funny that those on here who go on about it not affecting them etc.
Take a close look at the financial markets lads, you may not feel it right away but when the cost of recovery is marked at approx 5% of the GDP of japan, and that japan has significant investment in the USA. It will start to hurt.
I was going to say something like that, but then he said it.
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #46 on:
March 17, 2011, 12:25:19 pm »
I feel sorry for them too, all the things they put so much work and money in, all gone. But people dying, well that's just nature. They were gonna die of natural causes anyways. This just speeded things up a bit.
Sharks are not monsters Henley, they are cute, cuddly and misunderstood. They love humans. sometimes they love TOO much. They love people so much that sometimes their kisses separate people into two flailing pieces which are consumed by other sharks in a frenzy of peace and joy.
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #47 on:
March 17, 2011, 12:58:09 pm »
Quote from: PonySlaystation on March 17, 2011, 12:25:19 pm
I feel sorry for them too, all the things they put so much work and money in, all gone. But people dying, well that's just nature. They were gonna die of natural causes anyways. This just speeded things up a bit.
Dont you think it should be the other way around? Lives > material
Quote from: deadbolt
bad luck skaffa> creates best and most played eir maps
> hated for creating best and most played eir maps
Quote from: Tachibana
47k new all time record?
Quote from: deadbolt
Don't knock it til uve tried it bitchface, this isn't anything like salads version. Besides u said a semois conversion would never work, now look that's the most played map, ohgodwhy.jpg r u map lead
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #48 on:
March 17, 2011, 01:01:24 pm »
Quote from: BigDick on March 16, 2011, 02:16:25 pm
we have really some childish fags in eir community here
there are thousands of people dieing and complete towns destroyed because of natural disasters and on top of that one of the biggest nuclear disasters in humankind and all some fags do is making jokes about it or saying /care because of some shit in ww2 last century
grow up noobz and have a cup of real-life that is no game like coh
thats not true, my mate had just broke up with his japanese girlfriend. so i just told him don't worry mate, there is plenty more
in the sea. LOLOLOL.
Also japan just got a bad spawnpoint, need to l2build base in a new spot.
Quote from: jackmccrack on August 03, 2014, 01:58:51 pm
Like Jesus, Keeps died for us
He made a funny thread for bear, and got banned.
Now bear makes his own funny thread. It's unsurprisingly not funny.
Keeps died for our funny threads.
Resident forum troll. Fucked unkn0wns mom
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #49 on:
March 17, 2011, 01:06:19 pm »
So dickish but yet so funny.
Quote from: Grundwaffe
Quote from: Shabtajus on May 18, 2013, 02:16:45 am
gj icelandic i am proud of u
Quote from: aeroblade56 on June 21, 2013, 11:47:37 am
Sometimes its like PQ doesnt carrot all.
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #50 on:
March 17, 2011, 01:13:13 pm »
Quote from: TheIcelandicManiac on March 17, 2011, 01:06:19 pm
So dickish but yet so funny.
Quote from: Mysthalin on May 27, 2013, 09:05:15 am
Yeah calbanes, I mean - some people like smokaz are still yet to win a single game, even though they've been around here for years.
Posts: 4051
Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #51 on:
March 17, 2011, 01:29:23 pm »
EIR Veteran
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #52 on:
March 17, 2011, 01:38:52 pm »
Quote from: BigDick on March 16, 2011, 02:16:25 pm
we have really some childish fags in eir community here
there are thousands of people dieing and complete towns destroyed because of natural disasters and on top of that one of the biggest nuclear disasters in humankind and all some fags do is making jokes about it or saying /care because of some shit in ww2 last century
grow up noobz and have a cup of real-life that is no game like coh
A mere thousand people dying? That's considered as sad? Just around 24 000 individuals die due to starvation each day, and this plainly YOUR fault, since you most likely eat meat.
(92% of the world's crop in sent to feed animals, that will in turn feed us).
Have a cup of real life? Of course, dear friend. Let's start by considering that you are an idiot biased by media, attaching importance only to the latest news. Let's then look at the fact that your simple comfort is not worth 50 human lives, (Unless, of course, you sold everything already to actually SAVE humans lives, which I highly doubt is the case, since you've got a comp. with an internet connection).
Then let's understand the fact that more than 155,000 people die EACH day. That is 3 times more than the whole death toll of Japan, if not more.
Don't pretend to be any better than anyone here with your "morals", which are innately retarded and oriented by medias.
So, you like your cup of real-life? Wanna have some sugar with it?
With Courage shall we Rise,
With Might shall we Fight,
With Glory shall we Stand,
With Honor shall we Falter,
For the Fatherland shall we Prevail.
Posts: 4051
Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #53 on:
March 17, 2011, 01:41:31 pm »
Quote from: SX23 on March 17, 2011, 01:38:52 pm
Have a cup of real life? Of course, dear friend. Let's start by considering that you are an idiot biased by media, attaching importance only to the latest news. Let's then look at the fact that your simple comfort is not worth 50 human lives, (Unless, of course, you sold everything already to actually SAVE humans lives, which I highly doubt is the case, since you've got a comp. with an internet connection).
Then let's understand the fact that more than 155,000 people die EACH day. That is 3 times more than the whole death toll of Japan, if not more.
Don't pretend to be any better than anyone here with your "morals", which are innately retarded and oriented by medias.
So, you like your cup of real-life? Wanna have some sugar with it?
The most funny thing is when in news they say that 500 something US soldiers died in Iraq or somewhere else in middle-east and its time to mourn.
I laugh at fuckers, they went to kill for money and they got killed , serves them right.
Sugar Daddy
Posts: 8890
Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #54 on:
March 17, 2011, 01:43:30 pm »
I should have known this thread would go this way........
Geez, while Wind was banned I forgot that he is, in fact, totally insufferable
Quote from: Hicks58 on June 05, 2013, 02:14:06 pm
I'm not going to lie Tig, 9/10 times you open your mouth, I'm overwhelmed with the urge to put my foot in it.
EIR Veteran
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #55 on:
March 17, 2011, 01:46:49 pm »
Quote from: tank130 on March 17, 2011, 01:43:30 pm
I should have known this thread would go this way........
Impressive pictures btw.
Probably Banned
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Posts: 4410
Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #56 on:
March 17, 2011, 02:00:16 pm »
Godzilla uses tsunami!
It's super effective!!
Japan faints.
rofl @ me.
Posts: 1219
Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #57 on:
March 17, 2011, 02:05:30 pm »
*Le sigh*
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #58 on:
March 17, 2011, 02:18:09 pm »
Quote from: Computer991 on March 17, 2011, 02:05:30 pm
*Le sigh*
Resident forum troll. Fucked unkn0wns mom
Posts: 6294
Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #59 on:
March 17, 2011, 02:22:37 pm »
Deadbolt, you are a little funny but you have gone to far.
even i love your troll stuff (even the NO U Stuff) But you have to far.
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