Good game against some smurfs,thought we are gonna loose when I saw their score,vet and higer level companyes. But in the end it was gg. You will see,EPIC officer killing sniper,lots of allied vet die(we didnt had all that much vet,since I had brand new company,and spiegas had 2 games with his...)
Vent ftw,even though only I had mic.
Best part was,one of them,after the game started to rage on others that they are cunts,tards etc. lol
Hydroo(def) wombraider
Spiegs(terror?) vs Iglooman
me(TH) SgtSavage
2 of them were armor,and 1 was inf. So you will see couple of pershings,and vet 2/3 shermans,who were ambushed and killed