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Author Topic: What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu  (Read 8160 times)
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WildZontar Offline
Posts: 1168

« on: April 20, 2011, 12:00:46 am »

So, I'm not exactly for sure how long I'm gonna stop being on my desktop computer, since I just turned it on today and received a message stating that Windows is no longer working properly, it did its little scan and found no results as to what the cause was. Restarted computer, still the problem existed, did a system restore from a previous date, the system restore failed 3/4 of the way, did it again and it still failed. Now I'm currently backing up my computer (Which hopefully saves Desktop files and videos!) and bringing it back to factory default, it's currnelty backing up and it's at 70% currently.

I guess I dun goof'd, but I don't have the faintest idea how, I did nothing yesterday but play my computer games and talk on Ventrilo, unless my computer devoloped a mind of it's own and it's now trying to piss me off for some unknown reason. And the day before that I was across the Country on the East Coast and so was my family.


On the bright side, this gives me time to paint my Cadian Veterans!

TL;DR My computer became an hero, and now I'm painting.

Zontar is a filthy sludge-dwelling muppet, thats why.
Scotzmen Offline
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« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2011, 12:03:41 am »

PonySlaystation Offline
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« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2011, 12:04:23 am »

did it say explorer.exe has stopped working?

Sharks are not monsters Henley, they are cute, cuddly and misunderstood. They love humans. sometimes they love TOO much. They love people so much that sometimes their kisses separate people into two flailing pieces which are consumed by other sharks in a frenzy of peace and joy.
AmPM Offline
Community Mapper
Posts: 7978

« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2011, 12:15:16 am »

Lets see some pics of your Cadians!

WildZontar Offline
Posts: 1168

« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2011, 12:53:07 am »

Lets see some pics of your Cadians!

I'm to lazy to post all the pictures again, so I'll give you my WIP thread, basically I'll constantly be posting in here with updates and new projects.


The guy with the Tyranid head and the backpack is pretty much done, I just need to work on the base, then onto the Grenade launcher guy.

I hate this Macbook with all my heart.

did it say explorer.exe has stopped working?

Nope, it couldn't even find the problem. I would boot up my computer, it would go through a normal loading, it would switch to the login screen, but it shows that an error occured with Windows that prevents it from working. Herp seconds laters and then it says it could not locate the error. Herpy Derpy hours laters and it's now at 82% and this factory default will hopefully fix the problem.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 01:13:08 am by WildZontar » Logged
AmPM Offline
Community Mapper
Posts: 7978

« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2011, 01:14:21 am »

I dont have an account there, so I shall critique here.

Use a slightly lighter red, devlan mud over that, then highlight with the original color.

Will add depth to your guys. How long have you been into it?
Chyper Offline
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Posts: 18

« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2011, 01:52:20 am »

Either people have a tendency to stear off topic quite easily here, or people are just more interested in your Cadians than your problem Cheesy It might just be a matter of both.

Nice Cadians bt ;)w
EIRRMod Offline
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« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2011, 01:55:32 am »

AmPM - do you happen to have a link to Nevyens Space Wolves company?

Those painted figures would make ANYONE drool!

Quote from: brn4meplz
Shit I'm pretty sure you could offer the guy a cup of coffee and he'd try to kill you with the mug if you forgot sugar.
Quote from: tank130
That's like offering Beer to fuck the fat chick. It will work for a while, but it's not gonna last. Not only that, but there is zero motivation for the Fat chick to loose weight.
Quote from: tank130
Why don't you collect up your love beads and potpourri and find something constructive to do.
AmPM Offline
Community Mapper
Posts: 7978

« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2011, 02:03:43 am »

Indeed I do, bastard has an airbrush to help him out.

Luckily, mine will be here soon too!


And my current project.


I think I need to get him a new combi melta. The one I used has been through a couple repaints and is getting really poofy looking.

Ah well, that can wait till I buy another commander box.
Nevyen Offline
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« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2011, 03:00:18 am »

That bastard does indeed have an airbrush Smiley  was a recent tourny and some guys where nice enough to take some photos of some recent work

will update the blog soon enough with all the new work and some WIPS

rambo124 Offline
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« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2011, 03:38:56 am »

Yall realise the tyranids guna win?
TheIcelandicManiac Offline
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« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2011, 04:49:47 am »

I love how all of the people on the forum play with Clay figures.  Cheesy

Quote from: Grundwaffe
gj icelandic i am proud of u  Smiley
Sometimes its like PQ doesnt carrot all.

Work Harder
NightRain Offline
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Posts: 3908

« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2011, 05:53:40 am »

Use EIRR tactics with Warhammer 40k figures. All points on the cheapest infantry for example just spam Imperial Guards or Eldar infantry. Or massive spam of orcs that works too. Screw tanks and aircraft! ZERGRUSH

Because a forum post should be like a woman's skirt. Long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
Sachaztan Offline
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« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2011, 08:13:29 am »

Use EIRR tactics with Warhammer 40k figures. All points on the cheapest infantry for example just spam Imperial Guards or Eldar infantry. Or massive spam of orcs that works too. Screw tanks and aircraft! ZERGRUSH

<3 green tide

Your kannons, tanks and rokkits miss all the time? Spam tankbustas and give them tankhammers (rokkit tied to a stick). For everything else spam choppas (and I do mean SPAM).

There, you now have an army consisting of 2 different cheap units, glhf stopping a horde of unbreakable (all orcs are unbreakable when their unit size is above 10) units that you barely can squeze into your deployment zone.

Sure if you do it outside a tournament and the opponent knows what you are taking they can counter it with flames and rapid fire weapons, but if they don't it's nigh unbeatable.

Demon posession is real and it's not funny, it's the creepiest thing you will ever experience.

I would also like to add I watch fox news everyday all day and will continue to watch it while being proud of that fact. I'm sure you enjoy your communist news network just as much.
brn4meplz Offline
Misinformation Officer
Posts: 6952

« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2011, 08:19:16 am »

I have a predisposition towards fire and would like to eventually one day have an army which consists largely of flame weapons.

He thinks Tactics is a breath mint

Wow I think that was the nicest thing brn ever posted!  Tongue

the pussy of a prostitute is not tight enough for destroy a condom Wink
smurfORnot Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 4715

« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2011, 09:58:49 am »

I am thinking about starting with 40k again...and not sure should Igo with either DE or DH?! First I thought about DH,sure,I wouldn't grey night models,since I aint shelling that much money for 5 models,and would convert them probably from DA robed veterans etc. Then I also looked at DE,whose tactics and mas vehiachle like also(those old riders can be found dirt cheap now,and firend has like 5 of them that are just collecting dusk...)
AmPM Offline
Community Mapper
Posts: 7978

« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2011, 11:49:07 am »

I'm building a competitive DE list. Also, it would eat that orc horde easily, first turn, 12 str 7 ap 4 large templates that reroll wounds, after that, good luck hitting all my skimmers with flicker fields and night shields.

Oh yea, and 36" turboboosting jetbikes squads doing flyby's and making 2d6+5d5 str 4 attacks as they fly over.

As it happens, most any good tournament list can handle infantry spam no trouble at all.
smurfORnot Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 4715

« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2011, 12:38:06 pm »

so is there any point in those bombers and flyers over normal ravager? they seem pricy,duno what are rules for them,but with their armor,seems they wont last loong.
AmPM Offline
Community Mapper
Posts: 7978

« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2011, 12:58:53 pm »

Think Ravager, with more death and much faster. They can move cruising speed and fire, meaning 4+ save and 12 armor and -6" range for enemy weapons vs them.

God yes!

My build is pretty simple

Baron Sathonyx (hide out somewhere and tries to avoid getting shot)
2x Raider Squads with Blaster and Splinter Cannon, Raiders with shields and Dark Lance
3x Trueborn 5x blasters in venoms with 2 splinter cannon
3x Fighters
2x 6 Reaver Jetbikes

17 str 8 ap 2 blasters per turn
4 str 6 ap 1 heat lances
8 str 8 ap 2 dark lances
36 splinter cannon shots

and death missles from the fighters as well

plus assorted small arms...

All able to move fast as hell and at worst with a 5+ invuln save.
smurfORnot Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 4715

« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2011, 01:47:55 pm »

have u tried that list?

U guess you only take baron for that extra tactical dice?

and list like that,all shooty,doesnt have problems with cc ones? you just avoid combat?

against shootie list,how does it fare?
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