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Author Topic: What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu  (Read 8161 times)
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WildZontar Offline
Posts: 1168

« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2011, 02:55:40 pm »

It's good to know people care about my computer  Roll Eyes

Ah well, it's still broken and last night was just backing up the files, today I'm doing the restore back to factory default.

Anyways, I'm liking this Warhammer 40k thread that's goin' on, keep with it, and don't lock this up!

@AmPm, I've been painting Warhammer 40k figures for about a year, although I'm not all that happy with doing highlights, I find them ugly and it makes the model looks less like an actual soldier. I'll do a test figure with highlights I guess. I would love to go over the Armor with Devian Mud, but the problem is that the closest hobby store that sells Gameworkshops products in my area is an hour drive, but with my Birthday coming up soon, I'll grab some extra cash and hopefully be able to earn myself a trip down there.

Zontar is a filthy sludge-dwelling muppet, thats why.
AmPM Offline
Community Mapper
Posts: 7978

« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2011, 04:56:31 pm »

Wild, that depends om the method of highlighting. I prefer a softer blend, so for red, I start with mecharite red, then mix in some blood red with mecharite red, then more blood red, then blood red mixed with orange. Use watered down paint, similar in consistency to milk and apply in smooth thin layers.

As for the DE build, the idea is to play keep away till last turn, then swoop on objectives. In kp games just go in and nuke vehicles and any squads with things like autocannons. Reavers handle close combat ok, do a fly by on the squad to be assaulted, then shoot them, then assault. That's 2d6+5d3 str 4 hits, then 4 splinter rifles, 2 heat lances, then assaulting....

Then again, the metagame here is full of melta spam, my units can kite that all day.

brn4meplz Offline
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« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2011, 05:59:04 pm »

When I was looking through the new Codex for IG I actually realized that given the strength of Fliers I'd need to take that Anti-Aircraft tank. When theres nothing left in the skies AA guns make excellent work of Infantry

He thinks Tactics is a breath mint

Wow I think that was the nicest thing brn ever posted!  Tongue

the pussy of a prostitute is not tight enough for destroy a condom Wink
AmPM Offline
Community Mapper
Posts: 7978

« Reply #23 on: April 20, 2011, 06:35:08 pm »

Exactly, and DE are the only codex with them built in. Its going to be massive first turn alpha strike followed by picking the enemy apart. Should be good fun.
smurfORnot Offline
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Posts: 4715

« Reply #24 on: April 20, 2011, 10:39:20 pm »

and what u use for your fliers? since models aint out yet,is there rule how 'big' they need to be?
AmPM Offline
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Posts: 7978

« Reply #25 on: April 20, 2011, 10:56:57 pm »

My Venoms will follow this build


There are a few Razorwing conversions I have been looking at.
smurfORnot Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 4715

« Reply #26 on: April 20, 2011, 11:02:01 pm »

I do like those,but too expensiv,since I also need raider for that which is expensive. I will get mysel vyper chassis(4-5 pounds) and use those for them,since other parts of vyper are not needed.
AmPM Offline
Community Mapper
Posts: 7978

« Reply #27 on: April 20, 2011, 11:09:19 pm »

You can just get the Raider parts too, also, there is a pretty decent plasticard conversion of a viper too.

I was planning to throw down about $450 on 1850pts.
WildZontar Offline
Posts: 1168

« Reply #28 on: April 23, 2011, 02:56:08 pm »

Well, my computer is completely botched up, the factory defualt and the system restore did not work whatsoever. My father and I will have to call up tech support and get this thing figured out.

Also, I made an update on my WIP thread.
Sachaztan Offline
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Posts: 2667

« Reply #29 on: April 24, 2011, 03:04:43 am »

Well, my computer is completely botched up, the factory defualt and the system restore did not work whatsoever. My father and I will have to call up tech support and get this thing figured out.

Also, I made an update on my WIP thread.

Sounds like hardware fuckup Wink

Prob motherboard.

Demon posession is real and it's not funny, it's the creepiest thing you will ever experience.

I would also like to add I watch fox news everyday all day and will continue to watch it while being proud of that fact. I'm sure you enjoy your communist news network just as much.
Demon767 Offline
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« Reply #30 on: April 24, 2011, 03:32:39 am »

Does your motherboard look like this?


Generalleutnant of The Reichs Wolves

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