A flash game, but an unfair and brutal flash game nonetheless, try it out and begin to rage.
Things that have happened to me on this game.
Wave 10 -
Trololol Blitz rush with Pak gun blows up my officer and forces the rest of my guys to run.
I lose at wave 11.
Around wave 20 next game -
Mortar comes out on round 1 and while I try and kill it, it gibs two guys immediately and I lose shortly afterwards.
Around wave 40 next game-
Trololol Tank rush I have no AT units on the field.
Next game wave 22 -
Trolol fail Bazooka guy that I bought gibbed one of my own officer thus losing morale and shortly after failing horrifically.
Next game wave 80 -
Wtf Santa comes out and I kill him.
Shortly after Blitzkrieg rush.
http://www.kongregate.com/games/urbz/mud-and-blood-2The first one is almost impossible, but they are both fun in their own ways.