so is it better to have LMG or go with them?
Id rather have them instead of the LMG.
They provide higher DPS all round, with only the disadvantage of not being able to suppress during engagements, and they also don't get the sexy 1.05 incremental accuracy modifier.
So basicly its like -
Scoped Mp44 vs LMG
27.54 vs 21.02 Short Range Raw DPS
Then when you add in infantry armour you get
27.54 vs 15.76500 Short Range against inf armour
No Suppression vs Suppresses no cover targets and prolonged engagement with long range targets(likely to die before they get suppressed lol)
35 Range Vs 40 Range
No incremental acc increase vs 5% acc increase per enemy man in search radius
Can Fire on move vs Needs Doc Buff to fire on move
So, if I was going against a big rushing blob, id take a LMG. It would proboly have alot more DPS when 3 rifleman squads are in the same area
If I was going into most normal situations without 3 blobiefied riflemen id take a Scoped Mp44.