I was curious to see if the new object "pine_l" (a giant pine tree) was crushable or not. So I made a tiny map with some objects and confined the AI to a little clearing surrounded by the new pine groves.
As to the large pine trees, they survived two goliath hits as well as repeated calliope barrages. They were not crushable by a tiger. But did eventually disappear after about 5 minutes of attack ground by two tigers, 2 goliath hits, a donkeyshrek and a mortar.
First bug is that they may be too strong.

tough little buggers!
I was about to quit when suddenly AI troops started attacking me.
Second bug is that the new pine groves appear to be passable (even though they show as red on the impass map). But not always. Only some parts. Infantry could easily run through. Vehicles had a little harder time.

A king tiger driving through the trees

A jeep driving through the trees
So watch out! Some new objects seem to be bugged!