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Author Topic: OF Worldbuilder Questions  (Read 16356 times)
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Wraith547 Offline
15th Panzer Division
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Posts: 593

« Reply #20 on: October 24, 2007, 07:32:15 pm »

I figured I would pass on the fruit of my labor and a short walkthrough for those silly enough to follow in my footsteps.

Step 1: Use the heightmap editor tool. Set feather to zero, and height to about .75 meter below where the terrain height currently is. (adjustable but this will put soldiers at about mid chest.

Step 2: Carve out the rough shape you want to BOTTOM of your trench to be. Tweak as necessary.

Step 3: Select the spline tool, go to wall->support and choose whichever fits your fancy. Lay the spline all the way around (if it is a curvy trench) or in sections (if it is boxy). Place the spline just above where the ground begins to curve up. CRUCIAL!!!-> Make sure the spline is set to wall mode and TURN OFF ADJUSTABLE TO TERRAIN!

Step 4: Click on the spline (which is more than likely under the terrain) and hold down the H key and move the spline up into place so it is situated nicely and evenly flush with the surrounding terrain.

Step 5: Use the heightmap tool to even out the entrances to make them passable

Step 6: Spline the floor, splat to taste and viola trench complete.

This one took me around 3 minutes

Kudos to Kolath for helping me through all this nonsense Grin

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: October 24, 2007, 07:36:28 pm by Wraith547 » Logged
Kolath Offline
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« Reply #21 on: October 24, 2007, 08:13:33 pm »

Nice work!

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Warbirds2 Offline
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« Reply #22 on: October 24, 2007, 08:37:47 pm »

This is the biggest trench (so far) in my upcoming map.  I made this awhile go, without this tutorial, and all of the trench walls are objects, since I couldn't figure out how to make the stupid trenches to stay level.  I could've used this tutorial awhile ago.   Tongue

Thanks for this, it just made trench building so much easier for me.

Attached image is my trench, complete with splats and lighting from light posts.  Though the lighting is flaky for me, and won't always show up when I load my map up in WB for some reason.

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: October 24, 2007, 08:47:26 pm by Warbirds2 » Logged
Wraith547 Offline
15th Panzer Division
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Posts: 593

« Reply #23 on: November 21, 2007, 09:54:34 am »

So I have another question.

How does everyone feel about borrowing bits and pieces from official relic maps?

In my case I was looking at taking their hangers from the carpiquet mission to use on Rheinhausen. They would look good as part of a steel works, and I dont feel like I have the ability to make them on my own.

Thoughts? I don't know how taboo this is considered.
Unkn0wn Offline
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« Reply #24 on: November 21, 2007, 09:58:04 am »

No taboo, I stamped some shit from Sturzdorf maps and threw it in airfield, then optimised it a little, etc Smiley.
It's also a great way to learn how they set up their "eyecandy" as you can completely de-assemble it.
Steinmarder Offline
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« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2007, 08:50:34 am »

mhhhhhhhhh, walls via splines, mhhhhhhh *wetting pants*

asked myself couple of times now why they didnt implement that in the WB, they did, me just
didnt see  Grin

Oh this will make working on walls n trenches so much quicker, hope there isnt much other stuff
im wasting hours with...  Smiley

Klagt nicht, kämpft!
Wraith547 Offline
15th Panzer Division
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Posts: 593

« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2007, 06:14:35 pm »

for real............?

Please don't tell me you did all those walls manually.....  I feel terrible for you.

If you ever have any other questions please feel free to put them out there, myself of anyone else on the map team (still not used to saying that) will be more than willing to try to help you out. I know getting into world builder is a to bitch.
Unkn0wn Offline
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« Reply #27 on: November 29, 2007, 02:36:57 am »

I remember doing the walls all manually on my very first map on the worldbuilder as well?
But that was a long time ago Smiley.

I also didn't know about road splines and simply used the tilings to create a road.
Steinmarder Offline
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Posts: 404

« Reply #28 on: November 29, 2007, 03:09:40 am »

Hm, i dont get this to work, spline on object mode, wall from the support section selected or added
to object list, nothing happens when i rightclick to create a new spline...  Huh
Unkn0wn Offline
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« Reply #29 on: November 29, 2007, 03:23:39 am »

You have to check off the white box.
Steinmarder Offline
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Posts: 404

« Reply #30 on: November 29, 2007, 03:27:58 am »

allright thanks now it works, awesome
Tharulerme Offline
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« Reply #31 on: November 29, 2007, 12:47:33 pm »

Some people just talked about taking things about the official relic maps, well I never stamp things and litteraly copy, but I do get minor idea's from them and remake them myself - such as the Indestructo-bridges (the ones that are just a heap of dirt with Canal Supports on their sides) which I almost always use because I am bad with normal bridges.

That brings me to two questions, I am good with mapping but I just never found out two things, first of all; what do you use/make on the edges of a bridge? Relic often makes the bridges a bit higher than the ground and then put's something in that goes diagonally in the ground, but I just can't build it that way (so basically how do you guys make a regular bridge?).
The second question is how do I get the grey area? In the maps from Relic the fog of war is like dark grey on the map, and also the area out of the playable zone is also dark grey? That's not the case in my maps so it must be an option right Huh

The first time my companies get on the top20 board and it's like this:
16 8th Infantry Eagle Company 740
17 8th Infantry Ghost Company 724
Unkn0wn Offline
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Posts: 18379

« Reply #32 on: November 29, 2007, 12:53:03 pm »

Relic often makes the bridges a bit higher than the ground and then put's something in that goes diagonally in the ground, but I just can't build it that way (so basically how do you guys make a regular bridge?).

There's bridge models in the WB Smiley?
Just use those, even if you raise the model its foundations will still be in the water.

The second question is how do I get the grey area? In the maps from Relic the fog of war is like dark grey on the map, and also the area out of the playable zone is also dark grey? That's not the case in my maps so it must be an option right

The Fog of War is automatically turned on once ingame, in the worldbuilder however you obviously see the entire map :-). (There's some Fog as a weather option but you can turn that off as well.)
In addition, make sure your actual map is larger than the playable area, else the world ends at the edges of the playable area and that looks really stupid Wink.
Tharulerme Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 122

« Reply #33 on: November 29, 2007, 01:00:00 pm »

You know, I am a mapper too I just never release my work Smiley

I know there are bridge models, but they all got such really annoying edges that don't fit too well and I see that Relic always put's something on the end (or in one map they had a sort of ramp going up to the bridge and how'd you make that?).

And you get me wrong with the fog of war, in CoH you see the normal Fog of War on the area that you have no vision on AND in the area that is not playable as dark grey - but that is not the case on my maps for some reason...

And to answer your question, I am not that stupid to make maps which playable area is equal to it's size :p
Tharulerme Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 122

« Reply #34 on: November 29, 2007, 02:43:02 pm »

Ok well I now see what they use for it, but that Fog of War thing still isn't there in my maps.
Tharulerme Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 122

« Reply #35 on: November 30, 2007, 09:56:54 am »

... You don't understand the problem do you?

I know what fog is and how to make that, but FOG OF WAR is the dark gray in all the places you can't see.

Fog is just simple decreasing your vision, but the Fog of War means you can simply enough see nothing of the enemy - it's the dark grey area, the zone you can't see through!

But on my maps it all remains a bit colourish (and yes ingame), so maybe you need to use sort of an option at Atmosperhic Properties but on which setting? I am not going to test every piece of fog level one by one so unless someone else knows it....
Unkn0wn Offline
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« Reply #36 on: November 30, 2007, 10:19:41 am »

It should be automatically created ingame, if it is not I'm not sure what could be the problem.
Seems to me you might have made a mistake in one of the very first map creation steps.

(Do you have territories? starting locations? etc)
Wraith547 Offline
15th Panzer Division
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Posts: 593

« Reply #37 on: November 30, 2007, 10:26:09 am »

I think I have a general idea of what you are going at here.

Correct me if I am wrong: The fog of war that is on your maps when you are testing them out shows some of the map color. The relic single player maps have a darker fog of war that obscures all the map color and looks better. Sound about right?

You want to include that on your maps you are working on?

I really don't think this is an option, certainly not one I have ever seen and I have gone through just about every tab available on WB. My guess is that it is probably something that is SCAR coded onto their maps, or perhaps only pertain to singleplayer maps. You could try using corsix to browse through the files and maybe unpack some campaign maps and look all of it over.

In reality this might be one you just might want to let go. Is it really worth the huge amount of effort? I think maps look fine with the default fog of war.

If I have all of this wrong and your FoW just isn't displaying anymore then I guess the best thing would be to just reinstall.

Hope this helps. I know worldbuilder can be a bitch.
Wraith547 Offline
15th Panzer Division
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Posts: 593

« Reply #38 on: December 08, 2007, 12:15:30 pm »

Another question:

How do I make sure there are two weather settings available for my map?

Also, can these different weather settings have time of day transitions included in them?

Appreciative as always Smiley
Unkn0wn Offline
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Posts: 18379

« Reply #39 on: December 08, 2007, 01:15:13 pm »

This really helped do it Smiley.

(Forget the part where he tells you to look up Code's, in another post in that thread it gives you a list of all the codes and what "description" they give ingame.)

And yes you can make transitions within the weather type.

Just use the Relic atmosphere/weather presets and if you want one with transitions look for a Relic one you like that has transitions Smiley.
(Making your own proper atmosphere/weather/transition is too much hassle & really won't be as good as Relic's
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