depends how you look at it. I am not poor,but I am a student,and dont earn much as it,and I am only allowed to earn around 1300euro a year
,yea,sucks,because my dad gets around 130 your per month for me,If I earn more than 1300 a year,he doesnt get that money,so I would need to earn another 1500euro just to cover for that loss,and that's around 2-3 months of work for a student,and because I have to go to my classes,you can only work 2-3 day per week. Currently I have nice payed job(3.3 euro per hour,which is one of the best pay's you can get as student here),but catch is,I only work when they need me,and right now,I was not needed for some time.
Then there are my dogs,for which I need to buy 40kg of food each month,and this right now takes away most of my money. + I rly hate to ask my dad to give me money,I just hate when I need to do that,and I only do it,when I rly dont have buck in my pocket.