Learn 2 clowncar?
1 Stickybomb = Engine damage on all non-skirted vehicles. 50% on skirted. Engine damage. Engine damage you might not be able to fix. Engine damage that disables 1 vehicle for a full game. Engine damage that screws in the worst case scenario 60% of someone's fuel. Sticky is fine. Its not lolIattackyouwithlikeitsafaust weapon. It is a disabler, a defencive weapon to prevent anything vehicle based to come close to your anti tank gun. In short. It is a tool to prevent armored bumrushes.
BUt it can still be armor bumed rushed. besides i thought thats what zooks are for flanking and protecting the atg?. Point being the sticky range is short you can have a over drive armored car take it out from out of sticky range and overdrive away. its to short to be a realistic defender of a atg against LV. now once it gets vet 2 thats a deffirent story it does its job.