This thread got to six pages?
Holy fucksticks......
forum ban and game ban should be separate.
I tend to agree, although in this circumstance, and a certain retort from wind, caused me to rethink that process.
We will be releasing a patch in the next couple of weeks, with a revised moderation and ruleset for the forums, because quite simply - I see a fuck-ton of dissention in here when any form of standing up for ourselves (The SDT) occurs.
Yes, we all troll, post stupid posts and lose our tempers - and I ain't gonna lie, tank loses it a lot, but you guys do too, and if theres nothing in place to keep these forums in check, we may as well add a 4 and a chan at the end our our website.
When it comes to how / what /why wind was banned and the severity - I was the final word on it all.
At the time of the patch/changes to come, I will chat with wind (hopefully) and see where I want to sit with the finality of the ban.
Lets put it this way, other than spammers, wind will be the second permabanned person on these forums, and I dont like to hand those out.
Im also going to be a dick-tater, and lock this thread - I dont want to see another like it please guys, its disheartening (Both for the SDT, and the community)