Taco, Macmillan, Crazy
Dlepah, Mina, Kipsinas
Reinforcements mode
The game featured extremely aggressive play by the Axis, pushing at every opportunity, with the Allies being forced out wide to reset the countdown timer repeatedly, while trying to keep enough units in the middle to not get pushed COMPLETELY back to spawn. Later on, as the Allies mount a counter-offensive, the Axis give up ground, only to pile on the pressure again. With the Allies running low and the Axis stuck in the middle protecting their low-health big guns, can the Allies pull off a miracle?
Featured units in the game: A pair of Jagdtigers, a King Tiger, a vet3 Flower Power Gun, an Achilles, a Comet, Assault Engineers, Storm shrek blobs, a Piat blob, Elite grenadiers, fireflies, a Calliope, an M3 Lee, and lots and lots of infantry