doctrines that probably werent half broken or timers on doctrines were fixed and capping stuff worked correctly. so none of the emplacements waiting to be fixed sillyness. or sprinting brens that dont do anything cuz they aint got any acc.
or maybe a launcher that didn't crash every few clicks would probably be nice. or didnt drain entire resource of a computer.
Most of everything you have posted here is exactly why we are forced to start over.
5-6 years of testing has proved without a doubt that the current doctrine system does not work. It will never work, it can't. We have proven that it is impossible to create 252 Free, unique, fun/interesting, meaningful abilities, balanced against each other.
Looking back at it now - whoever came up with the idea obviously had gone full retard.
Even if we kept the current system and scaled it back, or perhaps add costs, it would require massive recoding of the launcher.
I don't think you guys truly get how fucked up the launcher has become. When it was first created is was never intended to do all the shit it does now. It was created on a system that just can't handle what it does now - hence the crashes and resource usage.
Every time a change to it was made, it was put in like a band aid fix.
If you go into the code and make a small change to anything, it can cause a catastrophic wave of bugs across the whole system.
It may appear like just little issues need to be fixed, but to make those changes requires an insane amount of coding time because it's a cluster fuck. It may seem hard to believe, but we calculated it will take less coding time to create a completely new launcher than it will to fix the old one.
The platform of the new launcher will also allow us to make radical changes without creating the cluster fuck of code we currently have. In fact, it will allow us to essentially run multiple mod types on one launcher. Not that that is our plan, but that is how flexible the new launcher can be.
In a nut shell:
It is less work to start over than it is to try and fix what is broken. It is pointless to waste anymore time on a doctrine system that will never work.
EiR2 is not CoH2. Originally that was the plan, but the reality is we do not see CoH2 becoming fully moddable for a long time. When we realized we are basically fucked trying to fix EiR:R and CoH2 was not going to happen, it just made sense to rebuild EiR into something that can easily be amended later if CoH2 becomes moddable.
So for the record: Creating the new launcher and revamping doctrine design is part of completing EiR:R to 1.0